Once I got dumped for



  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Once I got dumped for my best friend... because she had bigger boobs :cry:

    BUT even though she's no longer my best friend and still has bigger boobs.... she also has a bigger *kitten* :laugh:

    I WIN!

    I should add that this was all at age 14, I started dating my now husband when I was 15.
    I'd seriously kill for a bigger *kitten*

    I can honestly say that I have never been dumped for anyone with bigger boobs or a bigger *kitten*......
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    My best friend dumped my first boyfriend for me, in 8th grade-- On a three-way call, while I listened in and pretended not to be there.

    Ah, memories.

    HAHAH must be the age -- my 8th grade BF got his best friend to call my house -- and left the message with my dad during dinner. LOL

    I broke up with a long distance guy cause when I was in town for only a weekend, he decided to go out with his best friend (who's wife was away that weekend) to go see strippers - instead of seeing me. Class act, that one.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Before my weight loss journey I was talking to a guy that said he didn't want to see me anymore because my arms were bigger then his!

    Uh, yeah.

    Needless to say, I am now 40 pounds lighter and married..meanwhile he is still on dating websites.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I once dumped this complete *kitten* (for cheating on me and otherwise being a dispicable human), and he made himself fall off of a roof and pretended a head injury that caused him to "forget" that I dumped him, so I had to do it all over again. He was such a drama queen, and always doing stupid, reckless stuff like that.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    That is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ESPECIALLY unbelievable since JW's don't believe in hell........ :huh:


    I'm a Jehovah's Witness and yes, we do not believe in hell fire. Also, having sex is a sin if you are not married or if you are married and having sex with someone else besides your mate, you are committing adultery. It is funny how this system of things, which is currently owned by Satan, says it is okay to fornicate and commit adultery. The Bible states that it is wrong. This is Jehovah God's law, not man. Duh! Read Revelation 12:9.

    "owned by Satan"??? Don't you mean Santa? Duh!

    "owned by Satan" is totally my new tagline.
  • JoannaAndBlue
    JoannaAndBlue Posts: 13 Member
    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage.

    Ridiculous; by that logic no one who has ever waited for marriage has a good sex life because they didn't "practice" beforehand. To me, that sounds like a way for people to justify sexual promiscuity, no matter what your opinion about premarital sex for religious reasons. I do not believe in premarital sex and my husband and I have a wonderful, intimate, loving, fulfilling, healthy sex life. I had zero experience until him and neither he nor I regret it for a moment. Nor do I feel as though I am missing anything. In a committed relationship, sex is just as much about your feelings for your partner as it is about the physical aspect of things; it's got nothing to do with how practiced you are.
    Good for you. Some people value good sex as an important aspect of a strong relationship, though. It's nothing to do with being promiscuous, not that there's anything wrong with that outside of a relationship. It's about exploring every aspect of your partner and finding out if you're truly compatible.



  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Not really a dump but a ridiculous blind date. I went out with this guy who is a doctor at NIH. We sat in a Mexican restaurant drinking beer and eating chips and salsa and then got a cupcake at a nearby shop. He spent the whole time talking about how smart he was and then later says, "Hey, you're ALMOST as smart as I am!" Then he got offended when I cut the date short and didn't kiss him. He was all like, "But I bought you a beer and a cupcake! I should at least get to first base." So I told him that even if he bought me an entire meal, he's still not invited to the ballpark.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I once dumped a guy because he claimed he couldnt feel his hands. He definately could though... :huh:
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I got dumped for WOW. Or well, I dumped him because of WOW, and he told me he'd been wanting to leave me to have more time to play.

    Months later (with no communication) he had a friend drive him an hour (drunk) out to my house at school and tried to break in. Thank goodness the new guy was there! (We weren't dating at that point, but are now and have been for 4 years!)
  • esl269
    esl269 Posts: 29 Member
    This thread just made me lose my faith in humanity. Good job, internet. Now I can never have my innocence back.
  • sunnygirl19
    sunnygirl19 Posts: 60 Member
    First guy I slept with, we broke up and re connected a couple years later. He dumped me by saying he felt intimidated by my knowledge in the bedroom. Ummm.....What?! There is more than just missionary!

    I have had my fair share of break ups but the one guy I cut loose….he wasn't well equipped (Abnormally small), To be honest it totally freaked me out, I still feel bad about it but when you can’t feel anything…..there’s a problem!!!
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    being really awesome, but he realized he wasn't physically attracted to me. O.o

    Dumbest dumps? (Been done to you or you've thought of >:) yes, that's evil of me but I know you've all got some evil in ya.

    That's dumb?

    That is perfectly normal and to be expected if it's true and he wasn't attracted. Ask any psychologist. A healthy relationship requires attraction
  • tephey
    tephey Posts: 44 Member
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    I dated a Jehovah's Witness. My boyfriends MOM called me to tell me he couldn't date me anymore because he was going to go to hell for dating me...

    Uh... Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in hell.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Thread reminds me of the song 50 ways to say she died

    Haha! Reminds me of the song 50 ways to leave your lover! This thread is hilarious!
  • I was friendzoned once.....that was weird. The jerk still texts me about once a year to check to see if my husband and I have broken up
  • bump
  • Quote: "I like my other girlfriend better. Sorry."


    Umm, I've used that one, only replace "girlfriend" with "boyfriend." Not my proudest moment. :blushing:
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    Only been in a few relationships but I dumped a guy I was seeing after a few months because he drugged my wine and I ended up in bed with him. Only thing I will always remember:

    .......Him: "Is it in yet?"......

    There was a pause and I started laughing so hard I was crying. Broke up next morning but I couldn't keep a straight face while doing it. Laughed my *kitten* right out the door.
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    i was dumped by a guy for being "too honest" (it's true, i'm pretty blunt and quite tactless)...

    i once dumped a guy for being a horrible mouth-breather. i tried very hard not to let it get to me, but i couldn't help it! when we would watch movies, not only would i have to put subtitles on, but he would want me to lay back on him in an effort to be more comfortable on my small couch...which was fine...but what was NOT fine was how he would breathe loudly on the top of my head, to the point where little stray strands of my hair would fly forward onto my face. i'm sorry, it grossed me out beyond measure, and i finally broke it off when i realized that i was starting to get ANGRY at him for doing something that he couldn't really help. he was a really nice guy, but...the mouth breathing was an unfortunate deal breaker for me. =/

    I totally get the mouth-breather thing - I once dumped a guy because his table manners were terrible. He was over for dinner at my parents' house - ate an entire pizza by himself, and when I cleared the table, there was as much food around the space where his plate was as I think went in his mouth (he also wouldn't close his mouth when he chewed, but the mess on the table was the last straw).

    There were several guys I dated in my 20s who dumped me because they "weren't ready to be in a committed relationship" - the funny bit is that each of them went on to marry the very next woman they dated. My friends and I contemplated starting a service - "hey - is your SO having problems committing? have him go out with me for a week - that'll scare him!" :devil:
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage.

    Ridiculous; by that logic no one who has ever waited for marriage has a good sex life because they didn't "practice" beforehand. To me, that sounds like a way for people to justify sexual promiscuity, no matter what your opinion about premarital sex for religious reasons. I do not believe in premarital sex and my husband and I have a wonderful, intimate, loving, fulfilling, healthy sex life. I had zero experience until him and neither he nor I regret it for a moment. Nor do I feel as though I am missing anything. In a committed relationship, sex is just as much about your feelings for your partner as it is about the physical aspect of things; it's got nothing to do with how practiced you are.
    Good for you. Some people value good sex as an important aspect of a strong relationship, though. It's nothing to do with being promiscuous, not that there's anything wrong with that outside of a relationship. It's about exploring every aspect of your partner and finding out if you're truly compatible.



    Studies posted on sites that promote abstinence and marriage aren't likely to be biased at all...:laugh:

    Where does that leave those of us that believe marriage is in antiquated and pointless institution? We should just never have sex because we don't feel the need to have a piece of paper that means nothing but says we've committed ourselves to one another?