i need help!!! exercising makes me gain wait on hcg

bgat Posts: 63
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
i know there are probably a hundred topics on this, but i want to know if anyone has experienced what i am...
before hcg i lost 44 pounds running and doing intervals on the treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical...but hit a plateau ...i started hcg to get through that plateau and it has worked i have been on the hcg for a couple weeks now...i miss running... but when i go the gym the scale goes up 3-5 pounds the next morning and does not move for about three days...this is frustrating me...the doctor said muscle retains more water and to cut back on exercising until my goal weight...i have about 13 more pounds until i reach my goal weight... any suggestions or ideas of what any of you have tried???


  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    lmao...i just read my title and i totally spelled weight wrong... *ditz moment* sorry
  • ...what is Hcg?
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin this in combinations with vlcd .... helps with weightloss
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    don"t worry me iM the worst speller but i"m not here for that i"m here to lose weight and that is all and i can"t tell you how much this diet is helping with me not smoking its more important to me than loseing weight that why i need to exercise but on this 500 cals its no energy. but i know if i start exercising my body is going to burn everything its not going to be able to hold on to anything with as hot as it is and as littal calorie as i"m eating its just the energy level is low
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    yes the doctor at the clinic told me if i eat just the 500 calories which i eat more than that due to the plan im on...but if i eat the low calories i am and exercise then my body will go into starvation mode and hold all the extra calories i take in..bummer :(
    congrats on the quitting smoking that is awesome!!!! i love hearing that!!!
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    my poor old body allready knows:noway: its starving i figure it can"t hold onto what it dosnt have
  • Qbanldy
    Qbanldy Posts: 18 Member
    I completed a round of hcg under a doctor's care. You CAN NOT excersize while on hcg because basically your body is starving. FYI not only did i gain ALL the weight back in about 6 months but by the end of the 6 months, after completing the diet, my cholesterol was elevated to a very dangerous level. My doctor wanted to put me on medication but I asked her to give a a chance to correct it. I would never do hcg again even though the results were great, they didn't last.
    Good luck to you!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    bgat, don't worry. Even though your weight goes up a bit, it really is just your muscles retaining fluid. You are not gaining new fat. You are building new muscle which will help your metabolism in phase 3 and beyond. I exercise about 30 minutes every other day. I use low weights and focus on stretching and toning rather than bulking. My weight does not move the day after exercise, but the day after that I have a significant loss.

    Keep your body moving. Even in P&I it talks about exercise. The more calories you burn, the more fat you are using.
    BTW, I am having that glass of wine in place of fruit today. Thanks!
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    lol... yeah on the glass of wine :) ... i might try toning instead for a while because i have ran for months and love the muscles it has given me :) ... um my body is definately not starving i eat around 1200 calories a day...im on a modified version through a clinic...i have only lost about 13 pounds on hcg the other 44 was from running and other forms of exercise...ive known several people who have kept the weight off for over 2 years so far and they maintain within five pounds of their goal weight.. it isnt for everyone but my physician says im in the best shape ive been in for a very long time and watches my levels closely...
    awesome skinnytime thanks for the information im going to focus more on toning and stretching for a while with maybe a short walk and run...see how that works...
    thanks again
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