May 2009 Challenge: Week 3



  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    So i was wondering if moving counts as working out? I know that might sound crazy but im packing up a two story house by myself plus moving the furniture and boxes from one house to the other and its' about 96 out and im sweating none stop and feel worn out so since my heart rate is up and im sweating to death could i count all this as working out????
  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
    So i was wondering if moving counts as working out? I know that might sound crazy but im packing up a two story house by myself plus moving the furniture and boxes from one house to the other and its' about 96 out and im sweating none stop and feel worn out so since my heart rate is up and im sweating to death could i count all this as working out????
    Oh for sure :drinker: log your moving for working out girl!! Just checked, there is an option under exercise for moving, just go under the cardio section, and acorrding to the site, even if its just an hour, looks like your burning some major calories :drinker: :drinker:
  • dezmoore
    dezmoore Posts: 24 Member
    MOVING is HARD WORK... and cardio... too bad you arent wearing a HRM...

    today I ate within my calories.... drank my water..... and did 60 minute spin class...wasnt that into though today so i only burned 450 cal. I hope to see the payoff on the scale. but i'm not going to hold my breathe! Great thursday for everyone---last day work out before friday :wink:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I've been thinking of buying a HRM but never know what brand and do they really work... I'm going to start logging in my move into the cardio area since i will be moving from now until july 2nd... we have alot of crap to move and organize !!! but at least it's burning calories :happy:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Tammietifanie: heck yes moving counts... OMG i did that 2 weekend ago and WHEW, i was seriously worn out from the lifting, moving, carrying packing and unpacking... trust me, you are like working out all day.

    I cant believe we are starting the end of the May challenge tomorrow...

    Who wants to continue on with a june challenge? I will start it up mid next week if anyone is interested... What are some ideas to help keep people motivated? I feel we lost A LOT of people...

    Tomorrow is weigh in! I will post the new thread in a bit...
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222


    New challenge posted! Follow this link to it! Work hard, its the last and final week of May (can you believe it?)

    Good luck!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Yeah i've been starting to pack up and since my boyfriend is a marine he is never home so im left doing most of it plus taking care of three kids im running around like a chicken with it's head cut off :laugh: i started tracking how many hours im putting in each day towards the move... i didn't even realize how many calories i was burning... wow!!!!

    I would love to do a june challenge here are a few ideas i was thinking off

    * Healthy eating every one logs in what they have had for the day/week
    * Any Dvd's that we can maybe all do together and log in our thoughts and progress with the dvd...
    * To add to the crunches maybe log in how many Reps we are doing for arm work outs, leg lifts, squats so on...

    Just a few ideas
  • LoveDollie
    LoveDollie Posts: 23
    Woo hoo, end of week 3, down to 255 from 256.2. I can't hardly believe that since its that time. So, I am all frumpy and down a bit! So, I am not complaining.

    Looking forward to week 4 - the final leg.

    Keep crunchin.
  • Cardio this week 110 minutes
    1 gallon of water per day
    ending weight 282
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Lost 1.5 lbs this week :bigsmile:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I can't believe I forgot to weight myself begfore I came to work!!! Ugh!!!! I don't know that I want to see it anyway. I've had to go to lunch almost every day this week. We moved into a new office and the refridgerator and microwave are not here yet. PB&J just would not cut it all week! I will weight in when I get home and try to post tonight. I hate weighing in at night. Great job to everyone this week!!!

  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    I will be adding my info later tonight after work. But I worry. Last night, I ate lots and lots because my day was so busy I didn't eat the meals I had prepared. Argh.

    My tummy is very sore, though, from all the crunches.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Week totals
    Cardio:180 minutes
    Water: I got atleast 64oz in a day this week
    Abs. I did at least 150 crunches a day except on my recovery which was tuesday.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60

    Who wants to continue on with a june challenge? I will start it up mid next week if anyone is interested... What are some ideas to help keep people motivated? I feel we lost A LOT of people...

    I am interested in joining a june challange.:happy: ...Joining May's has defiently helped alot,
    I defiently want to contiune in June
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    SW 5/1: 167
    CW 5/22: 166.8 (hehehe.... down .2 so I had to put it!)
    GW 5/31: 163

    I have been relatively good with food and water, but still not sticking to the exercise. I actually don't have to work today (but have an interview in a half hour), so I'm planning on getting in some exercise today. I'm also going to a wedding tonight and will be on the dance floor! :wink:
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    yesterday i weighed myself (i couldn't wait) and i was down to 154 (another pound!) but this morning i was back to 155 :grumble: I guess i overindulged last night when we went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place....

    I agree that we also need a June Challenge! I need to keep my butt on track! I like the idea of everyone doing the same workout video. A friend burned me a copy of the 30 Day Shred and I haven't taken the plunge and tried it out yet.

    I hope i can get on track for the final week and meet my goal!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Start Weight : 162

    Current: 158

    Goal by may 31st : 156

    Only 2 more til i reach this months goal.... :happy:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    My body does not want to lose weight! GRRRR i am dangling around 117 every week! BOOOOOO

    so, that means I up my calories a bit with healthy things and really work on the cardio, sometimes your body gets used to the same routine! Maybe I will focus on that this week too.... GEEZ!

    I am definately aiming for my July goal because that is the target for me to hit my wedding weight!

  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
    Was a wicked good week for me cardio and food wise! Got in at LEAST 60 mins of workout 5 out of the last 7 days, soooo proud of myself, only down 1 pound so
    cw 213.......Im down for a June challenge as well ! "Weigh" to go peeps!!!!
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    I had a bad week AGAIN!!!! I gained another lb... but I started back running yesterday so I know if I keep up the running this week, I will see a loss next week.

    May 1 weight: 187
    Current weight: 188
    May 31 goal weight: 183
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