Acai Burn?

Ok, so quite some time ago (maybe a year ago now?) I heard about Acai Burn and signed up for the free trial. This was before I found MFP and got serious about eating right and exercising to lose weight. I was looking for a quick solution and thought that I had found it. I signed up for the free trial.

I KNOW that the site is out to get your money, I KNOW that they charge you every month and automatically sign you up for other sites. As soon as I realized I took care of that right away. So please, please please please, I do NOT want to hear about that.

I want to know if it WORKS. Every single site that supposedly "reviews" the product only talks about being charged and not being able to cancel or get in touch with the company. This is not helpful at all. Nor is "testimonials" from their website or other sites that are obviously run by them or have someone pushing for them on it.

I have a bottle of it sitting in my drawer at home that I've already paid for and dealt with the stress of getting. I didn't start it back then when I got it and I'm considering starting it now as a supplement to MFP. I've been losing weight, and that's been really great, but I just wish I could lose a little bit more. I know that these things take time, and I'm not giving up. It is just hard for me to see the changes in my body and sometimes I feel discouraged. If something like this works and helps me get some more of the weight off, that would be fantastic.

So what I want is to hear your stories! From REAL people that I know I can trust! Anyone used this particular product? What were the results? I only have the one bottle, which is a month's worth, and I'm definitely not going to go through that whole process to buy it again (even if it DOES work), so is that enough time to see any results? They claim that you can tell in 2 weeks. So if you've used the product and had any results, or NOT, I want to hear about! Are there side effects? All the websites claim that there is none. Stuff like that. Any information you can give me will be helpful.

Now, for anyone reading this that has not ordered the free trial- don't do it!!!! ;)


  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I've only heard the type of stories you mentioned. I think the juice is good for you, as in healthy, not sure it's a 'diet fix' though, simply a healthy juice.

    It's not something I would chose (the pill route) but to each his own, once I joined MFP I put all the diet methods behind me. I do pretty well on my own sticking to healthy eating and getting in my water and excercise.:wink:

  • deagn5
    deagn5 Posts: 19 Member
    i did buy those pills in a health store and i did not think they worked.
    i didn't notice any side effects from them when i did take them.
    what i think is working (other than this site and exersizing) is
    safflower oil. i have been taking this 1 tbsp once a day for about a month
    it decreases your appetite and is suppossed to decrease your belly fat.
    i definitely have seen a decrease in appetite, my belly has gone down a bit
    but i also have increased my activity. the only side effect can be loose stool.
    but nothing horrible.;)
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I do believe that diet pills work but the results don't last. I've lost weight on the diet pills I've taken but the weight comes right back. If you want to take the pills be aware that you might lose weight initially but have a high chance of gaining the weight back. Maybe only take one pill a day or every other day so the weight loss is at a slower pace that your body might keep off.