Lose 5 Pounds a Month January 2012 Challenge



  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    Count me in! Good luck Everyone!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    1/1 216.6
    1/8 216.0
    1/20 212.0 .
    1/22 210.6 6.0
    1/30 210.4 6.2

    Lots of fluctuating between 214 and 212 in the past 8 days, but then all the way back down plus .2 this am! I'm in for February.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    January 1: 127.6
    January 8: 127.6
    January 15: 126.4
    January 22: 125.6
    January 29: 125.4
    January 31: 124.8

    2.8lbs lost :D I'm happy with that!
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 44 Member
    2nd Jan: 154.6
    9th Jan: 149.2 :happy:
    16th Jan: 150.0 :frown:
    23rd Jan: 147.2 :bigsmile:
    30th Jan: 146.4 That'll do nicely!

    January weight loss: 8lbs 2oz

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Congrats to all the successes this month!! :drinker:

    I'll be doing my official end of Jan / beginning of Feb weigh-in tomorrow, on Feb 1. Plus, it'll motivate me to behave one more day! Then I have to behave on Wed/Thurs because my regular weekly weigh-in is on Fridays.
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    1/01/2012 starting weight: 129 lbs
    1/08/2012. 129.4 lbs (bad start... +.4 lbs).
    1/15/2012. 125.6 lbs (-3.4 lbs).
    1/22/2012 124.4 lbs (-4.6 lbs).
    1/29/2012 122.1 lbs (-6.9lbs)
    1/31/2012 Final weight for January 2012: 122.4 lbs. Final weight loss for January 2012 -6.6 lbs! Woohoo! :smile:

    Thank you for the challenge and support. It's been great! Good luck to everyone as you coninue on your life style change. You are all winners!
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    I lost 8.2 total this month. I didnt reach my 10 lb goal but I did pretty good!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Wow, there was a lot of great successes this month. Well my official loss for the month is 1 pound. Not great but I will take it.

    See you all at the February Challenge.

  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    1/1 = 193.8
    8/1 = 190.2
    15/1 = 187.6
    31/1 = 187.6 (did it twice this morning as couldn't believe it was exactly the same!!)

    Overall a loss this month of 6.2lbs. Part of me is disappointed as I lost that in the first 2 weeks and then didn't lose anymore. However I know in reality that in the last 2 weeks I have had 4 days away for a long weekend with friends, 2 meals out and pizza night round another friends. So I'm going to say I'm happy...it's all headed in the right direction. Just want my weight loss ticker thing to look a little more impressive than 4lbs (2 of the 6 lbs lost were extra on top of my start weight!)

    February....bring it on!!!

    See you all there :)
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Starting Weight: 251.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 246.0

    01/01: 251.0
    01/08: 250.0
    01/15: 249.75
    01/22: 248.0
    01/29: 247.0
    01/31: Still 247.0

    Oh, well...didn't make 5 lbs, but I DID lose 4 lbs!!! :happy: I'm happy!
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    Starting Weight 233

    Current Weight 225

    Total weight loss for the month of January, 8 pounds. :happy:
  • Bsnell10
    yay!!! i lost 6.8 pounds in the month of Jan.!!!!
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    Started at 338 and now 322. A very nice 16lbs but this was my first month. I'll be happy with half that for February
  • I_am_Holly
    Hey! I am starting my weight at 202. I can't find where I originally joined this group so I don't know if I wrote out my starting weight.
    Happy Ground Hog Day everyone!
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    Starting weight 175
    1/9 - 172.0
    1/16 - 172.0
    1/24 - 172.6
    1/31 - 173 - thrrrrrr:sad:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Jan 1: 153
    Jan 6: 150
    Jan 13: 149
    Jan 20: 149
    Jan 27: 148
    Feb 1: 148

    I did it!!
    -5 lb in January.
    See you in February's thread.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    1.4 lost this week. =) 4.8 for the year. Close to 1 lb/week.
    For January I lost 3.4 pounds, but one week I lost 6. so...
    I am very clost to 1lb/week so I am going to keep moving on.

    01/01 327
    01/09 328.6
    01/16 322.6
    01/24 324.8
    01/30 323.6
    02/06 322.2
    Thanks all!