meggwyn Member


  • We could start a private group and just post daily, etc.
  • I'm in too! I've have been working on the last 20lbs of pregnancy weight for over a year now and it just needs to come off! lol (The "baby" is now 2!) I'll add you all!
  • I figure half and half is a lot better than putting sugar in it, so I use a liberal amount of half and half and a squirt of pure almond sugar. I agree that using a good quality coffee makes a difference, too!
  • I also have not gotten my period back and don't expect it back until a year ( like my other 2), but that is a really good point about hormones! I'm sure they play a part!
  • I am, too! My baby is almost 10 months and has started really eating solids, so I'm not worried about supply anymore. I gained about 55 lbs with her pregnancy and its been hard to lose. I'm finally 40lbs down, but have to really eat at a deficit to lose. ( ie, go to bed hungry). I just make sure to drink a lot of water and…
  • Nursing my 8 month old. We just started solids over the past month, so I'm not sure what sort of effect that will have. Still have 25lbs to lose and its been a painfully slow process! lol (gained 55lbs and have to work really hard to drop anything).
  • Feel free to add me, too! I'm almost 6 months post-partum, EBF, and losing very slowly! lol I know my metabolism is a bit slower since I"m in my 30's, but I got stalled out after losing the first 20 and gained almost 10 back over Christmas! (of my 55lbs pregnancy gain!!! ) I got serious with food choices on New Years and…
  • As far as the sleep thing goes, I've decided to co-sleep with this one. With my first two, they were sleeping through the night by 2 months. This one doesn't and if I get up and nurse her and put her back in her crib, she will keep waking up every couple of hours all night. If I just take her in bed with me, she sleeps…
  • With my first, when it finally came back, it skipped a month. I was pretty freaked! lol But then it was regular again. I was 9-10months PP and it seemed to correlate with cutting down from 2 pumping sessions to 1 at work. With my second, I didn't get it back until a year PP, but I was a sahm at that point. I don't think it…
  • Gosh, time really flew by! Unfortunately, I got stalled around at 20lbs lost and then ended up gaining over the holidays. I started the New Year at 188lbs. :neutral_face: Its been a month and I'm down to 175.2! Yay! Still have a long road ahead, but I feel like I finally have some momentum. Baby will be 4 months next week!…
  • I've recently been getting back into exercising regularly and I've found that if my 3 month old wakes up while I'm working out, I've been able to put her on her play mat and she will entertain herself for a good half hour or so while I do the treadmill. I also have a 7 year old and 3 1/2 year old and when they were a…
  • Ah, I see! I just assumed BLW was eating whole foods (like nutritionally whole) and graduating to eating what everyone else is having. Its been a long time now and I don't remember when my middle one started actually picking up her food herself, but I know it wasn't as early as 6months. I made her purees and spoonfed her…
  • Oh and by the time they are 9-10 months, you can give them the soft stuff to pick up themselves...avocado chunks, banana chunks, ripe pear. A tip for apples is to use a grater!
  • I did it with my second child and it went great! I started her with mashed avocado and then banana. Then I did spinach, squash, sweet potato, apple sauce, etc. Its so easy to make your own baby food with a food processor and then freeze it in ice cube trays. Pop out the little frozen squares and keep in a plastic freezer…
  • 5'4" pre-pregnancy-145lbs 10/5/14-delivery (41W3D)-199.6 2 weeks PP: 181.6 8weeks PP: 180 I have been stuck right around 180 since 2 weeks PP. I haven't been tracking calories yet. I really hate doing that, so I put it off and I wanted to give myself 3 months to get my milk established, etc. I started exercising, but its…
  • Araromi, I gained about 55lbs, too! Last time I weighed, I was down 20, so I have 35lbs to pre-preg weight and then another 10-15lbs to my comfortable weight. (I'd gained 15 before getting pregnant). I'm trying to not feel discouraged yet b/c I"m only 8 weeks PP, but I had hoped that more would come off initially. Plus,…
  • If you aren't noticing any dip in supply, I would just eat to feel satisfied. In my experience, water intake is more important. I had no appetite the first few days after the birth due to the awful afterbirth pains (which get worse with each pregnancy). But as they eased up, my appetite returned. You might notice your…
  • I'm not quite 3 weeks post partum, but I have a lot to lose, too! I can't wait to get the green light to exercise again b/c I have trouble "dieting" and seem to only be able to make calorie deficits with exercise! LOL I'm EBF, too, and a Navy wife. I also work from home and home school, so I totally get being overwhelmed.…
  • I'm so glad to FINALLY be able to watch the numbers go DOWN!!! July 2013, I had been at my goal weight of the upper 120s when my husband returned from a long deployment. Thanks to "honeymooning" and eating crap together, put on 15-20lbs and didn't lose it before getting preggo. 1/1/14 Pre-preg: 145lbs 10/5/14 Ended…
  • I just had my 3rd October 5th! I wish I could jump right back into exercise, but I'm still waiting for my body to heal up and get stronger. I plan on getting back into running/lifting, etc mid-November. I love doing Jillian's Dvd's, have NROLFW that I plan to follow for lifting, and have a goal of training for a half…
  • Hey, just wanted to update! I had my little girl early sunday morning...October 5th! It was a wonderful home birth. I had about 6 hours of very light contractions, that I don't even feel like I should count! I just listened to music in my room and bounced on my ball. From 8pm-10pm, they were 10 minutes apart. From…
  • Thanks! Unfortunately, things petered out. :/ Hoping they pick back up today or tomorrow! At least my cervix will be ready and it ought to go quickly when it does start up! lol
  • So, I'm in early labor! Yay! Things started last night and its going slow today, but I know I'm making progress! Its so nice to not have to go anywhere. Ctx aren't regular, but they are there! I've been losing my plug throughout the past 24 hours, too. This is so neat to me b/c I've always been induced before. I love…
  • Oooh, sounds like you are really close!!! I have only had the BH real contractions. My midwife is going to strip my membranes Thursday morning, so I'm hoping that will help things start up. If not, I expect to still be pregnant next week! lol I can't wait to hear your update that your little one is here! I…
  • Still pregnant here! lol 40 weeks as of yesterday. I'm going to have my husband get my pump out of the attic this weekend and maybe try that. I'm doing Evening primrose oil. I need to do more walking, too, but I've been too busy sewing. I've gotten a bunch of stuff made this week though! 2 crib sheets, like, 5 hats, a…
  • Ha ha! Thank you! (I love you! lol) I gained slowly and steadily all over, so I think it will be more apparent with the "post-partum shift" know, where all of the fat drops into the bottom half? LOL I don't feel that big though or that uncomfortable! Its shocking to me, too, that I've gained that much! I know about…
  • I've officially gained the most I ever have for either a pregnancy and in general! LOL Thankfully I've been eating healthy foods throughout, so I'm healthy. Hopefully this big baby will come soon and I can start losing again! Midwife estimates the baby is about 8.5-9lbs already! Starting weight: 145 15 weeks: 160lbs 23…
  • I seriously don't understand why they don't allow it here in the states! Seems much less invasive and safer than epidurals!
  • Thanks for the article! That looks like the same kind I have. It was only, like $30, on! I might just try it out during labor! :)
  • I get it, too, but its usually after I've eaten. I've found whole wheat to be a bad trigger, as well as most baked goods. I've been trying to eat a lot of yogurt and kefir and that seems to help. Also, staying hydrated b/c once I have heart burn, its so hard to drink water. I had fried chinese food for the first time in…