msps1973 Member


  • I started running in May and I can say that I am addicted!!! I have run the Color Run 5k, a 3.8 mi trail run and have a Halloween 5k this sat. I average about 9-15 miles per week (for now!!!). I am pushing for some 10k races next year and perhaps a half by fall. I would LOVE to run a marathon in the next 2-3 years!! Feel…
  • I love almond milk!!! I use a plain unsweetened for cooking and keep almond coconut around for my smoothies. Occassionaly I will buy chocolate to drink by the glass. I save a ton of calories and my stomach thanks me for not drinking cows milk!
  • My friends and I did the Color Run in Milwaukee. We had soooo much fun (as you can see from my picture)!!!! They might add another date in Chicago. Otherwise we will have to wait til next year to do both the runs in WI. Just remember to close your mouth when you go through the color zones!!! Have fun!!!!
  • I have the same problem. I don't have shin splints, although I did when I started running back in March! I have almost a cramping feeling in my shins the first mile or so. I played around with my pace and found that if I run slower (11min mile) they don't bother me. A few weeks ago I was able to run 2.5 miles without…
  • I am a 34 DD and I run so I need support!!! I have 2 Moving Comfort "Rebound Racer". I ordered them from Amazon. They are $50 a piece but I love them!!!!
  • I just did the Color Run in Milwaukee last Friday. It was soooo much fun!!!! It was great for my first 5k. Actually, the course was only 2.8 mi. My friends and I are going to do both of the runs in WI next year. Try to get to the start line in the first 2 waves or you will wait FOREVER!!!!! And wear sunglasses :) I still…
  • I've lost track......I know the binge monster is winning this month. I knew I shouldnt have bought those Oreos!
  • I am!!! It is in 2 weeks and another 4 weeks after. I also started using the Nike+ sportwatch with GPS. It is more accurate than their sportband. I dont run very fast- 5k in 39. But can only get better, right???
  • ^^^^^^THIS!!!^^^^^^^^ And Lochte too!!!!!
  • My first one is in 3 weeks~ The Color 5k in Milwaukee. I am soooo excited!!!!!!!
  • I am doing it in Milwaukee Aug 24 :) I can't wait!!!
  • I live near the WI/IL border........
  • Binge:1 Me:0 UGH!!!! My hubby went to Culvers and I didnt have the willpower to say no.
  • is the best!!!! I am currently cooking my way thru her recipes :tongue:
  • 1- spinach 2- raspberries 3- banana 4- cantalope 5- chia seeds 6- almond milk 7- HUMMUS :heart:
  • Oh Binge Monster, how I hate thee!!!! I think a binge is different for everyone. I have been considering going to a threapist for some help! But let's try this and see what happens!!!! I am glad I am not alone :) I am in!!!! Feel free to add me for additional support.
  • I have a monster every morning (vegan).....1 c almond milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop Vega Sport Protein Powder, 3 very large handfulls of spinach (or kale), 1-2 tbsp chia seeds, blend, blend, blend!!! Sometimes I will add mint extract for a shamrock shake like taste or coconut extract. I am addicted!
  • THIS!!!!^^^^^^^^ I am hooked on the vanilla :)
  • Research!!! I Googled the crap out of vegan nutrition last summer when I went vegan!! I also read The 30 -Day Vegan Challenge (Colleen Patrick-Goudeau) and The Kind Diet (Alicia SIlerstone). I take a pre-natal vitamin, probiotic, and flaxseed oil. MFP will track your iron, calcium, etc. You can get most of your nutrients…
  • "The Nutritional Yeast Cookbook"....found it on Amazon. I use it to make "cheese" sauce, sprinkle it on toast, well, I sprinkle it on almost everything. And my cat likes it on her food too!
  • My friend drinks this before each meal: 8 oz water, 2 tbsp ACV( with Mother) and lemon, shake of cinnamon and cayenne pepper, 1 packet of stevia. I was drinking it for a week and did notice my "pooch" disapear. I was just looking at my ACV in the fridge this morning- I am going to start this drink again today!!!!
  • I made a vegan lasagna the other day and brought a piece in for one of my co-workers- she lOVED it!!! There is soooo much food to eat. Check out and (that is where I found the lasagna recipe). As someone else said, watch your protein intake. I supplement with protien powder (Vega Sport). Gardien…
  • How were you getting your protein? I supplement with Vega protein powder, tofu and legumes. Gardein has awesome "meat" substitutes that are very high in protein. I also take a multi vitamin and flaxseed oil. I did notice a lack of energy when I first went vegan but don't have that problem anymore because I started strength…
  • Da Bears!!!! Even though I am a cheesehead and am the only Bear fan in my immediate family!!!!
  • Big Bang Theory, NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles. Greys Anatomy is up there too!!! Oh and Person of Interest!!!!!!
  • I have all of her videos and have developed some good muscle definition. I have been focusing more on my running lately so I havent been lifting like I should. But will be gettingback into them this week. I LOVE One on One- you get some cardio in too!!! I may or may not be guilty of yelling at her when I feel like I am…
  • Oops! RAW does have brown rice powder in its sprout blend along with 12 other grain/nut sprouts.
  • I have Vega Sport and Garden of Life RAW Protein Powder. Vega is $50 on Amazon and Raw is $25 ($40+ at my health food store!!!) RAW: 80 cal 17g protein 3 carb 1 fat plus probiotics :) no sweeteners Vega: 120 cal 25g protein 6 carb .6 fat and digestive enzymes sweetened with stevia I prefer the taste of Vega (kinda like…
  • I started running in March and went to Sports Authority and bought shoes for trail running. After suffering thru knee pain after running, wearing a knee brace, knee strap, etc, I FINALLY went to a running store and had my gait analyzed and bought proper running shoes. Guess what? No knee pain!!!!! Like someone else…
  • All vegan recipes and all delish :p