
Hi Everyone

Hope everyone is ok.

My dilemia is, im recovering from Bi-lateral Pneumonia and to say i was ill is a very big understatement. I want to build up my cardio and burn fat. already doing weights and i know my muscle is building as i can tell the difference.

But i still struggle with things like running. And considering id like to start playing football again isnt the best. Currently i can walk, bike, stepper and cross trainer, but has soon as i start running my lungs hurt so bad.

What is the best way to move forward and improve my lung capacity.

thanks for your time everyone



  • deagn5
    deagn5 Posts: 19 Member
    hi. mr. beckem you need to REST! your body needs to recover from the pneumonia, its going to take a couple of weeks. you are young and will heal quicker than an older person, that being said, pneumonia can be a serous illness (i think a 42 yr old in england just died from this, i believe she was a singer).
    i don't know if you can find it, or maybe get it from your doctor. but its called an incentive spirometer, what it does is increase your lung capacity, it looks like a chamber with a ball in it, with somekind of mouthpiece (there are different variations) and it has numbers on the side. it works like this; you exhale, place the mouthpiece in your mouth and then take a deep breath, and hold it instructions are to do this 3 times every hour while awake. this will slowly increase your lung capacity.
    i know you want to loose weight and exercise, which is great but you need to take care of your health first:flowerforyou:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Hope everyone is ok.

    My dilemia is, im recovering from Bi-lateral Pneumonia and to say i was ill is a very big understatement. I want to build up my cardio and burn fat. already doing weights and i know my muscle is building as i can tell the difference.

    But i still struggle with things like running. And considering id like to start playing football again isnt the best. Currently i can walk, bike, stepper and cross trainer, but has soon as i start running my lungs hurt so bad.

    What is the best way to move forward and improve my lung capacity.

    thanks for your time everyone


    If you continue to follow a proper training program, your fitness level will increase to where you can tolerate running a little better. Running is a high-intensity activity, there is no getting around that. Do some structured and progressive interval training on your other cardio modalities and increase your fitness level. Let your body recover and develop at it's own pace. You'll get there-just don't put any artificial timetables on the process.

    If you are getting close, then start your running on a treadmill where you can control the speed. Start at the lowest speed you can tolerate and start with 30 sec jog intervals combined with 2-3 min walking recovery intervals.