Tall_E Member


  • I've got a chronic illness that limits my exercise. I eat about 1400 calories a day and walk 30 minutes most days. I've lost 30 pounds. As I've lost weight, I can feel that soon I'll be able to do more exercise which will help the overall tone of my body but I doubt it will affect how much I weigh since I control that…
  • Thanks for sharing your story and for your encouragement. Its also nice to know that not every doctor is out to make all the money they can at our expense... I understand that we are each different individually so not everyone's body responds the same; but we live in a society where we're taught to give in to…
  • Hi Naj! So glad you found MFP. You won't be sorry you did because this is an excellent community of people and there's lots of tools here too to help you with your goals. My heart goes out to you with your challenges and I think it's great you do all that you do, including the weight loss! I have several health problems…
  • Hi! I live in Louisiana but one of my MFP pals lives in your neck of the woods so you may want to send him a message or invite. He goes by Geyser_Wiser and is a very cool guy. He and I are each vegetarians who did a raw food summer that just ended last week. So I know he's interested in learning more about the raw food…
  • I find, as I lose weight, that the emotions I was stuffing with food start surfacing. If I don't deal with the emotional baggage, then I tend to want to start stuffing again...and gaining weight. I've been amazed to find that the emotions I was dealing with when I was 175 lbs start coming up again when I get to that…
  • I have Fibro and other health problems too. I really understand the pain, the fatigue, fog, depression, even numbness that sets into my fingers and toes at times after the burning and tingling stops, as well as the other crazy symptoms of these conditions and the limits it puts on my exercising, etc... I'm sorry you're…
  • USA - Louisiana, ya'll. I have pals here from the UK and from Canada and India (former UK like us in America?). :smile:
    in US v UK Comment by Tall_E September 2012
  • I agree that all whole foods have some protein, some more than others. Nuts (includes nut butters), seeds and sprouts of all kinds, including all kinds of beans like soy, are good sources. In fact, very little has as much good quality protein as sprouts and they are low fat. You can also eat raw grains - oats, barley, etc…
    in Protein? Comment by Tall_E August 2012
  • Hi Katie! What a nine years of suffering you've been through! I'm glad you found a new doctor because it sounds like the old one was part of the problem, not the solution. I have Fibro and related conditions that add to my fatigue and pain but, after firing my first doctor too, finding a better one, and deciding I'm in…
  • Victoria Boutenko's children have co-written an excellent 'cook' book which starts with an excellent intro to raw eating and then gives lots of easy recipes complete with great photos of the food. Its called "Fresh". You might also check out the cookbook "I Am Grateful", another one full of lovely raw recipes as well as…
  • Jadejasper I love your banner!!! I'm 5'8", 59 years old, and this has been a subject of debate for me. My doctor and my husband both say 160 pounds would be fine. I remember weighing 160 and it definitely didn't feel good on my bones. When I felt my best I weighed 135 lbs but that was decades ago. So I've decided to go to…
  • Congratulations on joining MFP! Just you joining and reaching out here is a step towards improving your health and your life. Good for you!!! You're not alone and in you're in the right place. I have several conditions that bring me chronic pain, fatigue, numbness, etc. I've tried and dumped various prescription meds,…
    in Medication Comment by Tall_E July 2012
  • Hi Bridget! I no longer have a thyroid gland because it was surgically removed due to thyroid cancer. I've been a vegetarian for years since and am transitioning to a raw diet myself. I love it so far and have been using 'cook' books and websites to find recipes which has been a nice adventure. I wonder which meds you are…
  • Thanks for bringing this up. I've had these questions too. I know part of what got me overweight is thinking that I could eat as much as I wanted - after all, I'm eating vegetarian. I'm a living example of the fallacy of that thinking. Anyway, as I've been eating raw I've been concerned about how high my fat intake has…
  • Thanks for sharing your journey. Your son is lucky to have you! I'm fortunate to have a rheumatologist who suggested that I give up gluten to see if it would have an effect on my multiple Fibro and arthritis symptoms, including inflammation, constant pain and more. I'm working on eating a raw foods diet and am seeing great…
  • Sorry your sister isn't there for you. You don't have to be lonely though with all these potential great friends here at MFP ready to listen AND cheer you on. Congratulations on having the courage to step out of the family box and make your own healthy life! Best wishes!!!
  • I'm going to call you Awesome Allisa! What a great birthday gift you've given yourself because you not only look great and are fitter, but you've added years to your life and discipline to your years which will help you dealing with emotions for life! I also love the wise 'food for thought' you've shared. After you…
  • I suggest you get to work independently educating yourself. Here's just a few issues I think of when I consider your question: First, carbs include fruits, veggies, and many other things, not just grains. You can get all the carbs you need without ever eating bread if that's what you decided was good for you. Second, some…
  • I'm sorry you're having a tough time. I also struggle with chronic pain and fatigue from various illnesses so I have an idea of what you're going through. All the research supports the idea that eating certain foods causes inflammation in the body and that increases problems with most everything, especially pain in the…
  • Maybe he would eat Pedialyte popsicles. That would give him liquid indirectly and also restore some electrolytes to his body lost by the vomiting and diarrhea. You can find them in most food stores that sell popsicles and also in pharmacies. You could also freeze some apple juice or other clear juices and he might eat…
  • Congratulations!!! I know a lot of hard work went into you achieving what you have, both with fitness and your relationship. Ain't love great!!?
  • I have a friend who lived in Japan who introduced me years ago to Kombucha tea (the word 'cha' in Japanese actually means 'tea' so the Japanese call it Kombu cha) which I like and drink now and then. I've been seeing the bottled product you describe in health food stores and have been curious about it. Now that I know more…
    in Kombucha Comment by Tall_E July 2012
  • I just got a Nesco Gardenmaster hydrator and jerky maker which I got at Sam's Store for $60. My first experience with something like this so I'm reading the instructions and plan to try it out this weekend. I look forward to being able to make crackers, dried fruits and veggies, etc. so I can try out some raw food recipes…
  • I'm sorry you are in the chronic pain club with the rest of us. How wonderful that you do things like housework - which is exercise - even when the pain is high! I agree that balance can be a tricky thing but it's what I strive for each day. It's a continual learning process for me. My biggest motivation comes from my…
  • Slow can be real good. I find that big changes work best for me when I do them gradually.
  • Welcome!!! I've been trying to go completely raw for awhile, taking it one step at a time. My favorite 'cook' books are "I Am Grateful' and 'Green for Life' and 'Fresh' though I'm always looking for new ideas online. I learn a lot from other people too so I look forward to seeing what you're doing.
  • I'm another fan of green smoothies for breakfast. I basically put in whatever I have on hand. Today it was celery, blueberries and banana which made an awesome thick smoothie. Yesterday it was spinach, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and kiwi berry for a great summery taste. And so on. I also eat various nuts on the…
  • I'm doing the raw summer with Geyser so we're overlapping with your challenge. I'd love to compare notes and share recipes. So I'll check back here periodically to see how you're doing. It's great to have another raw MFP pal!
  • Thanks for the tip about eggplant. I was wondering how to use it raw... Besides mung and alfalfa, I've sprouted lentils and liked them a lot this way. They have a naturally slightly spicy taste. I recommend them. I'm still working on the timing thing myself as I'm so busy with work, etc. that I don't always keep good track…
  • I appreciate you saying these things. I'm doing the raw summer too and find it's a challenge to do it all day, especially after working eight hours. I do love eating raw though and am not giving up on getting as much of it as possible.