I think it's over..



  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I love carbs. I could eat a bag of pasta if I was left alone long enough. :frown:
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I try on protein really hard! I swear to god! I eat greek yogurt, loads of chicken, I have protein shakes (allbeit with chocolate frozen yogurt) I feel like I eat protein all day and STILL I'm low!

    As for carbs and sugar, I honestly dont know how I'll lower my sugar. Even when I was trying really hard to eat less refined sugar, I was still way over. Carbs too... I can try harder, but I honestly have no idea how long I can maintain that for, especially since I've been eating it all along. Maybe smaller portions.. I'll still be over, but I can try harder at that. You're right.

    I do run - I used to NEVER. But last week I hit the half-hour mark TWICE at 5mph! That was a huge deal to me. I either do a flat out maintained-pace run, or I'll run for a shorter time with different speed intervals.

    I do squats at least once or twice a week (95lb warmup and working weight at 120) along with benchpress (70) overhead press, barbell lunges (50lbs) barbell rows (65lbs) so I feel like I am pushing myself there. I up my weights usually every other week, and I take a week off here and there and just do the circuit machines and some other free weight stuff...
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    I love carbs. I could eat a bag of pasta if I was left alone long enough. :frown:

    Yeah carbs make you feel good. I had to cut them out cold turkey for 2 weeks! I found that helped a lot with cravings (carb withdrawal lol)

    Reducing carbs and sugars will help you trim fat. I shed a lot in my mid-section by doing this. However you still need slow burning carbs to feel energetic.

    Here is what you can do to reduce carbs:
    - you are already eating a lot of good lean meats for protein which is good
    - avoid carbs for dinner, have a slice of toast for snack or for breakfast
    - substitute for vegetables or whole grain crabs to get your carbs instead of pure carbs like potatoes or rice
    - try to pick vegetables lower in sugar content like cucumber, cauliflower, zuchini, eggplant, esperigas
    - fruit is loaded with sugar so eat in moderation, substitute with vegetables where possible
    - eat avocado, nuts, olive oil (or nut butters without sugar) to fill you up
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Are you using an HRM for your exercise? Some of your numbers look awfully high.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that you are eating and working out at maintenance now. I think that you are over estimating your exercise calories and not realizing how far over you have been and how often you have been.

    Also, your sodium is through the roof a lot of days. That's going to mask the very minimal loss that you may be having. You are netting 1500 from a TDEE of 1800. It would take you over 10 days of perfect eating to lose 1lb. If you are not counting accurately that 10 days is going to extend to 15 or 20.

    On the plus side, you are doing a fair bit of weight training too, so you may be experiencing a drop in size rather than weight.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I love carbs. I could eat a bag of pasta if I was left alone long enough. :frown:

    Yeah carbs make you feel good. I had to cut them out cold turkey for 2 weeks! I found that helped a lot with cravings (carb withdrawal lol)

    Reducing carbs and sugars will help you trim fat. I shed a lot in my mid-section by doing this. However you still need slow burning carbs to feel energetic.

    What do you eat for slow burning carbs?
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Are we twins?

    I started in December, lost 20lbs between then and March, and have been going up and down the same 5lb range ever since. I'm a desk job person who does strength training and cardio 4-5 times a week. I'm even lifting similar weight amounts as you.


    Seriously though, I've tried eating more, I've tried eating less, I've tried just eating when I'm hungry and not counting at all. I've tried cutting carbs, I've tried cutting booze, I've changed up my exercise, you name it. Still stuck in this same 5lb black hole of sadness.

    So yeah, if you find some magical way out, do me a favour and let me in on the secret. :P
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've read a lot recently that a great way to break a plateau is a 2 week diet break (eat at maintenance) and a 1 week deload (lifting break).

    Sometimes I'll go through phases where I'll just splurge for a few days eating some of the crappiest foods you can imagine and when I pick up again progress picks right back up.
  • amvandehey
    Don't give up! I have gone through several plateau's over the past 2 years fight through it and it will come. I was at a stand still for 8 months once I lost 50 and now down 88! Try changing things up and doing extra cardio. Keep going it is worth it!
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    Are you using an HRM for your exercise? Some of your numbers look awfully high.

    If I had to guess, I'd say that you are eating and working out at maintenance now. I think that you are over estimating your exercise calories and not realizing how far over you have been and how often you have been.

    Also, your sodium is through the roof a lot of days. That's going to mask the very minimal loss that you may be having. You are netting 1500 from a TDEE of 1800. It would take you over 10 days of perfect eating to lose 1lb. If you are not counting accurately that 10 days is going to extend to 15 or 20.

    On the plus side, you are doing a fair bit of weight training too, so you may be experiencing a drop in size rather than weight.

    Um, well I use a HRM for all my cardio and I usually deduct calories from the final number to account for calories I'm burning being alive, and I use 4 calories per minute of strength training I do, and I knock 10 minutes off the overall time I spent lifting to account for rests between sets. So if anything I think my exercise calories are under what I really do...

    I have been noticing my sodium. I'm working on that. However, there are lots of occasions where the things I'm eating arent the exact brand I'm logging, they're just the closest that I can find, so it may not be exactly accurate. But yes, I'll try harder on the sodium.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Yup, protein is hard especially when you're a carb lover. I used to love pasta too (still do) but I had to move it into the category of foods I eat on rare occasions because I can't eat one tiny serving of pasta, and the calories are just not worth it...

    On the plus side (lol I accidentally typed "plus size"), since I cut back on pasta and grains, I don't have a problem with a rampant appetite and bloating. I'm not saying "go on a low carb diet" - I'm saying your protein and carbs are opposite from what they should be. Avocados, nuts, beef jerky, and cottage cheese (which are carby but worth it if you're not eating a lot of grain) are things I always keep available. Most of these are high in potassium too, which counters the water retention from high sodium.

    But yeah. Focus on replacing some carbs with protein (and fat), being really careful about sodium, and see if that doesn't help. Eating at maintenance for two weeks isn't a bad idea either. But I really think that now you're closer to your goal weight, your macros are going to have a lot more significance.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 784 Member
    Don't give up. I was stuck for several months but switched up some stuff until something worked. I'm losing again (thankfully). You can lose that last but you want to.
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    I gave up sugar about three years ago and I actually don't miss it. Now, I still allow myself an occasional treat, but I don't eat anywhere NEAR the amount I used to. Part of my drive was when my little godson, who was 2 1/2 at the time, was diagnosed with diabetes. The doctors at CHOP (Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia) actually RECOMMENDED giving him Crystal Light to help curb his cravings for sweets - since all kids have those cravings, but diabetics even more so. I figured, if Crystal Light is okay enough to recommend for a diabetic toddler, it's okay for me! It really does help, although I now try to find more natural alternatives that are simply low glycemic impact (stevia, agave nectar, etc). You don't have to give up sugar completely for life, but try cutting back and try substituting things. You may be surprised how much it helps.

    PS - I don't drink soda any more, either. I used to be a 3-soda-a-day girl (20 oz bottles), and now I just drink water. I don't miss the soda.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I just looked over a week in your diary and you're over quite a bit in varies areas. Try to focus on staying under for a couple of weeks and see if it helps. You could probably cut back on your calories a bit as well, the days that hit over 1500, cut back by a 100 so its not to dramatic, like if it says 1800, do 1700, 1900 do 1800.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I'd try to stay away from the Cinnabon. I mean...you've got to live and all, but having it every day can put a crimp in things. Maybe pick something less carb dense? Make something with cinnamon? My suggestion would be to try to cut out as much processed stuff as possible, but I know that's not always easy. And I do believe that a person shouldn't give up everything just to lose weight...like everyone says, it's about moderation. But every day of something will add up after awhile.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I'd try to stay away from the Cinnabon. I mean...you've got to live and all, but having it every day can put a crimp in things. Maybe pick something less carb dense? Make something with cinnamon? My suggestion would be to try to cut out as much processed stuff as possible, but I know that's not always easy. And I do believe that a person shouldn't give up everything just to lose weight...like everyone says, it's about moderation. But every day of something will add up after awhile.

    Ha ohhh the Cinnabon... Those aren't actual Cinnabon buns - they're Mennonite ones from the farmer's market (so I figured they have to be just as bad). And I PROMISE I only get them maybe once a month, every other? We buy 2 of them and I eat half at a time usually. I SWEAR TO GOD.

    And whichever person mentioned the juvenile diabetes - funny you should say that. My bf is a diabetic (since he was 9) so I don't drink anything with calories in it. And together we're working on cutting out diet pop and just having water or crystal-light type drinks if needbe.
  • JBG1987
    JBG1987 Posts: 71
    Have you reassessed your goals? As you lose weight, MFP slowly takes calories away from you.

    Alternatively, are you set at 2 pounds a week for weight loss? You may need to back that off, because the closer you get to your goal the slower it's going to get.

    YES! I noticed right away that when I lost my first 10 lbs my daily calorie limit went down by 10. I'm really glad I noticed that. It didn't do it when I updated JUST my weight, I actually had to resubmitt my goals...
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    At 1200 calories your carb count should be under 100 each day. If you are way over your 100 carbs each day then it is time to detox and go through carb withdrawal (takes about three days) and then move forward. Depending on how far you want to go with weight loss your carb count may need to come down more, but you can deal with that later. If your calorie count is higher than 1500 then set your own goals and move your carb count to 100.

    It is hard - I love carbs but I also know that I want to live past 70 and I will not if I do not lose the weight.
    Also - try eating better carbs that work with your enzymes better - that may motivate your metabolism to get it moving.
    Apples, Pineapples, Oranges, Almonds, Greek Yogurt w/ fruit, and Frozen Yogurt for treat days. Yummy!!!

    Finally - just remember - simple math - if you eat more calories than you use in a day you will not lose.
    If you want pizza for dinner - then know ahead of time how many calories you need to burn (exercise off) to meal on that pizza. You burn so many carbs per one calorie.

  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    you really have to clean up your diet, and I know it's hard but you CAN NOT be healthy and lose weight eating the amount of processed food and sodium that you do... if it were as much fun to lose weight as it is to gain it we would all be skinny :) and your protein intake is crazy low for how much exercise you get, you need to shoot for at least 30g 4x per day to meet your goals, and try eating a better breakfast too, add eggs (i usually do 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg) and your carbs need to be whole grain instead of white/ nutrient-less processed carbs. i totally know how you feel, but the more you stick to it the easier it will be! good luck!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I love carbs. I could eat a bag of pasta if I was left alone long enough. :frown:

    Have you tried a detox/cleanse week? You need to lay off the heavy workouts for that week, but you can take that time to give yourself a little pampering, which you certainly deserve! A detox will reset your body to not crave the carbs & sugars as much. There are dozens of plans to chose from, but the main point is to cut out the carbs and sugars and fats that tend to program us to want those foods.

    I love carbs, too - way more than sweets - so a detox every once in a while is almost mandatory for me!

    Good luck to you!!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    This may sound radical (I would have poo-pooed the idea myself not long ago), but you COULD try to ease yourself into a Primal diet. I started doing this about 3 weeks ago, and am astonished that it is not that hard, and i LIKE IT.

    Basically, look at your macros and get that protein up and carbs down. You're eating very similarly to how I've eaten for ages--carbs 200-300 ish. Try to get those carbs under 100 per day.

    I read this article on nerdfitness:


    It talks about the Paleo diet -- kinda strict; no dairy, etc. Then I did some more investigating into a bit more flexible version, PRIMAL - here's a short blurb, with lots of links:


    I decided to give primal a try for 30 days. The first 3 days I started paying attention to carbs, I had about 150, 140, 130 carbs, then since the 4th day I have EASILY been able to keep it at 100 or fewer.

    I have lost 2.4 lbs in these few weeks, THE FIRST LOSS SINCE NOVEMBER.

    Interesting observations I have made for ME since trying primal:

    1. it is harder to make my daily calories without using carbs to get there.
    2. I am NOT tired with fewer carbs.
    3. I might not be lactose intolerant! I am eating dairy out the wazoo, without stomach problems! Maybe it was the grains, or the combo of dairy and grains that gave me problems!
    4. Everything tastes sweeter to me now. I ate a salad at Chipotle the other day (no dressing); I could not believe how sweet the romaine and peppers tasted to me. I ate part of a mango last night - it was actually too sweet to finish.
    5. I am not having ANY gas or bloating -- I would have problems frequently before, and usually thought that it was from some hidden dairy in my food if I hadn't knowingly consumed it.
    6. Yesterday at the gym, about 4 people commented that I must have lost weight and "that heavy lifting must be working" bc I look "so slim and strong". These are the same people that see me every day, and I have only lost 2.4 lbs. over 2.5 weeks.

    Anyway, something to consider . . . .

    EDIT: I found a yummy bar called POWER CRUNCH at Trader Joe's; 14 g protein (not the highest) BUT only 10 g carbs and truly delicious. Sweetened with stevia. These are a great sweet treat without blowing the carbs out of the water.
