

  • i log my prep cook calories simply because that is what i do for a living...i am a pastry chef..I wore my heart rate monitor to work on sat and in 447 mins or 7 1/2 hours roughly i burned 4197!!! That is 9.4 calories a min i was burning while at work!! i have used the calorie counter for food prep and it doesn't come close…
  • a healthier skinner fiter verison of myself...less arm jiggle, but toned, less stomach pouch from two kids, with a little ab showing, i don't have a butt so getting a butt is prolly impossible so i will just say my butt but lifted, and leaner more fit legs where there is actually a gap in between lol!!!
  • sw 155 cw 144 gw 130-135 as of Jan 1 when i started loosing weight i have lost 10.8 pounds, 15 3/4 inches off my entire body and went from a size 12 to a loose size 9 ( i can get into a 7 and buttoned but it is tight) I am hoping to be 130-135 by the summer and my 10 year reunion and hopefully be skinnier than what i was…
  • That's awesome you cut out soda!! I did it two years ago... and yes every now and then i will have one and most of the time it is too sweet or sugary for me to drink all the way...The headaches will go away, if you can't handle them there are two things that i know of that are healthier than the soda choice one is tea it…
  • I love love love my timex zone trainer!! Easy to use and not big and bulky like some can be
  • after two years and finally reaching my 1st goal and being prebaby weight i put on my prebaby weight jeans yesterday, i couldn't even button these jeans back in october, now not only can i button them they are bigger on me now than when i acutally use to wear them!!! yay me!!!
  • it is so worth it!! I bought my Timex zone trainer about a month ago on amazon for about $60..I could not believe my calorie burn!! I was going by what MFP said for certain exercises i did. MFP was actually 500-600 calories lower, now this is for me i am 28 5' 6" and now 145 pounds. it has been soo helpful. I take a…
  • Yes diffently make your own "ride" the internet has amazing tips and i have heard Youtube has videos of people doing spinning classes that you can flow along or atleast watch before you go to the gym to get the idea of what you are doing..another thing that might help that did help me was getting new shoes, for spinning…
  • I am 5' 6". I stalled a few weeks ago for 2 weeks because of TOM and last week i lost half a pound which at my current weight of 147 i am told that is normal. I weighed this morning just to see how hard i had to work to day (because i over ate a lot of crap) before i offically weigh in and change my weight tomorrow and i…
  • there are several things you can do..i have found a few things that help my knees an elliptical is one of them...spinning is the other..crazy i know but i talked with my trainer when i thought i was going to have to quit spinning which i love and she said it is about your legs not your knees and it really doesn't bother my…
  • Got engaged in 2007 dated for 6 years never got married....dated my husband for 2 months got pregnant...5 weeks after 1st baby second baby came along got engaged in the spring of 2009 married october 2010
  • thanks again for all the support i did end up loosing .06 pounds which according to everyone that is a bout what i should loose every week so i am happy with that and my 7.4 pounds lost since Jan 1!!!
    in UGH!!! Comment by Bsnell10 February 2012
  • thanks for the support i need it!! I did get up and do my spinning fusion class 45 mins of spinning followed by 55mins of strength training i feel better..but not as good as i would have if i hadn't gained weight lol!!
    in UGH!!! Comment by Bsnell10 February 2012
  • Omg!!! U look amazing screw what the scale says u are looking great keep it up!!!
  • To make my husband's and his coworkers jaws drop when they see me in my new bikini and dresses on the company cruise in 30 days!!!
  • I worked in a bakery and also went to college for culinary arts.. I love to bake also anytime anyplace.. Working in a bakery has it's great things and bad..after a few weeks you don't smell sweets at all and it took me almost 5 years to be able to smell them again (i worked in the bakery everyday for 5 years) But i still…
  • I biught a timex zone trainer bout $60 bucks on amazon i love love love it!!
  • with ANY recipes that calls for oil you can sub applesauce in for the oil (i think the applesauce keeps everything softer more moist), the same goes if the recipe calls for sour cream and you wanna cut the fat use plain yogurt it tastes the same with out the extra calories
  • ok thats what i thought i just over did it but i have been working out for a very long time using the elliptical trainer going 60 mins on that at a time or atleast 6 miles so i figured i could handle it...we will see how spinning goes this morning lol!!
  • Today was the first time i tried usually an elliptical kinda girl but would the to be a runner...i did 45 mins at no incline at 5.0 and 5 mins of walking not counting warm up and cool down but my hips are killing me mo ony right side than my i doing it wrong or just over do it? I usually workout for…
  • so new at this... ok help i just bought a Timex zone trainer HRM with chest strap so i could get a better idea of what i am burning when i excerise. I currently weight 149 , 28 , f, 5' 6... is it really possible for me to burn 348 calories from warm up to cool down on 30 DS doing level 1? or is my HRM off...i always went…
  • yay!!! i lost 6.8 pounds in the month of Jan.!!!!
  • Sunday : 45mins of spinning or 60 mins of turbo kick Monday: 9:00/ 10:40 spinning fusion 45 mins of spinning followed by a power flex weight lifting class Tuesday: zumba 60 mins plus 10 mins of abs wed: spinning fusion thursday: 60 mins of zumba toning with 2.5 pound sticks Friday: 60 mins zumba or 60 mins on elliptcial…
  • starting weight 155 current weight 149 goal weight 130-135 good luck everybody!!!
  • I am on day 9 and what i have been doing is one day i will do a class at he gym, or and ellitpical, then come home and do 30 ds, some days like yesterday i did Turbo Kick and was to sore or tired to do the 30 DS. I should be on day 12 or 13 if i was going stright thru.. I am gonna go till i hit the 30 Days it might take me…
  • im in since i have already lost like 2 pounds 3 shouldn't be that tough since i am just starting back at eating right and exercising right?
  • I wiegh every day just to make sure i am on the right track but i never record it until Tuesday (i am a biggest loser fan). On tuesday when i weigh i make my calorie adjustments accordingly. I also use three different scales, right now anyways, i just go the Biggest Loser calorie max scale, and until i figure out how…
  • You need to eat more FIBER and drink more water!!! It will help satisfy you thru out the day and keep the munchies from coming late at night... I was a late evening snacker before bed but once i changed my diet and started eating more fiber for other reasons i reaized i was too full to eat anything. Sometimes it isn't…
  • Is it too late to join? anyways starting weight as of Jan 1 155.4. Goal weight is 130-135!! Good Luck
  • I am on day 7 (should be day 9 but i took the weekend off) first couple of days i didn't know how i was gonna make it thru let alone have the engery to get up and do it...But i did!!! I am now on day 7 doing level one. I am choosing to do 10 days on each level getting me to the 30 days!! DO NOT check your weight everyday…