

  • btw, just visited your blog, omg your progress is amazing! and beautiful photography~
  • ahh, i am also confused on that as well. From what i understand they wont be as effective as a real intentional workout, but preventing your metabolism from dropping any lower? But i suppose shopping for 5 hours counts as intentional workout, lol! Sorry i'm not much of a help. :(
  • i second everybody who has tears in their eyes, i'm so happy for you! i hope some of your determination will rub off me too
  • thanks everybody! i think i can change up my cardio, but i find it difficult to eat 4 meals let alone 6 meals aday :S Grr
  • 1 sausage and 1 fried egg, plus an apple if i am not full. Total calories of 180 :)
  • the number is not moving for me :( i am a little frustrated that my platue is so long! anyway no changes for me and i am a little side tracked because i am getting ready for my trip to england! England is my last hope of loosing weight because the last time i was there, i lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! non stop walking and…
  • congrats! glad you meet your deadline :D i missed mine, huhuhuhuh TT_TT
  • no gain, no lost, same old :( did 5 hours of cardio mix walking this week.
  • My plan is... getting there. That's right, you're fortunate enough to have access to gym equipments. Once you set foot in there, your motivation will fuel and follow suit. There's no "fixed" plan as long as you get moving and get sweatin. You're already 18pounds lost so whatever you're doing you're doing great! Get a gym…
  • Long story short, after i sat down in a restaurant and ordered my food, i realise i was short of cash. Instead of the 2 minutes walk to the nearest ATM machine, i ended up running to the 10 minutes further ATM machine because it broke down. I came back to the restaurant huffiing and puffing, my face red... Then i realise…
  • Holy! O_O you are truly inspiring! From your blog you proved that the greatest hindrance is our weak will. Congrats~
  • annathelu, thanks for the encouragement! Today he walked a little more energetic, i m guessing he's a little more confident now. So today i woke up and did 40 minutes of cardio dance in the morning and half an hour walk after dinner.
  • wow, 10 pounds in 2 weeks?! i wish i could get that result! i only lost 1 pound per week now, its driving me insane! that wee little weight gain could also be your pre-menstrul water retention weight, or better, muscle mass! cheer up and keep going, you're on the right track!
  • my own goal is 19 pounds in a month, i'm a little skeptical myself. But remember on biggest loser, your body is only as strong as your mind! You can do it! i did 45 mins walk with my puppy today... well more like stop-every-5-seconds-and-sniff-everything walk... so i came back and did my cardio for 40 minutes, hopefully…
  • the first week isn't over yet... so i guess i'm here on time? this will be my first fitness group so please be gentle with me XD Starting weight: 129 (i gained a pound 5 days ago with my period and it hasn't come off yet!! :sad: ) Goal by May 31: 110 oh may 23rd i will be off to England to visit my boyfriend so hopefully…
  • Generic Dry wanton noodle is only 400 calories? It seems a little low to me. As asian the food checker presents a bit of a trouble for me because the food culture is obviously different because we have most MFPs from USA and the UK. Are the logs actually accurate? because according to all the food i logged, i only eat 1200…
  • eek, you're right, skin cancer possiblities or stretch marks... however among asians we are doing the opposite, we whiten ourselves, hahahah, how ironic. :) the bio oil seems very helpful. i might try some once i finished my small tub of vit e oil. The stretch marks under my breasts and my calves are less noticable after 4…
    in Stretch Marks Comment by Aril April 2009
  • thanks guys for the support and kind words, i made me feel much easier now. I'm doing this because i want to look good to feel good. Haha, i'm a very late bloomer, only recently did i want to be more feminene and prettified myself.
    in Stretch Marks Comment by Aril April 2009
  • Amen! its really annoying that we even get them while loosing weight... sigh... thanks for your reply, i will now go out and buy some cocoa butter oil with vit E. though i am really hoping to lose the exsisting ones too.
    in Stretch Marks Comment by Aril April 2009
  • Well i guess it is under weight loss help... so here goes. Ever since i started working out, i notice new stretch marks forming O_O i mean i cant deny my old ones but why would new ones coming out as i am loosing inches? Its so frustrating, i dont need new war scars as i have enough from heart surgeries. The weirdest new…
    in Stretch Marks Comment by Aril April 2009
  • How i wish my CD burner is actually working so i can compile all my fav rave/dance/clubbing song and play it on the hi-fi in my room. My pc is in the hallway and no way in hell do i want my parents to see me dance myself silly to the songs... and radio songs are ****ty anyway. XD Too bad for not owning a mp3 player, i…
  • my colleague brought a bottle of cadburry's chocolate with walnut and i just couldnt resist it... she offered! :sad: i took 3.
  • i officially hates ads on the top of this website now... that 25 pounds in 2 weeks ad is killing me! I live all the way here in the south east asia and after doing all the conversion and what not its sooo out of my range. I know better then to rely on pills but when you know you are doing alot and you sweat and ache and…
  • oh growing up i was the skinny dying one and my sister is the round chubby cute thing. I was forced to eat alot of herbal health things to keep me alive and gain weight. However it looks like the effect only just started to show around end of high school *laughs* and my sister, like a bean stalk growing up, used all the…
  • oh growing up i was the skinny dying one and my sister is the round chubby cute thing. I was forced to eat alot of herbal health things to keep me alive and gain weight. However it looks like the effect only just started to show around end of high school *laughs* and my sister, like a bean stalk growing up, used all the…
  • yikes! guilty of watching tele whilst on the threadmill! thanks for the article!
  • 5 inches in 3 weeks is amazing! O_O how much time do you spend a day training yourself? i'm sorry i'm not able to answere your question though, but wow, you are my inspiration now. Thank you~!
  • thanks songbyrdsweet for the answers, guess its bananas once a week for me! :D
    in I'm back! Comment by Aril March 2009
  • thanks! the little guy is just a little over 2 months old but boy am i surprised at the speed of their growth! He's no longer round and pudgy but long and lean and super hyper active! and the little bro sure loves chewing on shoes, thats where i got my work out, dodging his attack on my shoes. Well at least he learnt to…
  • where do i sign up for the no pain no gain club? :laugh: my right calve is still very sore from a cramp, but today i went for 30 minutes walk around my neighborhood and played with my golden retriver puppy by dodging his attacks on my feet... feels great when you move around but the moment you try to sit down and get up…