Help me! PEPSI withdrawals!

Hello everyone. As I told you, I gave up the pepsi. So far, so good. I haven't had one but, guess what. I'm fine all day long but, have had a hard time sleeping since I stopped drinking it. (sound weird right?) I am up right now, it's 5:55 here and have been up since about 1:00 a.m.

I didn't realize giving up the PEPSI would be this hard! It's only been a week...should I still be having issues though?


  • kathyvdh
    kathyvdh Posts: 66 Member
    WOW! That is really kind of ironic. I gave up soda a week ago also (Diet Mountain Dew). My problem is the opposite. I am exhausted by 6pm and have trouble staying awake after 8. I keep telling myself it is all in my head, but it still is frustrating. I don't really have any great advice, except to keep up the good work and don't give up. We will get through this!!!

    Have a great day!
  • finickygaby
    finickygaby Posts: 12 Member
    I gave up Coca-Cola and I switched to Hibiscus Iced Tea and use Splenda for sweetener I buy a bag of the hibiscus dried flower and boil it to make the tea that keeps me satisfied and away from pop, I also got some caffeine pills because I have no Energy... So far so good but I do miss my Coca-cola
  • duckforceone
    duckforceone Posts: 121 Member
    giving up sugar is supposedly harder than giving up cocaine.. so yeah, it's supposed to be hard and tough..