Help.....Can't eat all my calories!!

tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having a nightmare....I am finding it really difficult to eat all of my daily calories, which means I am not kick starting my metabolism and always be in starvation mode..........I have managed to go above my intake once, but that was because I pigged out on rubbish food!!! Has anyone got any ideas of what I can do so I have successful weight loss?

Cheers :happy:


  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    its hard to say without seeing what you are eating now...if i could take a peek at your diary i might be able to give some suggestions :)
  • If you want you can look at my diary and what I have been eating. Also if you let me see your diary I might be able to help you get your 5-6 meals in every 2-3 hours.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    eat more frequently, i try to eat every 2-2.5 hours at 200-250 calories each meal. if you still need more calories increase the portion size of your foods.
  • doxtator
    doxtator Posts: 2
    Try eating more pizza, It works for me. Cookies are also a good source for calories! Chips, doughnuts, cake, ice cream...
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    How do I let people see my diary?? Sorry I am a bit new to this.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Substitute "light" "low fat" or "fat free" products with regular. :)
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Try eating more pizza, It works for me. Cookies are also a good source for calories! Chips, doughnuts, cake, ice cream...

    Not to be rude but this is not a good idea. There are other healthier calorie sources like avocado, nuts, beans, grains that are high calorie.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    to change your diary settings, go to "food" then to "settings" then change privacy settings to "public"
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Try eating more pizza, It works for me. Cookies are also a good source for calories! Chips, doughnuts, cake, ice cream...

    I'm sorry but how is this even healthy?? Chips, doughnuts, cake etc are NOT the answer. Yes they may be high in calories, probably TOO high for anyone to even consider, plus they are full of bad fats, etc. I hope that was just a joke...yikes!!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    also feel free to check out my diary for ideas :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I agree that you should just try and add fuller fat products to your diet along with nuts or dried fruits, beans etc. I wish I had your problem......I can eat all my calories and exercize calories no problem!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Try eating more high-calorie (but healthy) foods - some of my favorites are nuts, beans (try a variety of kinds - black, garbanzo, pinto, etc. - you can buy them with no sodium added), avacado, low-fat cottage cheese, oatmeal. You can also work in more snacks - one of my favorites is a milk or frozen-yogurt based fruit smoothie. Just throw milk/yogurt and a couple kinds of fruit (typically I'll put in a banana, a cup of strawberries and sometimes a half a cup of black/blue berries) in a blender (I also toss in some spinach), and it's a medium-calorie (very healthy) snack.
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    Oftentimes I'm not hungry, but have come close to finishing the day under my calories as well. I enjoy low fat/low sugar items such as: fudgecicles, pudding, 100 cal bags of kettle corn, cottage cheese...just to name a few. They aren't particularly filling, but they do help me get my calories up there where they should be.
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Ok have changed my diary any thoughts are appreciated guys. Thanks for tips already, but think pizza and donuts are a no no for me!!! I want to loose weight not put it on!!

  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I agree with switching "low fat" to regular. Intrograte snacks throughout your day too (cottage cheese and bananas are good choices!)

    I sometimes have a difficult time meeting my calorie goals after a hard workout. On those days, I usually eat things with "good fat" and high calories (avocados, olive oil etc). It helps me get closer to the goal!

    *After viewing your diary, I would definitely suggest eating a bigger breakfast! It sets the tone for the day and is an easy way to stock up on calories.

    Good luck!
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    After checking out your diary, I'm seeing what can be changed. You need to make your meals a bit more calorie dense. Try and shoot for 400 calories a meal and if you eat extra snacks, try and exercise to burn the calories on those off. I eat about 1500 calories a day and 300 calories off with exercise.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Eat breakfast, not just milk. :) This will get you over the hump and also get your metabolism revving and ready! Even if it's only adding an apple or something.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    my diary is open as well feel free to check it out-

    quick tips smoothies with a juice base yummy- and if you mix it with a jucie/veggie blend EVEN BETTER for you
    fruit is always good
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Eat breakfast
  • EightDMB
    EightDMB Posts: 155 Member
    Are you supposed to eat all your excercise calories? I thought you had to eat your basic 1200 alloted calories, and then you could eat the excercise calories, but that it was't required.
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