What's your totally VAIN goal?



  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I wan't people to say "DAMN!!" when I take my shirt off

  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    TO wear my high school cheerleading uniform!

    It was one of those crop top + ribbon skirt numbers, and totally hid NO FLAWS. Victory will be mine.
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    I just want to be able to wake-up in the morning and throw on any outfit I want and never think "I look fat."

    It would be nice to not have to wear any make-up or do my hair either, but I don't think MFP can help with that. lol
  • ActorGirl1476
    ActorGirl1476 Posts: 221 Member

    I agree completely!! I don't understand why people are so concerned with nudity, it's just a body.. and when I like the way mine looks, people will know! LOL

    I actually wish I could get my boobs done (nothing drastic, they are just too little) but I am TERRIFIED of surgery. lol

    Lol Exactly! About the surgery, I was interning at a plastic surgeon's office my first year of college (I was a bio major with intentions on going to medical school for surgery as well) and I saw SO many boob jobs, that by the time I was done with my internship, I had absolutely no fear of it whatsoever! Nowadays, it's such an easy procedure that you're in and out in no time! The worst part is the anesthesia really. Even the recovery for boobs is easy peasy! My husband is in school for anesthesia now so hopefully by the time he's done in 22 months, he can administer mine when I'm on the table! :happy:

    That's cool, I probably wouldn't be scared if I were you either. Fear or no fear, I will have a LONG time until I could afford that. haha
  • To make my husband's and his coworkers jaws drop when they see me in my new bikini and dresses on the company cruise in 30 days!!!
  • Bikini...and to be one of the flyest at my 25th class reunion this year! :)
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    To be the "HOT" sister for once in my life!!!
  • To fit back into a little black dress I wore sophmore year in college. Boy did jaws drop when I put that thing on!
  • totally vain? I want for all those HOT guys with mucles everywhere (some of them my friends on here :blushing: ) to think I'm hot. that is all.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 273 Member
    to make people jealous of my husband when we go out :P or even to get a double take
  • My totally vain goal is to blow everyone out of the water during my 5-year high school reunion (this August). I was hardly considered attractive in high school, and I want to show everyone that thought I was that ugly nerd what they're missing now!
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    In a word, MILF. :drinker:

    Ha! THIS!! ^^^^ Although, according to my hubby, I already *am* a MILF in his eyes. He's so sweet ....

    Also - I really want to rock a bikini this summer. Not sure I'll have the guts because I haven't ever worn a bikini in my life (except as a little kid - and then I didn't know to be embarrassed about being chubby!)
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    To be as sexy as my wife!

    aw sweet!
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    1. to look hot in a bikini again when I go to Miami for my 30th bday in June.

    2. to make my ex-husband jealous as hell bwhahahahaha!!!! :laugh:

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  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    To wear a bikini on holiday in December
  • PJFonz
    PJFonz Posts: 41 Member
    I want to look so good in anything I wear that when people see me they think "WOW, she's a Grandma??"
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I don't really want anyone (except my husband looking at me), but when I look in the mirror, I want to see cuts and muscle. I want to look strong, like I work out. Several months ago my son said, "Mama, do you like being fat?" It didn't really make me feel bad because I know he was really saying, "Mama, do you mind being old and saggy and mushy?" some of which I can't change. BUT I do want to change the parts I can.
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    There's a song that says "How your waist ANOREXIC and you're azz is COLOSSAL?" Enough said.....................:wink:
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    To run down the road again, in my booty shorts and sports bra and watch the wives slap their husbands because they were rubber necking.

    It's the most entertaining part of being fit :-)

    ON the other hand,
    I always talk about my fit days ( a few years ago) to my husband. He has yet to have known me while I was skinny. I am excited for him to see. I can't imagin him loving me anymore than he does already, but, you never know :)
  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    In a word, MILF. :drinker:

    Yes!!!!!! I consider myself a MILF now, but I STILL want to be one when I'm 80!!!!! :laugh: