

  • Yeah, I realize that even if I am physically fit I could still get hit by a bus. But something like BP to me seems like it should be easily managed. HOPEFULLY, this next two weeks without BC will put me back in the healthy range.
  • I'm going to stop taking it completely for 2 weeks and check my BP every few days to see if it is making any difference. When I go in to see her in 2 weeks I'm going to ask her to refer me to a specialist so I can see about a non-hormonal IUD. I just really, really, hope it goes down in the next couple of weeks.
  • Even no change would be better than a constant, steady increase. It seems I'm doing everything right and that is just telling me I'm doing SOMETHING wrong.
  • Neutrogena gentle scrub...doesn't try your skin out like plaster at all and is pretty cheap $5-6 a bottle.
  • Kogel's are the best! Serve the Curve! Especially at A&W in Michigan. Best. Coney. Dogs. Ever.
  • Oh my god Nickelback is the worst. The worst ever.
  • I hate having stuff stolen from me. One of the few times I don't feel sorry for people is when they steal something and they get their hand chopped off. That'll teach 'em.
  • Water could be the issue. I was very diligently drinking 64oz for the first month and that has kind of tapered because water makes me sick. Too much water makes me so nauseous I have to eat something to prevent myself from throwing up...thus, less water to avoid eating extra calories to combat the nausea=very little water.…
  • Yes! Agree. I have lost over 3lbs some weeks when I eat my calories back. When I don't come close, I lose less than half that.
  • Hard boiled eggs and brown rice are a good idea...I'll do that this week. I have always been told that potatoes are terrible for you though. My uncle is diabetic and his doctor told him that is the last thing he should ever eat because it turns into pure sure and makes his blood sugar go crazy. Whether that is better or…
  • Hey thanks for the response. I just recently went to the doctor, blood pressure is fine and no pop at all for me. We rarely eat out, maybe once a month. 1500 seems so, so low. Most of the veggies I eat are so low in calories, I find myself trying to find other things more calorie dense just to meet my limit, or at least…
  • I started week 3 this morning. At 242.5lbs, if I can handle this, anyone can handle this. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    in COUCH TO 5K Comment by JBG1987 June 2012
  • I find this constructive. A lot of people I see on here burn extreme amounts of calories doing very light activity, eat all of their calories back and wonder why they are gaining weight. I think this helps those who are having problems. I see several members every once in a while post they burned 400 calories for 1 minute…
  • I've been struggling with this too. However, since I started running (C25K) three days a week, the muscle soreness from the carbonation, dehydration etc...makes running so hard I've kind of lost my taste. I look forward to my runs and I love to feel progress. I miss going to the bar with my friends...but I imagine they are…
  • I have a suggestion for the weekends. When my boyfriend and first started MFP, we both knew that there was no way we could cold turkey our favorite foods (burgers, beer, Chinese food, etc.) So, what we did for the first 3 weeks what I refer to as our "diet" portion of our new lifestyle: Sunday-Friday: 1200-1250 calories a…
  • Thank you!
  • I use Lean 15 chocolate flavor and mix it with cold coffee and put it on ice. It is like an iced mocha and it is awesome.
  • YES! I noticed right away that when I lost my first 10 lbs my daily calorie limit went down by 10. I'm really glad I noticed that. It didn't do it when I updated JUST my weight, I actually had to resubmitt my goals...
  • I was really worried about MFP being off on here because I fully believe in eating "calories burned" back. That was always my downfall in the past. I would start to exercise and lift weights and get really hungry and never stick to making a change because I would just be starving all the time and my muscles would be…
  • Wow, thanks for all the responses. I'll be looking into the Polar FT7 and FT4's this week for sure. Do you guys wet the straps for this down too? I read a few reviews online about having to wet them so they are more accurate...
  • My doctor told me that lifting heavier weights at few reps is a great way to tone and burn fat. Women generally don't have enough testosterone to "bulk" up muscle wise so don't worry about that. When you lift weight you tear muscle (gradually) and when your body repairs this tearing you burn lots of calories. My doctor…
  • My boyfriend and I totally have a treat day. Usually we make it on the weekend so that we can plan to go out with friends or family. Also we can stay sane. Living with a new diet for 6 days out of the week is hard to start with so one day to enjoy your favorite foods or going out to eat is a must. However, right now we are…