

  • Definately in for this one. Just started a week ago on Medifast and loving it so far! What do we need to do just check in with you every Monday?
  • The bodybugg is a great investment if you want accurate information about how many calories you are burning in a day. It also is accurate in counting your steps throughout the day. I love mine and think it is a great investement for weight loss. It really shows you what you are doing and what you are not doing.:happy:
  • I am actually ordering online however I still found a little bit less expensive way to do it with an independant coach. No they do not have an office to go to but I can call them any time I want if I'm needing help. My coach is awesome and I'm loving it so far, I just started it 2 days ago and on Day #3 and have already…
  • I don't know if I can help you with the self inflicted pain you are putting yourself through but I will definately pray for you and your family. When I was 27 I had told my Father that I was Christian instead of staying Roman Catholic so I can feel for you making that brave change that your parents have instilled into you.…
  • I want to see this article, can you please give me one that works. This one did not work for me. Thanks
  • Jackie Warner Rocks! I follow her diet plan and DVD's. She really works it. I also follow Tony Horton as well. P90 program right now.
  • Wow! You look fantastic and I bet you feel like a million bucks. You are a huge inspiration to all of us and I hope to share my journey with you and get to where you are in either a year or two. Thank you for you story, it really helps boost the motivation.
  • You are on an awesome journey and I would love to be on the journey with you. I'm 37 and today is Day #32, I have lost 8lbs so far and 6 inches. I feel so much better and yes I also believe no process food either, this is the way I eat now. Nothing in packages, they are so bad for you in so many ways. I had sent you a…
  • Nibble it, scribble it! Yes this site can be a great resource but most of all you need to convince yourself that you are in it for whatever to accomplish this challenge. YOU ARE WORTH IT! And you can do it. Look forward to the new healthy you and it will be there in no time. Take it 1 day at a time and 1 change at a time.…
  • You almost have to give in otherwise you will indulge for a longer period of time, if you give yourself a treat meal once a week you may not have those cravings anymore because you don't feel as good when you do eat the junk food as you do when you are eating healthy. So yes, give in at least once a week and that will help…
  • I would never purchase a pole for my house but I do workout at a place that teaches pole dancing and I get an excellent workout with some other added benefits. You can be any size and do this too and it really works your core and arm muscles. It's fun and a great workout.
  • I'm eating Oat Bran and a cup of blackberries for Breakfast, will go to work and then after work around 4:30 will hit the gym with cardio and come back home and do a resistant work out. Already drinking water and getting back on track today. Today is Day #26 for me and yesterday I had a really bad day but that is one day…
  • If you want you can look at my diary and what I have been eating. Also if you let me see your diary I might be able to help you get your 5-6 meals in every 2-3 hours.
  • Yes, hide the scale and weigh in maybe once a week. If you can invest in a fat loss monitor that is a better measure anyways. It measures your body fat % and you can look at this once a month. If your not losing % on the fat monitor and your losing weight on the scale than there is a problem with you losing muscle. So…
  • If you really want to be super accurate on your calorie burn, invest in a BodyBugg! They are way more accurate than the machine and any heart rate monitor out there. People on Biggest Loser use it and you can have it on all day long to calculate your calories all day and it also calculates your steps that you take too.…
  • I am also on a healty plan right now and was told not to drink anything with an unnatural sweetener. The only ones that I'm allowed is the natural sweetener's which are Truvia and Stevia. Yes use them they will not hurt you. I used to be a diet soda finatic and am on Day #21 and no longer want any soda at all. The other…
  • I would highly recommend the Whey Protein from Beachbody, Vanilla or Chocolate. There is only 3 grams of sugar in it so it is for weight loss. Send me a message and I will give you my website, I do work for Beachbody and have my own website and can also be your free coach as well. Let me know.…
  • SHOUT! LOL! I'm on Day #21 and doing great. I have the best healthy eating plan out there, I also have my meals on public so you are welcome to follow them if you are wanting to. I love helping others do the same thing I'm doing. I have to weigh in on Sunday and am super stoked about it, I know I'm kicking some butt.…
  • I would highly recommend in investing in a BodyBugg, I used to use a heart monitor but the heart monitor is way off on accuracy. The Bodybugg is right on with calories and also it counts your steps as well. It's a great help to understand how many calories you are burning all day long. YOu just wear it on your arm and…
  • Aways do weights first. If you do cardio first you will wipe yourself out. Your muscles can only handle so much so the most important is weights and then cardio. I hope this helps!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey, I will help you if you will help me. We can work together as a team and see what we are doing. I actually show my eating publicly so everyone can see it. Take a sneek at what I'm eating and if you want to do the same thing you are more than welcome. I have 101lbs to lose so I'm right there with you. I'm also a Coach…
  • That is so great! The scale doesn't really mean much anyway, I actually measure myself every month and also check my body fat level with a body fat measurer that I had bought. Greatest investment ever. Way better than the scale. It really proves to you that your not shrinking your toning up your muscles so way to go.
  • You may want to get a second opinion from another Doctor. I have had a hard time getting pregnant and Dr's seemed to say the same thing until I got a second opinion and it shows in my blood work that I have PCOS. This is very common in overweight women and with many different side effects. It is called Polycystic Ovarian…
  • Actually I have read in the Body for Life Book that you are supposed to drink a glass or two of water right when you wake up and it helps the lazy bowels move. This actually does work if you are pretty regular.
  • Betsy, I actually had this same feeling when I was not eating right but since I have started my eating plan I have not had any pain at all. I was feeling the same pain for a long while and finally ended up with the really bad stomach flu that was going around, this was about 3-4 weeks ago. This pain is what got me over the…
  • This is not really a quotation but something that I have believed in! God has given us the greatest gift ever (our bodies) and he wants us to use it to the fullest potential but you can only do that if you take care of it. You can always catch disease but you can't catch health. YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE HEALTH. And that is what…
  • I also was on WW as well and it only worked to a certain point. The other aspect of there meetings that I did not like is that they spoke about all the treats they could eat at a lower point value and I felt that they should of talked more about healthy meals but they did not. They didn't really even push exercise all that…
  • I would say Chalean Extreme! Definately a great workout. If you are needing a coach let me know. I actually coach for Beachbody.
  • I had the same problem before I went on my plan, I could go all day without eating and then finally eat my Dinner, I was not eating hardly anything but my Dinners were nutritious. I was too busy in the day to eat and like you had said was not hungry. Yes you are absolutely starving yourself and what happens when you do…
  • I have a Whey Protein from Beach body website, I like the vanilla, so when I mix it with fruit I can't tell I have a protein shake in it. Even when I drink it alone there is really no taste to it because it is very low in sugars. You really need to be careful on what protein shake you choose because if they taste really…