Once I got dumped for



  • bellydancer124
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    I was raised as a JW. Trust me, he did you a favor. :tongue:

    But, yeah, as others said, they don't believe in hell, so he apparently wasn't a very good JW. :huh:
  • GodzillaR35
    GodzillaR35 Posts: 73 Member
    A week after dumping a girl for being psycho,i came home one night,parked in my garage,went up the stairs and she was in my bed,later found out she broke into my house while I was at work
  • wildfirediva
    I have been dumped for being too thick (fit 150).

    I have been dumped for being too skinny (at the time I was well over 170, I am 5'2")

    I have been dumped for being too similar (we had too much in common). The woman he left me for and later married and had 2 kids had a known history of mental illness and it made for a very troubled marriage and ended with her cheating on him and trying to kidnap their daughter. He divorced her and told me that he should have known then but wasn't willing to see it.

    I was with a guy through his deployment in Iraq. He comes back, and within 2 months he tells me he can't do us. And I never heard from him again.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    I dumped a guy in college for having red hair. Not on his head but...well you know. Very shallow but it freaked me out and I could not overcome it. (long story but when I was in 3rd grade a little boy with red hair followed me everywhere and creeped me out and made me afraid of red heads).

    FWIW, my mom has red hair and my son does too. I am totally over it now.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Jesus. Dating me strayed her from the church.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I was told three days after my daughter was born that we were getting a divorce weather I liked it or not.
    Found out he got another women pregnant, and had to divorce me, to marry her, to do the HONORABLE THING!
    Wife Number 2 cheated on him. From what I hear a number of times, and he caught her in the act.
    Now he is a perfectly normal human being and we are friends.
    Never underestimate Karma was the leason I learned from that.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    A guy cheated on me and ended up giving me an STI...then dumped me because he didnt want to catch anything off me...erm how about not sleeping around you dirty b*****d?!?!?!

    No great loss though :-)
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Never been dumped :smokin:

    LOL. . that's because you "just break up" over a hangnail. . :laugh:
  • TMcSter
    TMcSter Posts: 69 Member
    I wish I had time to read this right now. I'll have to come back and add my 2 cents. :laugh:
  • oceansblue205
    not being fat enough.....I couldn't do anything but laugh at that.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    some idiot told me he didn't like that i laughed so much - - it was a big turn-off for him......smh. Excuuuuuuse me for being a happy person and laughin at my own jokes when nobody else will.....lol

    DUDE......it's not like i was laughing when you pulled your pants down or something
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    i got dumped for a pack of Now & Laters...
  • perfecting_emptiness
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    I just LMAOed so hard and the smiley after it really set it off
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    because his girlfriend found out. LOL

    ( i didn't know either)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I got dumped because I got fat and apparantly insane. He was a jerk anyways and more then likely the cause of my insanity.

    Good news is I met my now Husband and he loves me for Me. I found it so much easier to deal with and lose the weight with him. Plus he thinks I am perfectly normal.
  • oceansblue205
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    That is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ESPECIALLY unbelievable since JW's don't believe in hell........ :huh:

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in hell fire. If he said this to you, it might have been that he was still learning their beliefs and was confused, or you misunderstood him. They do however, follow the Bible's teaching to abstain from sex until married (or to start abstaining, if previously sexually active, once a person decides to follow the Bible's teachings), which happens to be safer physically and emotionally...no unwanted babies for a single-parent, or STDs, embarrassment, regret, etc.


    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage. Plus this completely skips "contraception" and "safe sex"... you just jumped from "abstinence" to "AIDS BABIES." STDs, unwanted children, and all those other wonderful things you slapped across "premarital sex" are easily avoided with SEX EDUCATION.

    Not to mention it's incredibly heteronormative to think that marriage is the only way someone can have a healthy, committed relationship.

    If you're going to believe something, fine. But make sure you're believing it for VALID reasons, hm?

    I never said it was the ONLY way to avoid those things, but was simply pointing out there are positive aspects of choosing to abstain until married and if someone chooses that for themselves, they should not be chastised for it. I never put down someone else's beliefs in my post. I also never said if they were or were not my own beliefs, but was clarifying that the intial posting was inaccurate about the belief of Jehovah's Witnesses. Have a great day!

    Sorry, that was a royal "you"--not you personally, but anyone who would espouse those thought processes.

    You didn't point out that those were "positive" aspects... you explicitly said "safer," a comparative term that means what you wrote is better than premarital sex, which isn't an objective truth. Actually, all of the things you just responded with you DIDN'T initially say. Perhaps you should actually say what you mean then instead of grouping things generally and continuing misinformation that has resulted in so much "abstinence only" failures :)

    Thanks for the passive aggressive "Have a great day" though! :D (This is passive aggressive too!)

    I'm a Jehovah's Witness and yes, we do not believe in hell fire. Also, having sex is a sin if you are not married or if you are married and having sex with someone else besides your mate, you are committing adultery. It is funny how this system of things, which is currently owned by Satan, says it is okay to fornicate and commit adultery. The Bible states that it is wrong. This is Jehovah God's law, not man. Duh! Read Revelation 12:9.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I've been dumped a few times but can't think of any crazy reasons why. But after my divorce, I dated a guy about 10 yrs younger than me (total ego boost - I was in my 30's, he was in his 20's & we met at the gym-ha!) Anyway...called him one day and asked what he was doing. When he replied "chillaxin" I knew then it was never going to work out and dumped him immediately!
  • sjiphone
    sjiphone Posts: 67 Member
    Back when I was 16 I was dating a guy (also 16) who dumped me for his Aunt who was at least 25 years older than him. The whole incest thing just grossed me out.
  • Brianna72994
    I dumped a crosseyed girl once... she was seeing someone else.

  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Was dumped for not being hot enough many times. I've dumped a couple guys cuz I was noticeably taller than them, I can't handle that being 6 feet tall.