I think it's over..



  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    Ok. Carbs and sodium have to drop. Got it. (Dinner is already pre-planned for tonight and it's a wash, so I will set this up for tomorrow. I promise. You can all stalk my diary, I will TRY VERY HARD).

    That said, I SWEAR I'm trying on the protein! I feel like I seek it out. Do you see how much chicken I eat?! I could live off greek yogurt. ...My desk ran out of almonds, so I'll replenish those.

    I'm a picky eater, so if you guys would bombard me with lists of low-carb foods and high-protein, that would help. Cuz a ton of what has been suggested is nothing I'll eat. I'd rather just NOT eat then eat foods I don't like just for the vitamins (I know, sounds awful). I will work on the sugar. Smaller doses cuz I know I can't kibosh it all. But yeah. Okay.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    You need to restart your metabolism. Things that help: Green Tea, B vitamins, ginger, omega-3s, calcium, vitamin D, LOTS OF WATER, less sodium and sugar.

    Also, I love sugar too and I couldn't lose with it. So I started taking a cinnamon supplement and I started seeing loss because it regulates blood sugar! Take it with meals.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    Do you have a stairmill (mini escalator) at your gym or spin/cycle classes?
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    I've read a lot recently that a great way to break a plateau is a 2 week diet break (eat at maintenance) and a 1 week deload (lifting break).

    This worked for me. I ate ate maintenance for a week, then went back to the MFP goals and the weight started coming off again.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I would just concentrate on staying within your allocated portions. There are many days where it's not just 1 or 2 off.. you'll go over by 400% or more on sugar, for example.

    I know it can be hard, but in the end it's honestly going to come down to choosing between moderating the portions, or being fat. Only the lucky can avoid both, and we're not lucky.
  • allieward
    allieward Posts: 22
    I don't mean to be harsh but this is my opinion:
    If you want to lose weight, shouldn't you be doing everything you can to make that happen?
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    You need to restart your metabolism. Things that help: Green Tea, B vitamins, ginger, omega-3s, calcium, vitamin D, LOTS OF WATER, less sodium and sugar.

    Also, I love sugar too and I couldn't lose with it. So I started taking a cinnamon supplement and I started seeing loss because it regulates blood sugar! Take it with meals.

    I take C&D, Flax oil and Omega 3, but I will add in cinnamon for sure! I didn't know you could get them as a vitamin! I'll try to up my water so more too.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    Do you have a stairmill (mini escalator) at your gym or spin/cycle classes?

    Yes, both. Though the stairmill is rarely free and I hate the spin instructors at my gym. They literally yell. I can hear them in the changeroom.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I would just concentrate on staying within your allocated portions. There are many days where it's not just 1 or 2 off.. you'll go over by 400% or more on sugar, for example.

    I know it can be hard, but in the end it's honestly going to come down to choosing between moderating the portions, or being fat. Only the lucky can avoid both, and we're not lucky.

    I feel like the sugar thing was a long time coming. I started out watching it, then caved and now it's like I try to not even LOOK at it.
  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    I would just concentrate on staying within your allocated portions. There are many days where it's not just 1 or 2 off.. you'll go over by 400% or more on sugar, for example.

    I know it can be hard, but in the end it's honestly going to come down to choosing between moderating the portions, or being fat. Only the lucky can avoid both, and we're not lucky.

    This is exactly what I was going to say, you just said it better. ;)
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I don't mean to be harsh but this is my opinion:
    If you want to lose weight, shouldn't you be doing everything you can to make that happen?


    I feel like maybe, given that it's close the year-mark, that the "newness" of this is wearing off and it's just easier to coast? I guess cuz eating like this (or close to) got 28ish pounds off me.

    I think I need a bit of maintenance time and then jump back in at a deficit. I need to make a plan.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I really know this is frustrating, but if you have stayed stable at that lost weight that is a huge achievement. Your exercise sounds good - and that's what you need to keep it off.

    Sugar binges are bad - they do bad things to how your body processes everything else. And if you're like me, if I go over - especially and fast dump things like sweets - I want more. I have to train myself to love those little small bites of sweets instead of reaching for the second one.

    But DON'T give up on what you're doing now. I know you're disappointed you're not losing. But you also haven't regained. And that, in and unto itself, is a statistical victory.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member

    I feel like maybe, given that it's close the year-mark, that the "newness" of this is wearing off and it's just easier to coast? I guess cuz eating like this (or close to) got 28ish pounds off me.

    I think I need a bit of maintenance time and then jump back in at a deficit. I need to make a plan.

    Such a smart thing to say.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    But DON'T give up on what you're doing now. I know you're disappointed you're not losing. But you also haven't regained. And that, in and unto itself, is a statistical victory.

    I suppose so. Though somedays I think if the scale just went up, it would be the serious *kitten*-kicking I need.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    I had a serious slew of friend requests from this thread - thank you, to all of you.

    If any of you are the brutal kind of thread who would watch my numbers and give me actual "what the HELL dude?!" comments, I would appreciate the assistance. I wont take it personally - but will..?
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Ok. Carbs and sodium have to drop. Got it. (Dinner is already pre-planned for tonight and it's a wash, so I will set this up for tomorrow. I promise. You can all stalk my diary, I will TRY VERY HARD).

    That said, I SWEAR I'm trying on the protein! I feel like I seek it out. Do you see how much chicken I eat?! I could live off greek yogurt. ...My desk ran out of almonds, so I'll replenish those.

    I'm a picky eater, so if you guys would bombard me with lists of low-carb foods and high-protein, that would help. Cuz a ton of what has been suggested is nothing I'll eat. I'd rather just NOT eat then eat foods I don't like just for the vitamins (I know, sounds awful). I will work on the sugar. Smaller doses cuz I know I can't kibosh it all. But yeah. Okay.

    maybe try another greek yogurt? The one you eat only has 9 grams. I think Chobani has 16 or so. lately I've been seeing on the forums that nuts aren't that great for protein. Also fish has hella of a lot of protein! I ate some crabs legs and shrimp one night and was pretty surprised.
  • JaimeBrown5
    JaimeBrown5 Posts: 324
    Ok. Carbs and sodium have to drop. Got it. (Dinner is already pre-planned for tonight and it's a wash, so I will set this up for tomorrow. I promise. You can all stalk my diary, I will TRY VERY HARD).

    That said, I SWEAR I'm trying on the protein! I feel like I seek it out. Do you see how much chicken I eat?! I could live off greek yogurt. ...My desk ran out of almonds, so I'll replenish those.

    I'm a picky eater, so if you guys would bombard me with lists of low-carb foods and high-protein, that would help. Cuz a ton of what has been suggested is nothing I'll eat. I'd rather just NOT eat then eat foods I don't like just for the vitamins (I know, sounds awful). I will work on the sugar. Smaller doses cuz I know I can't kibosh it all. But yeah. Okay.

    maybe try another greek yogurt? The one you eat only has 9 grams. I think Chobani has 16 or so. lately I've been seeing on the forums that nuts aren't that great for protein. Also fish has hella of a lot of protein! I ate some crabs legs and shrimp one night and was pretty surprised.

    I can't find Chobani! My grocery store even had a coupon IN the store for a yogurt they don't even carry! (I'm in Ontario, Canada...) I've tried literally every other one at my store, but I either don't like them or they have way higher calories or sugar.

    I wanted the almonds for the good oils and fats, less the protein. And yes, fish! We were on a good kick with that for a while and haven't had any in a bit. I'm going to get some more salmon, haddock and shrimp!
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    Some great advice in this thread - just what I need, too. My scale isn't moving either, though I've upped my workouts and am much better at watching my calories than I used to be.

    I think it's for similar reasons, too - I'm just not getting enough protein, and I'm finding it so difficult that apparently I just don't know *how* to get more protein. (grew up semi-vegetarian, so although I eat meat now, I don't know how to cook it at home). Your diary looks similar to how I eat. (I also eat too much sugar - tried cutting it out over the last couple of months, but it didn't seem to make any difference, so I stopped depriving myself.)

    I'll be looking closely at some of the recommendations on this thread.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I have hit a couple plateaus. For me (good or bad) what seemed to get me over was going with a light calorie day, followed by a heavy exercise day - then back to my normal regimen.

    So for example - normal daily calories are about 1800 - 1900. Normal daily Exercise (cals burned) is about 700 - 800) - I do a light calorie day (by subbing with protein shake) get my intake down to about 1400 or 1500. The very next day a heavy workout session (like 2 hockey games in a row) burning say 1100 or 1200 calories.

    When I come back from my workout, I am super light - I then follow my normal eating regimen (1800 - 1900 calories) - my weight goes back up a bit, but slightly lighter than before my light calorie day and it seems to stay off after that.

    Might be all in my head, but that seems to break through my stick points
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    Everyone else knows more about this than I do (even if opinions vary) so I am just going to say this:
    Express your feelings of frustration, impatience etc fully in a full on rant if you like- to someone or something that can receive it.
    Take the tissues or broken things and put them in the trash.
    Take a deep breath
    make your resolve
    and continue kicking *kitten*.
