Help I like to drink!

This is my first week of actually counting calories and so far, Im not doing so well. I cant seem to stay within my calorie range. I keep going over and to top it off we go out on Thursday and I like to drink! What do I do?


  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Alcohol sabotages me as well. Bottom line? Unless I cut it WAY down, I will stay where I am. :(
  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    You're going to have to decide which is more important to you: alcohol or a healthy body weight.

    I work in a treat or two a week, but I log it and adjust my meals that day accordingly.

    Open your diary so we can see what you are eating and we can offer suggestions.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    Alcohol not only provides way too many empty calories, but it will lower your inhibitions chances are you'll over eat and you'll make worse food choices. Speaking from experience! You need to make up your mind if its worth that risk. If you're already having a hard time staying within your calorie range, maybe you should skip the drinks this week? Once you're in better control and have a better understanding of what is working for you, you may be able to allow 1 drink (something low cal like vodka/soda, or a glass of wine) and then switch to water, but still go and hang out & socialize.

    In the past I have managed to lose weight and drink nightly (was a 2-3 glasses of wine a night wino) but you end up sacrificing nutrition to fit in those calories. It's just not worth it overall! Now I don't drink except for maybe once every 2 weeks when i go out with friends. I'll have a beer or a glass of wine and really savor it. It seems much more satisfying this way.
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    oh lordy, how i miss my margaritas!!! i haven't had one since new years.

    i could use one today too.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I drink, just 100 proof rum or vodka and diet coke (100 cals each). I also know how many cals I saved during the day for it. Hubby and I will go out tonight. I'll get to have 2 drinks. Since I'm drinking a high proof alcohol, I don't need as much. Does it slow down metabolism, yes. Do I do it every day or even every week? No. It's usually about every other week and it's only 2 or 3 drinks. If you are eating out, try to stick with low cal dishes to balance things out.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I like to drink too. And I still drink. In fact, I have a glass of red wine almost every night, and on the weekends I drink beer. Not light beer either.

    So, what I do, is work out like a beast so I have extra calories for my delicious booze! I make sure on weekdays I have a decent amount of cals leftover, kind of like "stockpiling" my extra calories, and then I get in really intense workouts on the weekend so I have some wiggle room for beer or cocktails or whatever. I also make sure I'm eating right and staying well hydrated...haven't had much of a problem losing with this approach!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Unfortunately you gotta stop drinking, if you want to change your body and live a healthier lifestyle......I have a few here and there, nothing excessive, no good in it.......
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You can either fit it into your calories for the day, work out to make up for it, not worry about it for the day, or just don't drink.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Try going out and having fun without drinking :) if you can not achieve that you may have a more serious problem then staying in your cals.
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    My trainer guy insists it takes 72 hours after drinking alcohol to get back to maximum fat burning rates. I've never read that anywhere else but the one woman who loves beer is the only one not losing weight after a year in our group.
  • Pammy1017
    Pammy1017 Posts: 7
    Vodka & club soda with lime wedges are my drink of choice when Im dieting. Low in calories and gives you a nice buzz!

    Also, exercise alot during the week. If I know Im going drinking on the weekends, my normal 40 minute workouts become 60 minute workouts.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    You're going to have to decide which is more important to you: alcohol or a healthy body weight.

    I work in a treat or two a week, but I log it and adjust my meals that day accordingly.

    Open your diary so we can see what you are eating and we can offer suggestions.

  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Log it. If you get serious about calorie counting you wont want to drink (as much). I do love wine/beer but when I see that I can have food and not be hungry I opt for food :)
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I like to drink too. And I still drink. In fact, I have a glass of red wine almost every night, and on the weekends I drink beer. Not light beer either.

    So, what I do, is work out like a beast so I have extra calories for my delicious booze! I make sure on weekdays I have a decent amount of cals leftover, kind of like "stockpiling" my extra calories, and then I get in really intense workouts on the weekend so I have some wiggle room for beer or cocktails or whatever. I also make sure I'm eating right and staying well hydrated...haven't had much of a problem losing with this approach!

    This is what I do too :)
  • JBG1987
    JBG1987 Posts: 71
    I've been struggling with this too. However, since I started running (C25K) three days a week, the muscle soreness from the carbonation, dehydration etc...makes running so hard I've kind of lost my taste. I look forward to my runs and I love to feel progress.

    I miss going to the bar with my friends...but I imagine they are going to miss me if I don't lose this weight and die of a heartattack. Cardio is your friend.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • GermanicKnight
    I like to drink too. And I still drink. In fact, I have a glass of red wine almost every night, and on the weekends I drink beer. Not light beer either.

    So, what I do, is work out like a beast so I have extra calories for my delicious booze! I make sure on weekdays I have a decent amount of cals leftover, kind of like "stockpiling" my extra calories, and then I get in really intense workouts on the weekend so I have some wiggle room for beer or cocktails or whatever. I also make sure I'm eating right and staying well hydrated...haven't had much of a problem losing with this approach!

    QFT! I average one beer a night, and manage to lose, and on weekends I may have 3-5. I just burn to EARN!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    My trainer guy insists it takes 72 hours after drinking alcohol to get back to maximum fat burning rates. I've never read that anywhere else but the one woman who loves beer is the only one not losing weight after a year in our group.

    I can so believe that. I'd be a hippo if I drank beer. Seriously, it totally screws up my metabolism, blood sugar, etc. Hard liquor, on the other hand, doesn't effect so long as I do it in moderation.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    It depends on how much you drink honestly. I love beer adn I usually drink one on Thurs., Friday and Saturday evenings. BUT only one and I enjoy the taste a lot rather than wanting to get really intoxicated. I work out more to offset it and I cut out other carbs on the days I drink beer. It has not slowed down my weight loss at all and I am losing faster than a lot of people who don't drink at all. If you like to drink, cutting it out completely is not going to work because you will just want it more. Either limit it to one night every couple weeks if your going to drink quite a few, or just have one drink more often.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    My trainer guy insists it takes 72 hours after drinking alcohol to get back to maximum fat burning rates. I've never read that anywhere else but the one woman who loves beer is the only one not losing weight after a year in our group.

    I don't think beer is her problem, unless she's going over her calories by drinking on a regular basis and not making up for it. I love beer. Hell, I work for a beer distributor. Beer is my business, and I drink it often. And I haven't had one bit of a problem losing weight.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    My trainer guy insists it takes 72 hours after drinking alcohol to get back to maximum fat burning rates. I've never read that anywhere else but the one woman who loves beer is the only one not losing weight after a year in our group.

    I don't think beer is her problem, unless she's going over her calories by drinking on a regular basis and not making up for it. I love beer. Hell, I work for a beer distributor. Beer is my business, and I drink it often. And I haven't had one bit of a problem losing weight.

    If she has a tendency towards sugar sensitivity, it can really halt her progress. Not diabetes or pre-diabetes, but just sugar sensitivity. That's why beer so greatly effects my weight loss. I was sugar sensitive then I went to pre-diabetes, then diabetes, now I'm at diet controlled diabetic (which is basically back to sugar sensitivity if that makes sense).