So Many Calories....

Today is only my second day of MFP. I have been struggling to lose weight for a while now. I have been regularly excercising now for a few months. I really have never been much of a calorie counter. But after just logging what I have eaten for the last two day....OMG. No wonder I'm not loosing any weight. This is slightly embarrasing to post but I have to start being honest with myslef now that I know how many calories I am actually putting in my mouth. Yesterday I consumed over 3000 calories, and today I have consumed right at 4500. In the last two days I have eaten out almost every meal, and I can easily see how the calories add up for takeout food. I guess this is really a VERY BIG EYEOPENER for me. I am just blown away. Since I have never really counted calories, I had no idea how many calories some of my favorite foods are. Which sucks, but at least i know what I am doing wrong now. And I can adjust to it. That is just crazy though.......

Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving...


  • shawnadwyer
    shawnadwyer Posts: 49 Member
    you are very brave for posting.... you are exactly right it is a very big eye open, now all you can do is push forward and i am sure you will be on you way to a healthier life style. Remember one step at a time. You should be proud of yourself for just taking the time to log your food, give yourself a pat on the back fo heading in the right direction.
  • tgmshierry
    tgmshierry Posts: 83 Member
    You know acknowledging is the first step. You are on a life long journey and the first step can be the hardest.
  • nlehmann
    nlehmann Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome - that's why MFP is such a cool tool as long as you use it right and honestly you will do great things!
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    I had the same realization when I started logging! I was easily consuming 3000++ calories on a daily basis. It's shocking that I didn't gain more weight than I did. Just keep working at logging and eventually your average calories will come down--your body will adjust. Not sure what you set your calorie goal at, but don't try something drastic like 1200 cals right off the bat. Start at a higher calorie goal first and once you can do that consistently for a week, work your way further down depending on your goals. Good luck!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    but hey - you're aware now! I tracked a few "average" days before I started, and like you, I was shocked to see how many calories (not to mention fat, sodium, etc) I ate every day!!

    you have a great tool here with MFP, and you've already seen what you need to change. that was a very brave first step - you're off to a great start!
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    Good for you for being honest with yourself! Its a really good thing to know, how much is actually going into your mouth. Pretty shocking sometimes, but important to realize.
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    I did exactly that at first, I todl MFP I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week and it put my calories SOO low. I was having problems with my diabetes at that low of a cal intake. So I bumped it up to MFP losing 1/2 lb a week, and I think most of those days I was under my cal goal. So after doing it at that cal intake, and staying under, I went to 1 lb a week. And its an adjustment, but most days it is do-able. Thanks,
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    it really is a good tool and you're right, it only works at all if your honest with yourself. ☺
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I takes a few weeks to figure out what your are doing but, think about the results. Most of us have been over weight for years, and It only takes months to lose it. It is great that it is possible. 1 year from now you could be 50 lbs lighter. That is what makes it worth it.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    So many calories...and only one me! I love eating and I love exercising. and I love the body I'm creating doing both! It's great!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Eating healthy is a learning curve.. Keep logging and start doing a little planning ahead. Read labels. Use the MFP database to look up foods before you put them in your menu plan. It's sometimes overwhelming at first, but pretty soon it will be second nature.. just stick with it. After some experience, you will have a good idea of what is healthy and what's not. Planning ahead is the key. I usually fill out most of my daily menu plan early in the morning. If there is something in particular I want to eat that day, like a small steak and some trimmings, I enter that in first and build other meals around it so everything fits in my calorie range.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 149 Member
    I did exactly that at first, I todl MFP I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week and it put my calories SOO low. I was having problems with my diabetes at that low of a cal intake. So I bumped it up to MFP losing 1/2 lb a week, and I think most of those days I was under my cal goal. So after doing it at that cal intake, and staying under, I went to 1 lb a week. And its an adjustment, but most days it is do-able. Thanks,

    That's a good sensible way to do it, as obviously you don't want dieting to affect your health negatively! If you find yourself not having enough calories a bit of exercise always helps to burn some then log it in and it works out how many calories you burn, meaning you can have an extra snack that day, as well as all the other health benefits of it too :)
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    Eating healthy is a learning curve.. Keep logging and start doing a little planning ahead. Read labels. Use the MFP database to look up foods before you put them in your menu plan. It's sometimes overwhelming at first, but pretty soon it will be second nature.. just stick with it. After some experience, you will have a good idea of what is healthy and what's not. Planning ahead is the key. I usually fill out most of my daily menu plan early in the morning. If there is something in particular I want to eat that day, like a small steak and some trimmings, I enter that in first and build other meals around it so everything fits in my calorie range.

    I thought about doing it that way, but doesnt that make you feel like you are "locked in" to have to eat the food you logged?
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    I takes a few weeks to figure out what your are doing but, think about the results. Most of us have been over weight for years, and It only takes months to lose it. It is great that it is possible. 1 year from now you could be 50 lbs lighter. That is what makes it worth it.

    SO TRUE. And that is my motivation. Along with a pic of myself at 140 lbs pinned up on my wall so I see it every morning when I get out of bed..... Every morning I tell myself "you can find that girl again if you just stay on track". I know that prob sounds dorky or maybe just a little creepy, but it works, most days!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    That's awesome and sounds very similar to my experience when I first started logging my foods. I always thought I was eating pretty healthy, but was so surprised when I started seeing my daily totals! Over the past two years (used other sites for logging before I landed here at MFP, which is by far my favorite!) of logging foods, I have changed my eating habits and the foods that I eat on a regular basis, as well as portion sizes. Of the 20lbs I've lost, I think changing my eating habits has made the biggest difference.
  • I have to say, I was completely shocked when I first started logging in my food. I had never been a calorie counter before, but MFP has made it so easy. I love getting recipes here from everyone for good healthy food that really fills you up and keeps me going.

    Good luck!
  • Today is only my second day of MFP. I have been struggling to lose weight for a while now. I have been regularly excercising now for a few months. I really have never been much of a calorie counter. But after just logging what I have eaten for the last two day....OMG. No wonder I'm not loosing any weight. This is slightly embarrasing to post but I have to start being honest with myslef now that I know how many calories I am actually putting in my mouth. Yesterday I consumed over 3000 calories, and today I have consumed right at 4500. In the last two days I have eaten out almost every meal, and I can easily see how the calories add up for takeout food. I guess this is really a VERY BIG EYEOPENER for me. I am just blown away. Since I have never really counted calories, I had no idea how many calories some of my favorite foods are. Which sucks, but at least i know what I am doing wrong now. And I can adjust to it. That is just crazy though.......

    Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving...

  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    It is a reality hit starting to record your food. Even though you have low calories, that's just about how much are suppose to consume. You can eat more, but you would have to make sure you exercise it off. I have my weight loss at one pound a week, leaving me 1850. I like to eat anywhere betwen 1350-1800. (1350 is what my goal would be if I did 2 pounds a week.) You'll get the hang of it. Just hang in there and try your best. And dont kill yourself over one bad day now and then =D
  • suedegagne
    suedegagne Posts: 2 Member
    I thought I was eating really healthy most of the time as well!! Lot's of fruits and veggies, chicken, clean meals!! The first day I listed my food I was shocked. I was eating way to much protein, not enough carbs and I couldn't figure out why I haven't been losing! It's been 5 days and I already feel better! I keep playing around with different foods to get a better balance. Did a great grocery shop today and planned alot of different things for next week! It's always a learning curve.
  • I do this too! I thought I was weird. I usually plan the night before, so in case I want a treat I know what else I can eat. I leave a little wiggle room at the end just in case :) It also helps me eat fruit and veggies before they go bad, and use up leftovers. I used to forget I had things all the time and I was wasting food every week. But I am definitely all for planning ahead of time!