How "bad" is bread for reals?



  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    it's not bad, just the same as a 1/2 cup ice cream at about 200-250cals isn't bad either if it fits into your macros (it's good for your spirtual diet :smile: )

    Thats "expensive" bread, the stuff I eat is 50 calories a slice?

    I agree, the cals ref was more for the ice cream comment, but bread, about 50-70 from what I'm seeing...
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Break it down for me, people. How "bad" is making a loaf of bread and having a couple of slices in the morning with my eggs?

    Bread is awful, terrible, the absolute worst thing you can eat. Therefore, I'll save you from yourself, and take all your home made bread off your hands.

    When and where do we meet?

  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    It is not.

    If it fit in your macro eat the bread. This is a lifestyle....unless you intend to never eat bread again, why cut it out now? Carbs are great fuel for cardio.

    Great answer! Unless you are carb intolerant for some reason, there is NOTHING wrong with it.

    What they said.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I guess it depends on whether or not you believe a "calorie is a calorie". Personally, I do not, and based on my own research (and further supported by my own n=1), I believe grain consumption is most likely not a good thing for most people long-term.

    I realize this will irritate the "all things in moderation" people (and the "I could never give up my bread" people)...but that's okay...I don't aspire to get along with everyone anyhow.

    Yes, but you're not out spouting the "all carbs are bad, don't eat any carbs if you want to lose weight" message without putting any thought to it. You're also not saying "no carbs" you're saying little to no grains, which is different. You've made a rational choice for yourself and I completely respect that. The people who preach the low carb / no carb diet as a must for everyone but yet don't have any idea about why it may or may not work are the problem. Each person must learn what works for their body and then accept that not everyone is the same.

    to the OP, homemade bread is almost certainly healthier than what is sold in the grocery stores. Most commercial breads are packed with extra wheat gluten to keep them soft and springy when they've been sitting on the shelf for nearly a week, as well as a lot of salt and sugar. I've made my own bread in the past and it's wonderful. The taste is great and the smell in the kitchen....wonderful! As most people have said, keep it within your calorie count and other macros if you track them and you'll be fine.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    There are 3 macro nutrients.

    Carbs -- Fats -- Proteins.

    Personally I think if you cut out or severely limit any one category. You're doing yourself more harm than good.

    rather than limiting carbs focus on switching the carbs you do eat to COMPLEX CARBS... more fiber, takes longer for your body to break down so you are full longer. (The simpler carbs hit your system quicker and if you don't use them right away they get stored)

    rather than limiting overall fats I track CHOLESTEROL & SATURATED FAT. As well as SUGAR because sugar makes cholesterol stickier. (And what makes cholesterol a problem is when it gangs up and creates blockages.)
    Healthy plant and fish based fats are need to absorb vitamins, prevent diabetes, enhance brain function.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Bread is only bad if it gets green and fuzzy.... or if you're someone who has a sensitivity to one or more ingredients. Otherwise... enjoy!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Eating an entire loaf of bread = very bad. Eating 2 slices of whole wheat bread a day is healthy. Sometimes I even eat white breads or crusty french's all about moderation and learning correct portion sizes.

    ^^^^^ This
    Home made bread = yummy
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Bread isn't bad... it's just that most people are not getting enough protein and getting too many carbs. Carbs aren't bad, but if you're counting calories, they can add up really fast and then you don't have enough left to meet your protein needs. I'm supposed to be getting between 100-150g of protein a day, more protein than carbs, but it's usually the other way around. I've found that if I try to meet my protein goals, I feel better and have more energy. Too many carbs makes me lazy and tired. I also feel more full when I've met my protein goals. That's all it comes down to, for me.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I put "bad" in quotes because I don't *really* think that foods are good or bad, they just...are.

    FTR, I freaking love bread. LOVE. IT. And muffins. MUFFINS.

    Erm...what's a macro?

    What about the studies that talk about how grains are irritating to the gut? Studies that talk about how humans evolved to eat meat/vegetables/fruit but not dairy/grain/sugar? Does bread fit into "eating clean"? How do I figure this out?

    I have questions.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    moderation is key!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Instead of breaking bread, can we say we're breaking bad?
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I put "bad" in quotes because I don't *really* think that foods are good or bad, they just...are.

    FTR, I freaking love bread. LOVE. IT. And muffins. MUFFINS.

    Erm...what's a macro?

    What about the studies that talk about how grains are irritating to the gut? Studies that talk about how humans evolved to eat meat/vegetables/fruit but not dairy/grain/sugar? Does bread fit into "eating clean"? How do I figure this out?

    I have questions.

    There are people with problems that will be fixed/mitigated by eating from this food group and not that. For those people, it makes a huge difference what food choices they make, because there is a genuine health issue there. There are others, for whom eating from this group, but not that leads to overeating. While there is no medical need to avoid 'this group of foods', it might be easier for them to maintain a healthier way of eating, if they stick to eating from 'that group of foods'.

    It's a simple matter of calories in, calories out. You eat more than you expend, you'll gain weight. If you eat less than you expend, you'll lose weight. Personally, I'm a big fan of science, and not believing in whatever TeeVee experts have to say about belly fat and the evils of insulin and whatnot.

    As for humans evolving to eat in a certain way, there is currently no scientific evidence that a) there is a certain way that all cave people around the world ate b) that they did not have health problem c) that it helped them live longer. Hence, my friend with terminal degree in anthropology snorts when she hears about such "diets".

    Think of this as a lifestyle change. Do what will work for you long-term. If you can live without bread for the rest of your life, by all means, don't eat it. If you can't, why would you stop eating something that gives you pleasure and doesn't cause you any health problems? IMO, the "diets" that fail are the ones that are unsustainable in the long run.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Just to be clear, I never said I was "low carb"...I'm just "low bread". Well, okay, I'm more like "no bread (or other grains)".

    My diary is wide open for any who are curious just how someone could possibly make it through the day (or week or month) without bread. It *can* be done...and if you try it for a few weeks, you may even find that it isn't *that* difficult (or in my case, isn't difficult at all).

    However, my life is affected not a whit whether or not people agree with my position on this. But it may be beneficial to keep this idea in the back of your case you find yourself struggling with the CW of "everything in moderation" and "heart-healthy grains". There is another path, and who knows, it just might work for you. It has for many others.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I suggest you get to work independently educating yourself. Here's just a few issues I think of when I consider your question:

    First, carbs include fruits, veggies, and many other things, not just grains. You can get all the carbs you need without ever eating bread if that's what you decided was good for you.

    Second, some people get sick if they eat gluten or other things in breads. Many people don't even realize that their sniffly nose, occasional stomach aches, gas, skin rashes, etc are related to gluten until they eliminate it from their diet.

    Third, depends on what kind of bread you make and eat. Sprouted grain breads are very, very different nutritionally than standard American white breads made with 'enriched' wheat flour (i.e. flour that has all the best stuff removed). Do you put nuts, seeds or fruits or other nutrients in your bread?

    Fourth, for many people eating bread is about comfort and not nutrition. What would you eat if you stepped out of your comfort zone?

    Fifth, getting fit is about learning a lifestyle that is right for you and is sustainable. No one else can decide that for you. So I don't think it's a good idea to be taking surveys on what people think is bad for you. Do your own homework, learn from your body and decide for yourself what's bad for you and what isn't.

    Good luck!
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    HA! Yes we can
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I put "bad" in quotes because I don't *really* think that foods are good or bad, they just...are.

    FTR, I freaking love bread. LOVE. IT. And muffins. MUFFINS.

    Erm...what's a macro?

    What about the studies that talk about how grains are irritating to the gut? Studies that talk about how humans evolved to eat meat/vegetables/fruit but not dairy/grain/sugar? Does bread fit into "eating clean"? How do I figure this out?

    I have questions.

    There are people with problems that will be fixed/mitigated by eating from this food group and not that. For those people, it makes a huge difference what food choices they make, because there is a genuine health issue there. There are others, for whom eating from this group, but not that leads to overeating. While there is no medical need to avoid 'this group of foods', it might be easier for them to maintain a healthier way of eating, if they stick to eating from 'that group of foods'.

    It's a simple matter of calories in, calories out. You eat more than you expend, you'll gain weight. If you eat less than you expend, you'll lose weight. Personally, I'm a big fan of science, and not believing in whatever TeeVee experts have to say about belly fat and the evils of insulin and whatnot.

    As for humans evolving to eat in a certain way, there is currently no scientific evidence that a) there is a certain way that all cave people around the world ate b) that they did not have health problem c) that it helped them live longer. Hence, my friend with terminal degree in anthropology snorts when she hears about such "diets".

    Think of this as a lifestyle change. Do what will work for you long-term. If you can live without bread for the rest of your life, by all means, don't eat it. If you can't, why would you stop eating something that gives you pleasure and doesn't cause you any health problems? IMO, the "diets" that fail are the ones that are unsustainable in the long run.

    And this is what I think I'm looking for in asking the community here about bread. I'm not, as has been suggested, taking a survey of what other people think I should eat. Rather, I'm looking for where others have learned and educated themselves. I agree with you Spanaval on science - I'm interested in the science of eating. My husband is a medical professional and we've talked at length about grains in the diet - there's so much conflicting evidence and opinions it's nice to ask "friends" what they think sometimes, even if it's not Very Scientifical.

  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    Instead of breaking bread, can we say we're breaking bad?


    On topic: Bread is not bad, bread is not good. Carbs are in damn near everything we consume, so to say carbs are bad is silly. I'm low carb because if I eat bread/potatoes/pasta/rice, my body turns it into fat. Before anyone gets all snarky, let me explain to you that I did portion control, ate whole wheat bread /brown rice, was under my calorie limit, and was in the gym 5 days a week busting my you-know-what for 3 months, and could not drop a single pound (I didn't gain either). It was the most disappointing thing. I cut out the grains from my diet, and it's like I could sneeze and lose a pound, but that's how MY body processes food. Everyone is a little different, and it's not so much about staying away from any particular food or food group, but it's about to what your body is receptive.

    There are so many different ideas on what you should eat, how you should eat it, and when. If you're interested in something, learn a little more about it, experiment, and see what happens. I don't subscribe to the camp that there's only one right way, but that there's something that will work for you to be the healthiest you.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    It is not bad for you as long as you getting adequate amounts of other nutrients (i.e. not eating loaves of bread and getting no protein or healthy fat, just pure carbs) and it has no ill effects for you.

    If you are gluten sensitive or intolerant, then I would suggest cutting it out completely. If not, enjoy a slice or two each day--maybe up to three or four if you're having a good sammich too.

    Homemade bread beats the socks off anything found at the store. YOU control the calorie content. You can do it right. Store-bought...other than Ezekiel, I say no thanks.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I found something called Today's Temptations that is a low carb bread. It in no way is anywhere close to being as good as a loaf of fresh baked at home bread. But you can eat a giant slice of it without a lot of carbs or calories, so it satisfies my bread addiction.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I found something called Today's Temptations that is a low carb bread. It in no way is anywhere close to being as good as a loaf of fresh baked at home bread. But you can eat a giant slice of it without a lot of carbs or calories, so it satisfies my bread addiction.

    I will totally check that out...I wonder if my grocery has it.