kathyvdh Member


  • I just read your profile...you definitely have the right attitude! I am only 43 and could use some of your energy...I can hear it in the words I read. Good Luck!
  • Elizabeth, Don't be so hard on yourself when you have a bad day. Everyone does. Just get back on track as soon as possible. I know you can do it. Just keep trying. I had a bad day yesterday too, so I won't weigh myself for at least a week because I know the extra pounds will come back off if I just work at it. I don't want…
  • Hi Stacy, Don't get depressed, just keep trying and I think you will succeed. In addition to the calorie tracking & exercise, make sure you drink enough water. That has been the main thing that has really helped me. Kathy
  • Have you tried to look up yoga on caloriesperhour.com? You can get just about anything on that site & then create your own exercise in myfitnesspal. Just a thought. Kathy
  • Welcome, Don't be too hard on yourself. Like I've said in many other posts, my best piece of advice is to drink plenty of water. If you have time for junk food, you have time for water too. I have also found it motivating to see the changes in the amount of money I spend on food now that I watch what I am eating. Have a…
  • Welcome Lisa. I too am a good candidate for diabetes. I also agree that losing the weight is important both to avoid the diabetes and to boost your self esteem. I have been doing a kickboxing video a lot lately. It features 3 skinny girls in sports bras and tight pants. Every day, I try to visualize myself in their…
    in Newbie Comment by kathyvdh March 2006
  • Congratulations on making the first step. I agree that the treadmill is a good start. You just have to make sure you use it regularly. I do a combination of working with the exercise ball, kickboxing video, stationary bike & treadmill. I get bored easy, so the variety helps me. I have also found that by posting my routines…
  • Welcome & good luck with the weight loss and the wedding plans. Just try to stay focused and don't be too hard on yourself. Drink plenty of water too. I think that's one of the most important things. Kathy
  • I think that as long as you stay at least around 1200 calories per day, you shouldn't have to worry about starvation mode. If I have a really good exercise day, I don't go near the calories it says I could have. I think that is what gives me the most satisfaction from this site. I love it at the end of the day when I click…
  • em1974, Welcome. As the others have said, this is a great site. We are all here for support, so keep us posted. Remember, drink plenty of water. I have been trying to drink a big glass (12oz) everytime I feel hungry. Then I wait 5 minutes and most of the time the hunger pangs go away without even eating. Have a great day!…
  • Welcome! I'm sure you will find the site helpful. Keep us posted on your progress. Kathy
  • Welcome. You sound like you are definitely on the right track & your enthusiam may be just what the rest of us need. Keep posting. Kathy
  • Welcome! I hope this site will prove successful for you. Don't get discouraged. It takes time. Keep us posted. We're all here to help each other. Kathy
  • Hi Sarah, Welcome to the site & good luck with your weight lose. I'm sure you will find this site very helpful. Kathy
    in New Today Comment by kathyvdh March 2006
  • WOW! That is really kind of ironic. I gave up soda a week ago also (Diet Mountain Dew). My problem is the opposite. I am exhausted by 6pm and have trouble staying awake after 8. I keep telling myself it is all in my head, but it still is frustrating. I don't really have any great advice, except to keep up the good work and…
  • Hi Girls, I have been reading with interest what you have been discussing. I think I have some of the same struggles that both of you are having. I was recently given some good advice and thought this might be a good place to share it. First of all, when you think you are feeling hungry, drink a full 12 oz glass of water…
  • Hi Cindy, Welcome to the site. I've been at it for over a month and really like it. Good luck with your weight loss. Remember that we are all here for support. Keep us posted and keep positive. I know you can do it! Kathy
  • Hi Traci, Welcome to the sight. Good luck, I know you can do it! Keep us posted.
  • Hi Sabrina, So far I have lost 8 pounds. Would like to lose 20 more. I was addicted to soda too (dietdew). I ran out on Friday and decided it is time to quit cold turkey. The headaches are getting less intense and I can honestly say I think this is for good. Now I drink even more water because I just seem so thirsty. I…
  • Welcome Becky, glad to have you join the group. You might want to update your profile so we know a little more about you. Good luck. Since starting on Jan 29th, I have lost 8 pounds and feel great. Keep us posted. I think what keeps me motivated the post is reading about everyone else's struggles and triumphs. Have a great…
  • Welcome tabilee. I think you are doing the right thing by making the first step. I too would be interested in how to correlate a pedometer reading to the calorie log. It might be a question for customer support by clicking "help". Have a great day & good luck!
  • Welcome! I think you've came to the right place and I think you have the right idea. Set small goals, one at a time, and you will be surprised how easy it is to stay motivated. Keep us posted. Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • Welcome, I think you will find this site helpful. Tracking everything you eat really makes you aware. I'm glad to hear you are learning to golf. It is a great game (we own a golf course!!!). Keep us posted on your progress. We need to support each other. Kathy
  • Hi Roni, Welcome to myfitnesspal. I can sympathize with you because I too try to cook what my family likes and it isn't always the healthiest food. I also have a sweet tooth. My soda choice is Diet Dew, but I can't give it up completely. I compensate by allowing myself 2 cans per day, as long as I also get my 8 cups of…
    in Hello Comment by kathyvdh March 2006
  • Hi Jennifer, Don't give up. We all have bad days, but we just have to keep trying. Treebs is right. Read through some of the old posts. It will help to motivate you. 90 pounds is awesome! You can't give up now. I had bad days this Friday and Saturday too, but yesterday I got back on track and feel so much better. Good…
  • Congratulations on your success. 15 pounds in 7 weeks is perfect! I am jealous. I've been stuck the last few days, but haven't been working too hard at it either. Am painting the exercise room so until it is done, the equipment isn't accessible. I have been working at it for 6 hours already today, but will have it almost…
  • Good for you. Isn't it amazing how much that 1/2 pound can bother you now. I am the same way. Before starting this program, my weight fluctuated by a few pounds almost daily. Now I have been losing about a 1/2 pound per day when I am really working on it. This morning, I had gained a 1/2 pound back as well. It is nice to…
  • Welcome. I'm sure you will find this site very supportive. Keep us posted.
  • I do oatmeal quite often too. I have been adding a little cinnamon because I have read that cinnamon helps in weight loss too. I can't remember what it is supposed to do, but I am willing to try anything!
  • Treebs, That is fantastic. I have been concentrating on calories mostly. I will have to watch my fat grams closer. Thanks for the update. Keep us all posted. It is nice to know that others are working just as hard as I am. Have a great day!