Back in the saddle again.

Hi everyone.

I'm new here as of last week and back on the diet train. I've been very overweight my whole life and am in need of some major changes that will stick for life. I want to do it not only for me, but for my husband and our three dogs. I think they all deserve a better me.

I would love friends who have over 100lbs to loose to share motivation and tips so I can stay on track. I am the worst at getting my exercise in, so anyone with tips, strategy, etc, I'll gladly take them.


  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome. My advice would be to be honest and consistent with reporting on MFP, and to take exercise slowly. I started out walking a mile a day, and tried to do 20 minutes on the elliptical. I paid dearly the next few days. I kept the mile, and added a little more each day. I am now up to 2 miles/day. With the elliptical, I went back down to 4 minutes, and slowly added a minute every few days. I am up to 17 minutes/day on that. I can tell that it is helping. I am not dying by the end of either exercise. I would also say make food changes you can live with. Trying to change radically can produce yo-yoing. Good luck! There is a ton of support here.
  • Natalie7227
    Hey, I will help you if you will help me. We can work together as a team and see what we are doing. I actually show my eating publicly so everyone can see it. Take a sneek at what I'm eating and if you want to do the same thing you are more than welcome. I have 101lbs to lose so I'm right there with you. I'm also a Coach on Beachbody and do coaching for Free, I figured to get started as I'm up in weight so when people see me losing they will see that I'm doing it every single day. So far this is Day #17 for me and I'm down 6.4lbs. My first week was 6.2 and last week was .2 so I understand how frustrating it can be but as long as you know you are eating the right foods and moving at least a little bit everyday that is what counts.

    I used to take Prevacid every single day for bloating and acid reflux. Because I'm eating healthier now, I no longer have to take Prevacid or Tums. That is a great feeling in itself. So follow me and I will show you how it is done. I'm confident that I will be making a difference with me and also desire to help others. Add me as a friend.
  • solvig
    solvig Posts: 25
    Thanks so much - I need all the help I can get and I think I will find it here. I've been doing pretty good with my food, however, I'm actually having a hard time eating all of my calories per day, so that's something I'm going to have to work on.
  • thebigred67
    In, out? Just one more day breathing! I spent the last year and a half losing a total of 18 pounds. So we'll see? I know I am riding my butt off.
  • thebigred67
    How do you get that weight loss thingy on the sig???
  • thebigred67
    How do you get that weight loss thingy on the sig???

    I got it!