

  • I already got my dress and have put on a couple of pounds since then....I get anxiety that I won't fit into my dress! The dress I bought was nothing that I would ever think that I would buy! I wanted strapless and short kinda form fitting...well I got strapless but its long and poofy. It will be hemmed to be T length and…
  • I'm getting married in August and I want to loose 8 pounds! Its been a struggle for a long time....but I'm not giving up... 131 days to go....
  • count me in too.... :-0
  • I am also reading it and have taken wheat out of my diet per my NP. I do have more energy and sleep much better, more soundly. It is very interesting to see how wheat has changed and evolved due to man and how it effects your body. It can be a little tedious to read but Im powering through it.....
  • is it a 3 dvd set? i found one that is only 1 dvd...please advise I don't want to get ripped off! I tried to copy and past but it wouldn't let me
  • what do you do for 30DS? is it a specific workout? I only have 8 lbs to go with about 4% - 5% body fat along with those 8 lbs. more information would be great! TIA
  • We eat Kale ALL the time....its so good! I sauté with coconut oil and onions and in a separate tiny pot I cook down balsamic vinegar, which will turn syrup like and have a sweeter flavor! Even my kids eat the kale with the reduced vinegar. Sometimes we use just kosher salt and grated cheese.... yummy My next adventure is…
  • I have done WW in the past and I have been doing it for 2 years now. I was one of those extreme peeps, and I did a different kind of small group training at the gym. It was the lowest I have been since HS and I had lost 4% +/- body fat. I contribute that to the exercise just as much as my points and portion control. The…
  • I just tried Almond Milk today and its AWESOME... I'll take the 3 grams of fat to the 40 calories per cup. I had rice drink and its nothing compared to Almond Milk. I use the unsweetened vanilla, its great!!!!
  • I used to brush my teeth ( a long long long time ago when I used crappy toothpaste) if I had a sugar craving...it worked but I would keep a bag of dark hershey kisses and have 3-6 of them when I needed to have that FIX...I would let them melt and not chomp on them so the flavor would last.
  • OK!!! Im in....I should weigh about 135 in 5 weeks. I lost 3 pounds as of yesterday and GUESS WHAT!!!! THATS RIGHT....it came back plus 1 pound WTF?!?!? i don't go to the gym on Wednesdays and have not been going for a while....I ate rice crispies
  • yes both are just estimates and the equipment is set up as a computer that is programed for the input only and calculates the output based on that....I don't go by what the equipment says.... i go by how I feel and my own exhaustion at the end of the work out
  • I was 152 for a very long time and was a size 10-12. I did weight watchers 2 years ago and did some exercise changes and went down to 132 with 22% body fat. I was little to no wheat at the time and felt awesome, looked awesome and was a 4-6. I have gained unto about 10 lbs since the summer of 2010 and I am beside my self.…
  • I have a sensitivity and it is wreaking havoc on my intestines! I know it seems like the "FAD" thing to do but I need to..... thanks
  • YES! take a probiotic not just acidophilus....get a really good one at the local natural food store I take kyo*dophilus for digestion and immune health
  • 20 minutes on the treadmill where you walk for a minute then sprint for a minute with each sprint increasing in speed....it helps burn stored fat....try it out
  • Im gonna give this a shot this week....on school vacation!!! Weekly Goal: Mon: calories burned 423 muscle conditioning class) Tues: calories burned1159 spinning, muscle, kickcboxing) Wed: calories burned 852 ( 2 muscle conditioning classes) Thur:calories burned (no gym today) Fri: calories burned 335 (spinning)…
  • I too have a belly even at my heaviest, I had always had a flat stomach. I just went to the Dr. and Chiro, WHEAT!!!! I am so backed up with S*** and gas that I look descended and my belly sounds like a drum. I have to cut out all wheat and gluten. My little snacks of homemade granola and the whole wheat low carb tortilla…
  • Im gonna give this a shot this week....on school vacation!!! Weekly Goal: Mon: calories burned 423 muscle conditioning class) Tues: calories burned1278, (pilates, spinning, muscle, kickcboxing) Wed: calories burned 426 ( muscle conditioning) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were…
  • Im gonna give this a shot this week....on school vacation!!! Weekly Goal: Mon: calories burned 423 muscle conditioning class) Tues: calories burned1159 spinning, muscle, kickcboxing) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)…