drop30lbs Member


  • I love the new gluten free Breton herb and garlic crackers with low fat cheese or PB2
  • What is PCOS?
  • I bought the MIO Drive about a month ago however whenever I work out hard and my heart rate is high, it doesn't register. It is very frustrating and unreliable. I'm going to invest in the Polar FT7 when I get back from vacation. Everyone says that the chest strap is the only accurate way to go. I was too cheap. Now I am…
  • In the past I have always had good weight loss with low carb. I tried low calorie this time and have many weeks where I don't lose an ounce even though my calories are lower. I have to assume that I am insulin resistant and my body prefers low carb to low calorie.
  • That's awesome. Congratulations. Keep it up. I always stayed active and involved my kids also. Now I run after my grand kids. :smile:
  • In the past I have always lost weight by going low carb. I have decided that if this is going to be lasting, I would rather reduce my portion size and cut down the junk food. If I have tortillas with cheese sauce, then I have only 10 and put it away. I am trying to develop self control rather than quick weight loss.:smile:…
  • This is definitely my issue. I bring my food for the day but come 3pm, I want to snack all evening and then I feel too guilty to eat a proper supper. So even though I'm working out and eating fairly well in the day, my weight loss is not consistent. I decided to re-evaluate today and at least stick to the snacks I…
  • i just got the Mio Drive because my Sportline was giving me inaccurate & inconsistent calorie count. It said I burned 27 calories after 45 min of bootcamp. I sure hope it works for me.
  • I packed a fiber one bar and banana for breakfast after my morning workout, cottage cheese & blueberry apple sauce, for am snack, veggie soup and spinach salad for lunch, mini cucumbers and lite honey yogurt dressings for pm snack and an apple for the drive home. I also packed a chocolate pudding cup if I get a sweet…
  • I believe it takes love, trust and a lot of hard work. When you love your partner as much as yourself, you want to make both of you happy. Also when you focus problem solving through good communication, it is very achievable. I've been married now for 23 yrs and we've had our ups and down but our love and attraction is…