esl269 Member


  • I start my MBA in a few months, after work. Throw in sleep and exercise, and I should have free time again in 2016...
  • If I bought a box, I'm certain it would be gone before tomorrow. I just have enough self control not to buy any.
  • Crazy talk! All their financing goes toward keeping up production of chicken pox.
  • I use DPSNutrition's site. Not terrible, but prices have gotten rather ridiculous. They've gone up 300% since I started buying them about a year and a half ago.
    in shakes? Comment by esl269 November 2012
  • This thread just made me lose my faith in humanity. Good job, internet. Now I can never have my innocence back.
  • Hundreds of dollars for shakes? How do businesses like this do so well in a recession?
  • Looks like it'd be a fine choice, if you have allergies. Other than that, though, I don't think there's really much of a difference. There's worse whey protein powders out there, but there's better ones, too.
  • I don't understand why there needs to be a service to provide you with high protein, low fat foods. Couldn't you just... go to the grocery store?
  • This doesn't seem like a good idea to me, for the reasons other people already mentioned: It can be a slippery slope, eating like that.once a week, and it encourages the idea that the other days of the week are some extra special diet, whose rules you get to ignore occasionally, instead of just being your new lifestyle. If…
  • I hated that low carb thing. The diet is miserable, the weight loss drops to nothing after a few weeks, and you gain everything back as soon as you start eating real foods again.
  • I would tell everyone that someone else told me they saw it... You still get the gossip and drama, without all the blowback.
  • 8 cups, I believe, is recommended.
  • Logically, sure, I know a trainer could be overweight and still have just as much (or more) experience in the field than one who was in shape, as their own habits have no direct link to the lessons they've learned. But... I'd still pass. On some level, it would be annoying to have someone in worse shape than me telling me…
  • I work at a hospital, too, and we seem to have a lot of pizza parties and they bring in donuts everytime someone comes or goes. Always blows my mind... I just pass. I bring a lot of snacks and people know I eat healthy. They expect me to pass on it, so it's not too hard to do.
  • If they' and their children are yelling at random people on the street, you can trust that their lives are probably about as sad as can be already. No revenge needed.
  • It will say on the carton. "2 TBSP = 1 egg white". Something to that effect.
  • I always assumed it was a lot less work than jogging, for some reason or another (probably because it's worth less points on Fitocracy). I was about to hang mine up and invest in a treadmill but I think this thread might have saved me $800...
  • This is like reading testimonials about how shake weights have radically turned a person's life around, found them the perfect spouse, and cured them of cancer (And all this could be yours at the low, low price of $1500 a year). I really got into the wrong field. You can literally sell anything, so long as you throw "diet"…
  • As far as other scams go, I suppose it's not a bad deal.
  • That looks like a good way to get rid of unwanted savings.
  • I have shredded wheat every morning. It's the only cereal I've been able to find without any sodium. But I'm not looking to lose weight or take in a lot of vitamins. I just want carbs and fiber, and I get it.
  • Not to go too far off topic, but holy crap.
  • I tried some wrist weights for about two weeks when jogging got too easy... And, three years later, I still have tennis elbow and I curse my stupidity every time I work out.
  • This is what always kept me from smoking. I couldn't help but do the math, and I'm far too cheap to go down that road.
  • I think the worse part is, no matter how much I drink, I never feel as good the next day, and that makes it a lot harder to run or lift.
  • I almost never eat out anymore. But, every once and awhile, you do have to go out to a nice restaurant and so I usually get some sort of baked or grilled fish. Super high in sodium, but I eat little enough salt throughout the day that it's not something I fret over.
  • I agree. It's possible to lose that much weight that quickly, but you'll have a better chance of keeping it off and maintaining a healthy lifestyle if you slow it down a bit.
  • I like to think we're the only ones without an accent. Everyone else just needs to learn to speak properly :)
  • I would say the biggest thing that helped me, in the beginning, was learning to never make an excuse to skip a workout. Once you've skipped for a good reason, it's extremely tempting to skip for a bad one. Once you've firmly gotten into the habit, it's okay if you need another rest day but... in the beginning, that can be…