Once I got dumped for



  • bump
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I got dumped for talking to other guys. I guess he couldn't take me talking to other guys.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I once got dumped for "liking" another guy's status on facebook.

    Yup. I got dumped because I put a smiley face (ya know, one of these little innocent things: :smile: ) on a guy friend's very normal, non-suggestive picture on MySpace. He said it was "disrespectful to him."
  • I once got dumped for "liking" another guy's status on facebook.

    Yup. I got dumped because I put a smiley face (ya know, one of these little innocent things: :smile: ) on a guy friend's very normal, non-suggestive picture on MySpace. He said it was "disrespectful to him."

    That is pretty ridiculous
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    My most recent boyfriend dumped me the first time over text message. Then my dumba$$ got back together with him a couple months later. The 2nd time he dumped me was in front of my parents. I chose to go to dinner with my parents and a male family friend who was in from out of town over sitting at home with him. I told him he could come to dinner with us. He was threatened by the family friend. I guess he was afraid I'd sleep with the guy at dinner on the table in front of my parents LOL!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    I have to laugh. This one guy I dated for a couple months decided to dump me. His reason? There was something about me....he didn't know what it was, though. Guess it was just as well. I don't think I would have wanted to be dating a guy who was trying to figure out what it WAS about me. :laugh:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Just remembered a guy I broke up with. He kept accusing me of cheating on him. No matter who I talked to he said I wanted that guy. Found out he was cheating on me the entire time with my best friend!! WHo by the way cheated on him with his best friend, dumped him and she married the best friend lol Oh it gets better! She ran off on her husband. Just left a note that she wanted a divorce because she realized she was a lesbian and she went into the army lol
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    not being "amazon" enough(after like a year) yea i'm 5'1" and nowhere near amazon. why waste my time in the first place xD
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    not being "amazon" enough(after like a year) yea i'm 5'1" and nowhere near amazon. why waste my time in the first place xD
    What does being amazon even mean?
  • ericaknight95
    ericaknight95 Posts: 127 Member
    I wouldn't send him topless photos, he didn't realize I was a "good girl." :ohwell: :huh:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My husband just reminded me of this guy I dumped when he and I had just met. I was dating this one guy for 8 weeks and just was not attracted to him. I was trying to come up with a reason to break up with him when he called me asking me why I went to the gym after I had told him I wasn't going out. First I said well I changed my mind and decided to go work out. Then I said wait what??? How do you know my car was at the gym? He said I followed you. OMG he was stalking me and admitted to it. So I broke it off. Then i dated my now husband but stalker ex kept calling me. One night he called while my now husband was over the house and he asked me why I didn't want to see him anymore. After all, his court ordered psychiatrist couldn't understand it. I said wait what? Court appointed shrink? He said yeah I stalked and harassed an ex and the judge ordered me to see this shrink. Oh ok i said.. ummm if you need a reason why I don't want to see you anymore I can get "him" to tell you right now. He said well I'm calling from the payphone around the corner from your house and I don't have any more change to put in the payphone so I have to go now. That was the last time he ever bothered me lol
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Unfortunately I only dumped him 4 years and two kids later, but my ex, when we were dating, told me that he had gone out with lots of better looking women, but he liked my personality! HOW was that not a dumping signal right there??? I hope I'm not so blind now! (Not that it matters, my sweetheart and I are celebrating 20 years this February!)

    Once I dated a guy who wouldn't let me hold his PSP because he thought I would drop it and break it. I'm not even kidding. And I stayed with him after that! People put up with a lot of crap and have no idea how bad it is until it's over.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I once got dumped by a guy while we were doing it. Both of us in bed naked and in the middle of sharing :blushing: he announced he was engaged and getting married in a couple of weeks. Of course I was to blame because in his words how could I not know because after all there was a wreath on the front door. I met up with my best friend at a bar afterwards and told her what just happened so we went to a store and bought eggs. Yup we egged his house and his cars lol. 2 dozen splattered all over his corvet lol
  • I once got dumped by a guy while we were doing it. Both of us in bed naked and in the middle of sharing :blushing: he announced he was engaged and getting married in a couple of weeks. Of course I was to blame because in his words how could I not know because after all there was a wreath on the front door. I met up with my best friend at a bar afterwards and told her what just happened so we went to a store and bought eggs. Yup we egged his house and his cars lol. 2 dozen splattered all over his corvet lol

    Good idea, I'll keep that in mind for my next breakup
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Being "too sexual" I'm not even sure what that means...
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    Being "too sexual" I'm not even sure what that means...
    never been broken up with but I get this alot too..
    even my current boyfriend, thinks i'm intimidating cause I want to do it everyday

    We're in our 20s! Is this so wrong?
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member

    Or men without a nice smile.
    SO important
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Another "not what for", but "how"... My then-husband of 11.5 years CALLED me from 2500 miles away (he had been away on assignment for a few months) and announced that he wanted a divorce. (Although things had been 'stressful' in our marriage for a while, we had never even discussed divorce prior to that.) He had 'met someone'. She was everything that I was not. Young - and blonde - and skinny - and she had a belly-button ring. He then proceeded to tell me "She's wonderful - I think you'll really like her! She'll be a great step-mom to our son!" :noway:

    It has been several years. I am happily re-married, and would not trade my life now for anything - but it's amazing how long those wounds take to heal. There is just something about being so utterly rejected by the one person who is supposed to love you the most... and being replaced by someone who is very much your opposite. His words still ring in my ears every time I look in the mirror - at my wrinkles, my dark (and slightly graying) hair, my 'squishy' body, and my flabby stomach which will never see a bellybutton ring. I just have to remind myself that those wrinkles have come from the last several years of joy and laughter that have entered our home since he left and took his 'craziness' with him, and the graying hair comes from parenting the amazing son that he also left (and I have the honor of raising). The squishy body and flabby stomach are mostly due to my own choices and lack of action, but am confident that my current husband loves my heart and my mind - and no bellybutton ring could ever make him love me more. :blushing: It saddens me to think of all of the great things in life that I would have missed out on if I had never gotten that phone call that morning.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i was once dumped for being a "stupid head." then i pushed her into the sand box.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    i was once dumped for being a "stupid head." then i pushed her into the sand box.