EliDC Member


  • This is absolutely delicious: http://www.canyoustayfordinner.com/2012/11/12/lightened-up-pad-thai-for-two/ Lightened Up Pad Thai for Two 1 tablespoon sesame oil 6 cups green cabbage, finely shredded 1 ½ cups mushrooms, chopped (any kind) 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons sugar 2 large eggs 1 ounce…
  • I love buying new clothes when I reach a mini-goal, but money is really tight right now. So I went through my closet and pulled out all the clothes that are still too small for me. I separated them into piles based on their size, and then wrapped up each pile as a present. Now when I reach a mini goal I get to unwrap a…
  • I love grilled portobello mushrooms. I marinate them in raspberry walnut salad dressing and grill, then serve on a bun with provolone cheese. So good!
  • This happens to me too. I hate how it takes over my mind. However, mindless eating is what caused me to gain weight. So it's like the pendulum just swung the other way. Lately I've been thinking about food a lot less, and I think it's because I've replaced many of my unhealthy habits with healthy ones. I no longer have to…
  • I've become more of a food snob too - I weigh the calories in a food with the enjoyment I would get out of eating it. For example, just tonight I was at a party with a dessert buffet with small portions. The old me would have tried one of each kind of dessert. But I could tell they weren't going to very good by the look of…
    in Snob. Comment by EliDC August 2013
  • I love quesadillas, I could eat them everyday! This is a spinach and mushroom quesadillas with salsa, and it's based on this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/spinach-and-mushroom-quesadillas/detail.aspx Slightly off-topic: I love this thread, it's so inspiring to see the meals of people who are trying to eat healthier.…
  • I toss a yogurt in my bag and eat it once I get to the office - Fage 2% Greek is my current favorite.
  • I don't have any advice other than the suggestions to keep the binge foods out of the house - I just wanted to say that I do this too. It's hard - but you can resist! Good luck!
  • You just made my night! I can't wait to watch new content!
  • I had a similar experience - what an unexpected, amazingly awesome NSV! Congratulations!
  • Hmm...I wouldn't be so pleased. The lady really didn't know that she was on MSN? How did they get her pictures?
  • I have the same problem - I've been "off the wagon" for a couple of months now. Today is my first real day back - back to accounting for all of the calories, and even exercising so I can have a glass of wine. It feels good :) Maybe you could try changing something up. For me, the change was to participate in the…
  • I'm casting in my vote for throwing away the leftovers if necessary, as a couple of other people have mentioned. Some things are almost impossible to keep in the house and not snack on. Doing this makes me feel guilty, but I quiet the inner nagging by reminding myself that no one benefits from me overeating.
  • I have this problem too. I basically deal with it in three ways: 1. Keep the foods that I'm most likely to reach for when stressed out of the house. It sends like you're already doing this. 2. Distract myself. Watch a tv show, go for a walk, play with the cats...anything that engages my attention and keeps me out of the…
  • Hi! I'm in a similar situation - I've been a member for over a year, and made great progress at first. But I haven't seen any improvement for a while. I'm thinking the social aspect will benefit us both - I'll send you a friend request!