May 2009 Challenge: Week 1



  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    Starting weight: 140
    Today: 139.5
    5/31 Goal: 132

    Only lost 1/2 a pound :cry: I'm a little dissapointed in that but I've only been on this site for 10 days and I've lost 3 pounds total so I should be happy with my total weight loss so far, 3 pounds in 10 isn't to bad. Wasn't the greatest with the cardio this week, it's been raining nearly everyday. The bummer is yesterday I weighed 139.5 than last night a sloshed around in the mud and played golf and WALKED 9 holes and it says you burn like 500 calories do that and I was the exact same weight today!! Was that for nothing? I really watched what I ate yesterday and was really hoping for a better number:frown: Better luck this week I guess.

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Starting weight: 140
    Today: 139.5
    5/31 Goal: 132

    Only lost 1/2 a pound :cry: I'm a little dissapointed in that but I've only been on this site for 10 days and I've lost 3 pounds total so I should be happy with my total weight loss so far, 3 pounds in 10 isn't to bad. Wasn't the greatest with the cardio this week, it's been raining nearly everyday. The bummer is yesterday I weighed 139.5 than last night a sloshed around in the mud and played golf and WALKED 9 holes and it says you burn like 500 calories do that and I was the exact same weight today!! Was that for nothing? I really watched what I ate yesterday and was really hoping for a better number:frown: Better luck this week I guess.

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter

    Don't forget that a lb is the caloric equivalent of 3500 calories, so unless you had a 3500 calorie deficit yesterday, you aren't going to lose a lb. 3 lbs in 10 days is REALLY good. If you look at that over the course of a month it ends up being 9 lbs in a month. That is A LOT!!! You should keep at it and not get discouraged with the small changes, but try to focus on the trend your weight is taking. As long as you are trending lower over the course of a couple of weeks and eventually months, keep doing what you are doing.
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    Starting weight: 259.4
    Today: 258.4
    Goal: 253

    I am down 1lb. It is not bad since TOM is visiting. I couldn't do much cardio I had really bad cramps. I only had about 60 minutes for the week.
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    My photo didn't work, here are the stats...

    Low Impact Aerobics - 90 minutes
    Walking - 3 hours 42 minutes
    Biking 25km(15m)/h - 90 minutes
    Total - 6 hours 42 minutes
  • cryt11
    cryt11 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone well I gained a pound! Hopefully next week will be better
  • LoveDollie
    LoveDollie Posts: 23
    I was unable to weigh in as I am in Michigan this week with no scale :( I feel better and my clothing seems looser, so we'll see what the scale says next Friday.

    We Can Do It!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I did 2 hrs of exercise, gained a pound then lost 2. I should have taken my measurements as they seem to have changed the most

    Hi LD - hope you are enjoying your trip :flowerforyou:
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 66
    no gain, no lost, same old :( did 5 hours of cardio mix walking this week.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i put on half a lb this week, it isnt bothering me too much though
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    GW for end of month--203

    Pounds lost so far: 3.4

    Yip, yip, hooray!!!! Reached my 20 lb. Milestone.

    My cardio for the week was 268 minutes total.
  • leslier
    leslier Posts: 15
    Hopefully I will do better with the cardio this week.
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    No scale access this week because I blew off the gym for the WHOLE WEEK. It was mindful however, and I gave myself permission to do it, and am back on track today (Monday). On my way to go see this week's challenge!
  • livingandlovinglife
    livingandlovinglife Posts: 361 Member

    Sorry for the late post. I took sick on Friday and was in the hospital until today. Everything is just fine, thank goodness! I did weigh in on Friday morning. My starting weight was 220 and my weight on Friday was 217 Yay!!! I met my cardio goal of exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week too!
  • chiquain
    chiquain Posts: 9
    lost 3 and a half pounds.................must be doing something right !

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
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