Turbo Fire vs. ChaLEAN Extreme

Hello Turbo Jam Fans! My name is Aly and I am new to "myfitnesspal". So far I LOVE IT! Tracking what I eat and my exercise will hopefully help me to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and help me to live healthier. I just had my second little girl almost 2 months ago and I am ready now to start slimming down.

So, my question for you is... Which workout program should I go with? Turbo Fire or ChaLEAN Extreme? I don't have money for both so I have to pick one. I was just wondering which one will give me better results (I know they are both fantastic! But if you had to pick one, which one?)

I love Turbo Jam! And I have the 5 workouts plus "Punch, Kick and Jam" workout too. I have been doing all of those with hand weights. But I want so sort of program. What I want to be able to do is loose my baby weight and get toned as well. Please help! :) Thanks in advance for your advice. :) Nice to meet you all and I am glad to be on this journey to becoming more healthy and happy. Help me kick up the Turbo!



  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'd go with ChaLEAN Extreme. You can always add in Turbo Jam workouts to mix it up. CLE will definitely help you get toned and lose the baby weight and inches! Later on when you have money to get Turbo Fire, go for it.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm doing Chalean and I LOVE IT! The inches you will lose is amazing! The strength you'll have is even better!

    I ordered a little over a month ago and there was a bonus Turbo Jam Fat blaster workout in it. So I do that a few times a week now that I'm in the Push Phase for a little extra.

    You'll love it.
  • alysonporter
    alysonporter Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks for your replies! :)
  • alysonporter
    alysonporter Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks again for all of your replies! Any other advice before I make my decision on which one to buy? TURBO FIRE or ChaLEAN EXTREME!?
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain and say Turbo Fire...I love Turbo Fire...the extreme cardio is intense and Cardio is the best way to blast stubborn fat. That's what I'm doing. After that, I'll be on to do the hybrid workout combining Turbo Fire and ChaLean Extreme for maximum results.
  • Natalie7227
    I would say Chalean Extreme! Definately a great workout. If you are needing a coach let me know. I actually coach for Beachbody.
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member
    Also Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite is great if you love TJ and want more variety to your turbo jam workouts. With Turbo Fire I do burn the most calories. :)