May 2009 Challenge: Week 3



  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    i know this is going to be tough for me, but it's essential. At the gym, I do the machine cruncher and the leg lifts but that's about it. Last night, I did the Jillian Michaels 30-day shred for the first time. I don't know if it was because I ate like madness over the weekend or that I was in the car for six hours before that, but it was tough.

    The abs part hurt. I'm glad it's included, though, even if a little.

    I'm going to start actually doing the water thing, too. I did poorly this week on my water intake.
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    Soundsl ike a good challenge... I need to work my abs!!! I'm going to do P90X Ab Ripper every day this week!!!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Water 64 oz
    cardio-30 minutes
    Abs-150 crunchs(100 standard crunches, and 50 crunches to work my obligues)

    Water-56 oz
    cardio-30 minutes
    Crunches-150 crunches,(100 standard crunches, and 50 crunches to work my obligues), 15 Leg lifts

    I did it. :happy: I got my workout in during the weekend..Yesterday. I had to make myself get on my execrise bike, and workout. I am proud of myself for reaching my personal goal this week.
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    I slacked off this weekend MAJORLY, so I hope to get back on track during the week.

    Great challenge this week BTW! i really need to work on my abs!

    Starting weight for week 3 is 155
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    I've been really very off track the entire time doing this, but I've been trying to keep up at least with the week 2 portion, getting all my water. It's been helping a lot. I am only so fortunate that I haven't been gaining, although I haven't really been exercising either. But, I'm about to head out for a jog now, because I have to get back into it. :-) I've already had three glasses of water so far today, so now I just need to get exercise in (fortunately I've been working on crunches and push-ups on the side, too!).
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    OK, I forgot to post on Friday :cry: sorry.

    sw: 213.2 (May 1)
    cw: 209.8

    I have done 50 crunches, done 30 day shred with Jillian, and going for a 4 mile walk on the treadmill in a few. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.:flowerforyou:
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    Good luck this week everyone! My personal goals this week are to keep going with my healthy eating and drinking water, and to add more exercise (including the cardio and abs from this challenge). I would also like to see the scale move below 167 (my starting weight this month)... that would be nice! :wink:
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    I guess I should be fair and add, because I was heavily slacking the last couple of weeks...

    CURRENT WEIGHT: 208.5 (booo two lbs!)

    CARDIO: 55 minutes
    CRUNCHES: 150
    PUSH-UPS: 45
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Water 83 oz
    Cardio 30 minutes on my execrise bike
    Abs-100 strandard churches, 50 bicycles, and 1 min of side planks
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 66
    the number is not moving for me :( i am a little frustrated that my platue is so long! anyway no changes for me and i am a little side tracked because i am getting ready for my trip to england! England is my last hope of loosing weight because the last time i was there, i lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks! non stop walking and ahem... activities with my boyfriend ;), by that i mean climbing the hills and walking the fields. phew~!

    I'll be leaving for England this saturday so this might be my last week of weighing in before i get any internet connection as we will be traveling alot. Good luck to you guys and congrats to those who lost weight!!
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Okay, my cardio has sucked this past week, but my water has been great. I even got water in during the weekend (which is rare for me)!!! I only got in 10 min of cardio yesterday (did stairs at work). I don't see me getting much more than that due to my packed week, but I will do the best I can. I'll try to get some ab work in this week. I'll let you guys know on Friday...

    Good job everyone and good luck for the rest of the week!! :wink:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Don't quit now everyone! Push harder! If you feel like you are losing your motivation, TURN TO MFP!

    Seriously, it helps!

    Don't give up when you are so close!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Monday: did horrible for working out... but got about 19 glasses of water in... It's hot where I am so im drinking alot more then normal....

    Tuesday: Did about 100 crunches and has had about 10 glasses of water so far....

    Hoping to keep this up until friday !!! Excited for the weigh in :smile: Hope everyone is doing great and is having a wonderful weekend...
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Today was my second day in a row of working out, woot! Not a big deal usually, but the last couple of weeks have been tough so I'm pleased. I'm already feeling a major adjustment in my attitude also, I am an exercise endorphin junkie and am just plain nasty when I skip on it. :mad:

    So, 37 min on the treadmill and 33 on the elliptical, followed by 10 crunches and 20 situps (I was so proud of myself until I saw all the crunch numbers on here, wow!!!) My water is done by noon (love the water!) so that part is easy breezy. Now to keep it up for the rest of the week!

    I'm going on "vacation" next week (meaning I'm taking the 4 days after the holiday to destroy and re-build half our bathroom with hubby), so am going to make this a good week leading into the crazy times ahead. :laugh:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm looking to join a team to get support for my weight loss journey, just wondering if there will be a challenge for June? or maybe a 3 month challenge or something?
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Hey y'all. Sorry I've been AWOL for a couple of days. We have been wicked busy @ work. So busy that I had to ride my bike in to work today or risk not being able to work out for the whole week. It is about 22 miles round trip and I'll burn about 1200-1300 cals all told. that's the good part. the bad part is that I have to ride 11 miles hole after work. We never know when that will be, so I always take a gamble when I ride in. Since I work night shift, it could be anywhere from 12 to 4 am before I get home. Whish me luck and a short night. I hope y'all are having a great week. I'll try to be more active over the next couple of days.

  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
    Did my 1 hour spin class today and yesterday as well. Over 500 cal burned each workout. Stayed within calories and drank my water.. i did major ab work yesterday and today I am in serious muscle failure:tongue: I'll try to check in again tomorrow... keep it going people
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Cardio day 3 in a row down! I "only" went for a 30 min walk/10 min jog around the park, but my legs were buuuuurning, so I'm feeling like I burned more than the database gave me and will eat everyone of those 'extra' calories. :happy: Tomorrow is my WI, hoping there is some good news in store even though I've only been "back on track" for 3 days.

    And even though I "only" did 30 situps/crunches yesterday, my abs are buuuuurning today too, esp. my obliques. I can't remember the last time I did an actual situp (always do crunches), so perhaps that was it? At any rate, I'm feeling the burn today!

    Keep it going everyone!
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    Quick check-in: Yesterday did well on water & food, and did 37 minutes of wii fit (22 aerobic, 10 yoga, 5 strength) - I made sure to do ab/core related stuff on the wii.

    Prob no time today, but we'll see!
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    I didn't exercise. took a recovery day....Since I have been working out pretty hard the last few days. I did drink 74 oz of water yesterday

    Today, I just got done doing my workout. I did about 30 minutes of cardio, and then 15 minutes of strength trainin on upper body. and then 5 minutes of ab work. followed by 10 minutes of yoga
    I have gotten in 44 oz of water so far today, and plan on drink at least 20 oz before the day is done.
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