Help.....Can't eat all my calories!!



  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    :tongue: My diary is open for everyone. I eat alot cause of exercise, so there are probably alot of ideas in there.
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for all your advice, it is really great to get other peoples ideas and I will take it on board as you are all losing weight well.

  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Eat breakfast

    Find that really hard as start work far to early to be contemplating food...but I do try...occasionally!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I would also try to eat a little more protein. You didn't have much for today.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    According to the last few days of your diary, looks like you're coming pretty close. Leaving a couple hundred calories can be good because some of your entries for food might be underestimates and your exercise might be overestimates.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Eat breakfast

    Find that really hard as start work far to early to be contemplating food...but I do try...occasionally!!!

    I eat my breakfast at work. If you are able to it is better than skipping. I am out the door at 7 on my bike and there is no way I get up a minute earlier than I have to. I do things like hard boiled eggs, fruit, and the organic plain quaker oats instant packs. I have a little stash of almonds and such at my desk as well as a bowl and spoon.
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I'm relatively new at this, but honestly, I think your diary looks great! I agree, you should probably have a heavier breakfast if you can manage it, but you are only usually short by roughly 200 cals, about equivalent to your exercise calories... I don't think that's too bad at all!

    I used to have a hard time eating breakfast as well, so my 'morning snack' would just be more calorie heavy to make up for it...
  • ZiaLater
    ZiaLater Posts: 23
    Here is my two cents. For the past few weeks I've been feeling ill and not been able to eat my full calories. A friend of mine suggested that I eat snacks here and there throughout the day, nothing too serious, but now I have a bag of almonds, yogurt and cheese strings that I snack on at work (10am & 2:30pm) to fill that gap and again at 8pm. It isn't always necessary every day, for I pre-log my food and bring along something to fill the void. I'm never starving for food anymore and now I'm getting in at least 1200 needed to I burn off those snacks with my daily walking and I've been losing weight so it works for me. Maybe it will work for you :)
  • mazza18
    mazza18 Posts: 3
    Hi there i know what you mean. The same thing happend to me. I did 6 pounds on a previous food diary the first week. Then when i strated this one I gained 2 lbs. It was the stravation mode kicking in. What i had to do is go out and buy smaller items to snack on . Ie i bought dannon activia fat free yoghurts,between 70- 110 depending on type alpen light bars btween 59-70 depending to boot my calories plus its giving me fibre and protein and the yoghurt has the bifidus regularis that hepls regulate your digestive system . I now add yoghurt to my daily intake 2 or 3 plus a bar to bump up my calories. I seems to be working the pounds have started to fall off again. Try let me know if it works.
  • suzyanne
    suzyanne Posts: 50
    Eating breakfast is a big start. I commute to work every day and I'm up far to early and on the road (not to mention, I have no appetite first thing). However, I throw a 1/2cup of granola cereal into a container and take a low-fat, probiotic yogurt with me, in addition to my lunch. Usually by the time I get to work, I'm ready to eat something, so I mix my granola and yogurt into a nice little parfait and it makes a big change in my day. Another of my favorites is rice cakes with natural peanut butter. It's easy enough to add these little things to your lunch so you have a healthy breakfast when you get to work. I also agree with switching your low-fat foods to regular. I noticed your diary has weight watchers could try switching to a whole grain, 12-grain, something like's still healthy, but higher in fibers and protien. I did take a look at your diary and I don't think you're doing too bad. You're coming fairly close to your goal, most days, and being SLIGHTLY under is not a bad thing. Keep up the good work!! :)
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Someone mentioned this in a similar thread, but be sure to count cooking oils, seasonings, etc. Little things like that add up!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Eat breakfast

    Find that really hard as start work far to early to be contemplating food...but I do try...occasionally!!!

    My husband starts work at 6am and has to leave the house by 5:30 at the latest. It was hard for him to eat that early but you get used to it. He now eats an entire grapefruit, and either 2 pieces of toast with natural peanut butter or 1 cup of Special K with milk and 1 cup of berries. It is a good start to the day and one that will do wonders in repairing your metabolism . . . so I agree with a few other comments . . . eat breakfast!!!

    A good rule of thumb . . .
    eat breakfast like a king
    lunch like a prince
    and dinner like a pauper . . . with snacks throughout, of course!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Try eating more pizza, It works for me. Cookies are also a good source for calories! Chips, doughnuts, cake, ice cream...

    Eating that sort of crap is what got many of us here in the first place!! :angry:

    This is supposed to be a lifelong eating change - anybody that intends to eat all that sort of rubbish for the rest of their lives is asking to be permanently on and off diets. Lose the weight, pile it on, lose the weight, pile it on....
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I am having a nightmare....I am finding it really difficult to eat all of my daily calories, which means I am not kick starting my metabolism and always be in starvation mode..........I have managed to go above my intake once, but that was because I pigged out on rubbish food!!! Has anyone got any ideas of what I can do so I have successful weight loss?

    Cheers :happy:

    You are hardly short at all and certainly nothing to worry about! You will not go in starvation mode, regardless of getting that message everytime you register your food at the end of the day, on the amount you are short.

    Continue as you are and do not worry about such a small shortage! You'll be absolutely fine. :flowerforyou:
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks guys for all your tips and advice, much apreciated. Lets see if these little changes make a difference.


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Eat breakfast

    Find that really hard as start work far to early to be contemplating food...but I do try...occasionally!!!

    My husband starts work at 6am and has to leave the house by 5:30 at the latest. It was hard for him to eat that early but you get used to it. He now eats an entire grapefruit, and either 2 pieces of toast with natural peanut butter or 1 cup of Special K with milk and 1 cup of berries. It is a good start to the day and one that will do wonders in repairing your metabolism . . . so I agree with a few other comments . . . eat breakfast!!!

    A good rule of thumb . . .
    eat breakfast like a king
    lunch like a prince
    and dinner like a pauper . . . with snacks throughout, of course!

    I agree with all this.

    I am up at 3:30 so I can cook and eat a full breakfast, and leave the house by 5.
    Sometimes egg whites with salsa, turkey sausage and wheat toast and a yogurt,
    sometimes oatmeal with raisins and nuts in it,
    sometimes just toast with peanut butter and a yogurt or some berries on the side, if I sleep till 4 and don't have time to actually cook,
    but I ALWAYS get an actual breakfast in me before I leave for work.

    I have noticed a huge difference in my energy since I started doing this 4 months ago. You won't miss the extra half hour of sleep once your body gets used to it, the fuel will give you natural energy and you'll feel like you slept even more than you used to! It takes a week or so to get used to, but if you go to bed a little earlier it will be an easy transition.
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