Just starting out today and I have a couple questions I hope someone can answer for me.

Can you use Balsamic Vinegar on lettuce or whatever?
Can you combine the veggies for a salad, or should you just eat ONE type of veg at a time?
How much veg to eat with each meal? I think I read somewhere that 3 cups is it, but I am not sure about this.
Do most people use their drops twice a day? I saw that some were doing it three times? Any advice?

I would really appreciate any input, advice or opinions anyone may have. This is such a great place, I can't believe all the helpful and concerned support here.



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I hope you choose to discontinue use of such a plan.

    Best Wishes.
  • nurse_jenie
    Under the Motivation and Support tab there is a HCG thread. I would ask this question on that thread. You will get the anwsers you need from veteran HCGers. Good Luck with your diet.
  • Qbanldy
    Qbanldy Posts: 18 Member
    Google "Pounds & Inches" and it breaks down the whole diet for you.
    I completed an HCG cycle last year under a doctor's care. I lost the weight I wanted to but I was miserable the whole time! On top of that, a few months later I had gained all the weight back and my cholesterol had climbed to a scary 280!!!!!
    I only had about 12 pounds to drop but it made me very unhealthy and I realized the diet is not for everyone. The almost total lack of carbs dumped me into a depression.
    I was turned on to mfp several months ago by a dietician. I've lost all the weight I gained back and my cholesterol is back within normal range. I do NOT go to the gym and only moderately walk as my form of exsercise.
    Good luck! You may find that it healthier and easier to just eat a balanced diet.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    You may find that it healthier and easier to just eat a balanced diet.

    I agree with this...:flowerforyou:
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Just a reminder: if you disagree with the HCG diet, that's fine, but you must do so both politely and respectfully. Members who attack, insult, or otherwise disrespect other members or their opinions can have their posting privileges suspended or even receive a permanent ban from the site.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Google "Pounds & Inches" and it breaks down the whole diet for you.
    I completed an HCG cycle last year under a doctor's care. I lost the weight I wanted to but I was miserable the whole time! On top of that, a few months later I had gained all the weight back and my cholesterol had climbed to a scary 280!!!!!
    I only had about 12 pounds to drop but it made me very unhealthy and I realized the diet is not for everyone. The almost total lack of carbs dumped me into a depression.
    I was turned on to mfp several months ago by a dietician. I've lost all the weight I gained back and my cholesterol is back within normal range. I do NOT go to the gym and only moderately walk as my form of exsercise.
    Good luck! You may find that it healthier and easier to just eat a balanced diet.

    By your own admission, you didn't follow the maintenance phase of the plan and gained back the weight you lost. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the way you were eating, which resulted in weight gain has something to do with your cholesterol going up?

    I am glad you found MFP and are having better success with other options, however, if you only had 12 lbs. to lose, HCG was not the most appropriate option for you in the first place.

    BTW, under the protocol, you DO eat carbs. Vegetables and fruits are part of the eating plan, and they contain carbs, along with the bread products that are allowed during the low calorie phase. As far as depression goes, I have had my share, and being at least 100 lbs. overweight made me a lot more depressed than limiting carbs ever could.

    I am not interested in a debate. If we are going to cite personal experiences, however, I can use my own. After being on homeopathic HCG for about 5 weeks, I was at my doctor for other reasons and had a routine blood test. My doctor was please with my results. Cholesterol numbers were within normal ranges, and she was even more pleased that I had lost weight since my last visit.

    I lost the first part of my weight using MFP, counting calories, etc. and I reached a plateau. After 6 months of no progress--despite continuing to do cardio regularly and watch my diet--HCG enabled me to get past it, and I now weigh what I did 20 years ago.

    No one method of weight control works for everyone, but HCG is an option that worked for me, and I am healthier than when I started, and this week, I am donating a whole carload of plus size clothing that is now MUCH too BIG for me to a local women's shelter.

    As for the original poster, she did find some constructive input--thanks to nurse_jenie, who posted a link to the thread where she can obtain answers to her questions.
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