How does alcohol factor into weight loss?



  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    You won't lose!!!

    That said, I do treat myself with the occasional white wine spritzer, a big difference to the ton of beer I used to drink!!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I've chosen to pretty much stay away from alcohol for a couple of reasons - at 42 being a big party animal is even less attractive then it is in your 20s and my social circle are HUGE party animals. Right before I started this I spent 2 weekends in a row drinking until I was sick - it was my lightbulb moment and so now I am 42 days in and have had 2 glasses of red wine the entire time. For me this is a BIG deal, I love my wine, I loved to drink, my social life revolved around it.

    I'm going out this Friday for a nice meal and I will have a couple of glasses of wine though and I will enjoy them. But it'll stop at a couple of glasses.

    Plus, like others have said, I want to eat my calories, not drink them. So now booze has become the rare occasion as opposed to the regular attraction it used to be.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    However I will just mention, back when I was like 18/20

    Ooh, hang on. I was eating KFC three times a week and downing 2x 600ml cokes a day at 20, and was very small. Your metabolism at that age is a mighty mighty beast. That info is only valid really for those in that tiny age bracket.

    Oh yes I definitely agree that age plays a part in it, which is why I mentioned my age I did this in my post. But from what I have read online I don't think metabolism slows down too much as you age (although a whole lot of people do report weight loss being more difficult when older so maybe not able to prove that with science?).

    But I was overweight when I did this and was doing weight watchers. I couldn't eat KFC all week and stay tiny. But I could get away with drinking and dancing my weekends away and still lose weight while being very good during the week.

    In no way am I saying people should actually do this as it's not a very healthy lifestyle, I'm just sharing my personal experience.

    As many others have said, I now much prefer to eat my calories!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    alcohol calory called empty calory It is like simple carb but has no benefit to your body. It is harmful to you skin as it increase free radicals.
    I just can tell you super models avoid drinking alcohol and sugar.
    You'd better give it up.

    Yup, supermodels are a beacon of good health.

    You'd better start smoking Marlboro Reds too if you want The Look. ;)

    Alternatively, just enjoy what you enjoy but recognise if it compromises your goals and adjust.

    Bleeding supermodels ... mwhahaha!
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    If you want to have a drink with mates at the weekends, or even Thirsty Thursdays :wink: then go ahead! As long as you don't go over your calorie allowance, then why not. Sure, you'll feel *kitten* the next day, and might not be able to have greasy hangover-curing food (I still manage a cheeky bacon sandwich sometimes, if it fits my cals) but people who aren't counting their calories feel exactly the same way.

    Yes, alcohol contains a LOT of calories for barely any nutritional value, but if you restrict *everything* where's the fun?! Mindful choices, like vodka lime n soda, or gin n slimline tonic will definitely help keep calories low.

    I wish cider was low in calories...:drinker:
  • this is deffo my downfall too... the day after drinking sessions i always have to have crappy greasy food :-(
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I used to be a BIG drinker, I'm talking perahaps 6 pints followed by God knows how many double vodkas with full fat Coke, maybe 3 or 4 nights a week... and I was slim. Like 105lbs slim. So for anyone saying booze makes you fat they don't know diddley-squat, it just doesn't make you healthy.

    **however** At the time I had a very physical job, I most likely walked about 6-8 miles every day and was lifting heavy boxes all the time. I ate like a beast too :blushing:

    Then I changed jobs, sitting behind a desk every day and still eating as much, though I did change from beer to wine I would still drink waaaaay too much, and as a result of being inactive I gained over 90lbs. I now have a very different view of booze, especially since starting MFP. I feel now like it is empty calories that make you eat more recklessly. But dagnammit, I still have a drink, I just try and keep it to the weekends and try not to have snacks in the house so I don't succumb to the full family bag (or two) of Kettle Chips.

    Moderation is the key word. Don't avoid food just so that you can go crazy on the drink or you'll feel like crap and then eat afterwards. If you know you're going out at the weekend then make sure you save enough calories over the course of the week to have food AND drink on the same day - CHEERS! :drinker: :drinker:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    well i work my butt off hard during the week, and i let loose on the weekends, it works for me.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    My mom and I eat the same thing all the time...she drinks wine every day, I don't touch it...she took 100 pounds, I lost 22..end of story! :wink:
  • Since I started drinking about once a week, I have gained about 60 lbs. Back when I started drinking, I didnt diet or exercise, so I gained a lotttt of weight really quickly, and now I'm working on losing it again through diet and exercise. I still like to drink almost every week, but I am more concious of what I eat with it. Instead of taco bell runs, I will just put a clif bar or something to that effect in my purse and it's just as good, and I've learned to give myself a few hours in the gym the next morning to sweat it out.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Well, It's taken me 8 months to lose 25 lbs. If I didn't drink as much as I do... I would have doubled that weight loss.... But I like to drink. lol So, Its one of those things I'm unwilling to give up. I think it depends how much you drink. You should prob add up the amount of calories you consume per WEEK, and see how much over your weekly Calorie limit you will be. For me its quite a bit.

    So, with that said... In my opinion, You can still drink, but you def need to up your workouts and would prob have to still cut food totals to make up the difference. ORRR, you can do like I do, and do nothing different, but expect it to take longer to lose the weight. Orrrrr You can give it up completely and/or move it to one time a week. All your choice :)
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    For some reason I always weigh like 2 pounds less the morning after I've been drinking.. something to do with dehydration I'd say.. You should drink something low cal like vodka and diet lemonade :)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I think you can cut down the calories by adjusting what you drink...

    Red wine, gin with soda rather than sugary tonic, whiskey on the rocks, rum on the rocks...
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    The alcohol is not the problem, its the drunk cravings and hangover burgers.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    This will definitely stall your progress. Try to limit your intake as much as possible.
  • esl269
    esl269 Posts: 29 Member
    I think the worse part is, no matter how much I drink, I never feel as good the next day, and that makes it a lot harder to run or lift.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If you have enough calories left, then go for it. I drink 2-3 times a week. I work out extra hard and eat a bit lighter on those days. It has worked just fine for me!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    simple answer, alcohol doesn't figure in weight loss. You drink you gain weight. lol
  • It greatly does, especially if you drink more than once a week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    Here is a good article on how alcohol effects weight loss/fat loss.