Ima newbie....

Hey everyone. I am new not only to this forum but also new to having to lose weight. I spent most of my life trying to keep some weight on, my metabolism was very fast. For the last 3.5 years, since my last child and tubal I have only gained weight. I am very frustrated and in all honesty, have no idea what it takes to lose weight without all these crazy diets. Anyone else struggling with this same issue?


  • Qbanldy
    Qbanldy Posts: 18 Member
    Girlie welcome!
    Most women do struggle to keep weight off. I don't know how old you are but once I hit my 40ies the weight did not come off like it used to. I don't care what anyone says there is no quick fix. How much do you have to lose? I'm new to this website but not to struggling to keep my weight down. Since about 2005 I packed on 15 and it aint pretty sister! This site is great because it forces you to really look at what you're sticking in your hole. Good luck to you and any time you want to vent throw me a message. Last year I went on the hcg diet and lost 15 pounds in like 23 days, but I struggled to keep it off after I went off of it. Now I'm here :c)~ No short cuts you just have to make your mind up and do it!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    What Qbanldy says is absolutely true! Almost EVERY woman works at her weight. It's just that most of the "skinny" ones don't talk about it and we aren't aware of what they are doing. My mom never cut herself more than a sliver of cake or ate more than one piece of candy--she was thin her entire life, but I now realize it was because she was disciplined. One of the skinniest ladies I know just told me she is doing Jenny Craig! She lost weight years ago (really?? I never knew it!) and has gained "a few pounds" back, so she's taking it off. And BOY is she ever disciplined about it.

    Somehow some of us never learned this. I guess now is the time we do!