More food lose weight ?! :O

Hey everyone :) Well i have had my fitness pal for a couple of days now and every day it says i eat too little and sometimes it says that i eat so little that I may starve :S but thing is i don't starve! I normally eat like that and don't get hungry ... before i just used to eat ALL THE TIME because of boredem :/ but now i find activities to do to fill that time :) now im just losing that binge eating weight :DIt says my goal of calories should be about 1600 ish
But it increases because i do some exercise :S :P
But is me eating to little going to slow me down?
Thanks 4 reading dudes :D (and dudeettes of course! :P )
Oh and i eat about 600-1200 calories a day :)


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Please go read the sticky notes. And yes, you are starving your body by only consuming that few amount of calories.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The minimum amount for any adult is 1200 so you should be eating at least that. But yes, if MFP recommends 1600 for you, you should at least eat that... MFP has already created a gap between what you need to eat to maintain (not lose or gain) and what you need to eat to LOSE - this is called a deficit. So if you exercise, you're making that gap LARGER, which could put your weight loss at a standstill, this is why you need to eat those calories you work off. PLEASE read the sticky notes.
  • Musiclover
    Lol... how do i get to these sticky notes :S :L
    Thanx for your helpfullness :)
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Lol... how do i get to these sticky notes :S :L
    Thanx for your helpfullness :)

    They are at the very top of the 'general diet & weight loss help' section under the message boards. They are the ones with the red pins.
    FYI: I just bumped it to the top of the boards.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    JUST MY TWO CENTS:flowerforyou:

    I have been losing an average of 2~3 pounds a week for the past 16 months. The only time it slowed way down~~And I gained .75 of a Pound!~~was when I cut my Calories to 1200 per day. I didn't lose anymore until I went back up to 1500 calories a day.
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    Yes, you'd think that by not eating much you'd lose more weight...but it's not that easy, regardless of what friends or family members will tell you. Let's just say I have a friend whose father didn't let her eat for a couple weeks in middle school and it had very bad consequences, not to mention it made her think being anorexic was the right way to lose weight. It's really not. Sure, she went from a size 16 to 8 in college by not eating for several months, but she gained it all back--and then some.

    In a nutshell...listen to these insightful people and read those stickies :) A particularly good one is this one:
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing. Yesterday, I was eating constantly, healthy choices, breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. I only hit 890 calories and with working out I needed 1600. Even Insanity's meal guide tells you to eat 300-400 cal meals, i think 5x a day. If you're working out and not eating enough your body will freak out and hold on to any extra fat you have.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Eat higher calorie nutrient rich foods. It will help use up those calories and get your body what it needs. The stickies are key.
  • Natalie7227
    I had the same problem before I went on my plan, I could go all day without eating and then finally eat my Dinner, I was not eating hardly anything but my Dinners were nutritious. I was too busy in the day to eat and like you had said was not hungry. Yes you are absolutely starving yourself and what happens when you do that is that all your hormones that you need elevated that help you lose weight all decrease along with your metabolism. I'm following a plan that you may be interested in, it's from Jackie Warner and the book that she wrote is called "This is why your fat" I have been on her plan for 12 days now and feel so much better. My acid reflux went away, my stomach was bloating every single night and now it is not and also my blood sugar was 125 and now I'm getting from 88-98. This is the basic way to eat, you can also look at my foods that I eat, I put them public so I can help others do what I'm doing. It works and you will feel great. But the best part of the book explains how all your hormones work and while taking supplements help on the side as well. Including a 1500 calorie diet, staying away from sugar, and taking BCAA with Glutamine, CLA, and also Creating with Ethyl Ester. All of these supplements are helping my hormones stay in check if you do not get your hormones in check first, you will never lose weight.

    So please eat more food and you will get better results. And if you can buy this book, you will Thank yourself later, I have lost 6 lbs in the first 7 days and it is making me stronger everyday and I'm loving my new body already.
  • Musiclover
    Hey Every1 thanx for the useful advice :) Ill try to have more calories in my diet ... i seriously thought i was wayy overeating ...even with fruits and stuff! Woah was i off track :P you guys are makiing me motivated :D hmm i think the main problem is that i dont eat breakfast in the morning :S owhh well ill get up 20 minz early to have a good brekki :D
    && once again thanx 4 carin :wink:
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    I think the reason you don't feel hungry is that you're unwittingly teaching your body to not complain about the lack of calories going in.

    I'm also one of the people who completely plateau'd (for 4 weeks) when I ate fewer calories than my recommended (1250-odd instead of 1550) and it was only when I made an effort to actually eat the recommended (and a few days over!) that I've seen my weight go down again.

    What are you eating to only get to 600 a day, by the way?! Add in some more carbs, especially if you're working out.

    Also, and apologies for asking this - is your weight loss goal (on your profile) still within the healthy range of BMI? You don't have to answer that on here, but it's just for you to think about.
  • MarjiBMe
    MarjiBMe Posts: 14
    It's really more serious than simply having your body go into "starvation mode" and start hoarding fat. If you're not getting enough nutrients (and at 600-1200 cal/day - the simple truth is, you're not) - then your body will start breaking itself down to get what it needs, starting a chain reaction that places you at serious risk for developing several major health issues. I'm a nurse, currently studying for my BSN - with a strong emphasis on nutritional therapy, so I didn't bother to read those stickies everyone keep mentioning - but maybe a little "bother" might teach me a thing or two.
  • Musiclover
    :) you guys are really helpful :D