Qbanldy Member


  • I would have to agree with Carter, it seems like 1300 and doing an hour workout 5 times a week is not enough food. I'm not sure how tall you are but 1500-1800 is usually a good average. Good luck!
  • Good luck to you!!!
    in hello! Comment by Qbanldy January 2011
  • Best of luck to you!! You seem to have the perfect attitude!
  • Perfect! Every little bit helps!!
  • That's always been a tough one for me as well. Very busy, two kids and a husband who... well... tries to help? lol There are some really great cook books out there that specifically deal with creating meals with very few ingredients, some as little as 5. There is also a lot of information you can get on the internet on…
  • I love it when someone has the guts to tell it like it is!! Thank you!!!
  • Two words for you sister... YOU ROCK! :flowerforyou:
  • Google "Pounds & Inches" and it breaks down the whole diet for you. I completed an HCG cycle last year under a doctor's care. I lost the weight I wanted to but I was miserable the whole time! On top of that, a few months later I had gained all the weight back and my cholesterol had climbed to a scary 280!!!!! I only had…
  • I weigh myself every day. I've been at my goal for a month or so and now I weigh a little less than my goal. I know why "they" say you should not do it every day. It's usually because when people see the scale go down they tend to eat more, thinking they can "cheat." OR people get discouraged when they see a fluctuation or…
  • I completed a round of hcg under a doctor's care. You CAN NOT excersize while on hcg because basically your body is starving. FYI not only did i gain ALL the weight back in about 6 months but by the end of the 6 months, after completing the diet, my cholesterol was elevated to a very dangerous level. My doctor wanted to…
  • Awwww the weight roller coaster that so many, including myself, get on, and off, and on again... and off. Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and get back on your healthy eating habit way of life. You did it once, and you can do it again! Stop beating yourself up over 7 pounds. Some people don't realize until they have…
  • I know it's easy to get frustrated but hang in there your hard work will pay off. Make sure that you're eating a balanced diet. Your body needs "good" carbs and plenty of fiber. Maybe you are working out too much. I always find that my weight loss it much better with moderate excersize. Working out "lake crazy" can make…
  • I'm always over on my sugar too. I've read that your body doesn't know the difference between sugar from fruit or sugar from a candy bar but obviously fruit has fiber and more nutrisional value. I also go over on my protein and my dietician told me I should be getting at least 40 grams of fiber which is much less than what…
  • I would suggest doing things that are less muscle buiding and more aerobic. I have big legs too and it wasn't until I stopped working them, other than running or walking that they went down quite a bit. EVERY BODY is different and what works for one may not work for another. I know I will NEVER get rid of the cellulite on…
  • It's half true. It does take about a week for your prior bad week to show up on the scale. That was funny though and I learned a new word :laugh:
  • I am the same way! I've learned if I keep my blood surgar balanced I don't really have those cravings. Fruit just makes me hungry because, although it is healthier for you and provides fiber, your body doesn't know the difference between sugar from fruit and sugar from a candy bar. I try to pick fruit with higher fiber and…
  • Girlie welcome! Most women do struggle to keep weight off. I don't know how old you are but once I hit my 40ies the weight did not come off like it used to. I don't care what anyone says there is no quick fix. How much do you have to lose? I'm new to this website but not to struggling to keep my weight down. Since about…
  • Try leaning back and walk around the pool backwards for a really good upper thigh workout. Get something you can sit and float on and row with your arms extended, front and then backwards around the pool. If you have an ipod and dock make sure you take it with you outside. Your favorite music will help keep you happy and…