Food "traps" at work and how to cope

Okay so I have been "back on track" for two weeks and I think I am doing really well until it comes to Friday when my job insists on ordering lunch for our staff. Of course they don't order the "healthy" doable lunches that would allow me to eat and not feel guilty but instead they bring in all kinds of high calorie sweets and snacks. The lunches are usually very high in calories and carbs and of course even the smallest amount goes against what I have planned. Yeah I know that I could pass and choose not to partake but honestly it is really hard. I am now trying to figure a way to enjoy lunch with me co-workers but also not fall into this trap every friday!!!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Why not bring your own food and then simply enjoy eating WITH your coworkers....but not eating what they are eating? Or eat a smaller portion and fill the rest of your plate with veggies or fruit that you brought? Or plan lower calorie meals for the rest of the day so you have a larger calorie budget for Friday lunch?
  • I started bringing food with me to any work meetings that involve eating. It's not easy and I have heard some negative comments about it from co-workers, but it has been my only solution. And IMO if they can't support you in eating healthy that is their problem.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    Back in the day when I worked in the office, I asked for alternatives to suit my life style in eating. They did accommodate me and were nice about it too. Have you tried speaking with them?
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Why not bring your own food and then simply enjoy eating WITH your coworkers....but not eating what they are eating?

    I like this idea. This is what I do, instead of finding something to eat in the cafeteria.

    I work at a hospital, that is always chanting healthy eating and exercise. However, they are constantly having bake sales, popcorn sales, chili dog sales, etc...etc...etc... They don't seem to know what healthy eating consists of. :laugh: I haven't participated in these sales in a long time, though.
  • Someone once told me to pretend that somebody sneezed on all the food and since it is cold and flu season (at least here in Michigan) it is quite possible that someone did! Just the act of picturing all those germs on the food makes it seem way less attractive to me. In my office, all the sweets and treats are kept in the library so I avoid the area as much as possible. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    That is very hard! I always tried to bring my lunch to work so I would guilt myself into eating the more healthy option, but sometimes that doesn't work very well, haha.

    Maybe try to allot some extra exercise or eat a lighter dinner to make up for what you're eating for lunch? Modify the lunch you're getting from the office-- taking cheese off the sandwiches (I've found that in most cases, cheese doesn't make a ton of taste difference when you have a sandwich with a lot of toppings), one slice of pizza without adding the garlic sauce, just taking smaller portions. Maybe you could start a new trend and suggest places that have healthier, but still tasty, options.

    Hope you find a way to overcome this!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Try eating a much smaller breakfast on Fridays leaving you some extra calories, or try to eating one of the things they bring by adding it into your calorie allotment for the day, just eat your favorite one and you won't feel like you deprived yourself.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    We have "Food Friday" here, when a different employee brings in lunch for everyone each week. I never know what I'm going to have, so I make sure I've got a better option on hand in case it's something I don't want, don't like, or don't want to spend calories on. So far, it has worked out very well.

    Also, since the owner of the company provides dessert on that day, I make sure I allow for a few calories to take a mini portion of whatever he brings in (basically I try for about four or five fork-fulls). That way, I can enjoy it and pay him a compliment on it when I thank him. This works for me because my diet is not so restrictive that I can't work those calories off, as long as I plan for them.

    Edited to add: I have been doing MFP this way for sixty-five days, and I have dropped 24.5 lbs. I think this is working for me! ;)
  • esl269
    esl269 Posts: 29 Member
    I work at a hospital, that is always chanting healthy eating and exercise. However, they are constantly having bake sales, popcorn sales, chili dog sales, etc...etc...etc... They don't seem to know what healthy eating consists of. :laugh: I haven't participated in these sales in a long time, though.

    I work at a hospital, too, and we seem to have a lot of pizza parties and they bring in donuts everytime someone comes or goes. Always blows my mind...

    I just pass. I bring a lot of snacks and people know I eat healthy. They expect me to pass on it, so it's not too hard to do.
  • SweetPeezy121
    SweetPeezy121 Posts: 6 Member
    I have tried to suggest some healthier choices (to no avail) and because my office is not near anything, the only alternative I have is to bring in something healthy and endure the snide comments lol. I know a lot of it is my own willpower which I definitely struggle with when it comes to good food. But anything worth having (weightloss) is worth working for!!!
    Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions!! :wink:
  • Why not bring your own food and then simply enjoy eating WITH your coworkers....but not eating what they are eating? Or eat a smaller portion and fill the rest of your plate with veggies or fruit that you brought? Or plan lower calorie meals for the rest of the day so you have a larger calorie budget for Friday lunch?

    This ^^^^^
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I know they have food for you and that is nice but they can't force you to eat it. I have to agree with others and bring in your own food and enjoy eating with them not with what they have. I'd rather offend someone by my eating what is making me healthy than to appease the masses. It's my body and I'll do what I want when I want.
  • That is very tough to deal with. When I used to work in an office, most of the staff would go out to eat EVERY DAY! I absolutely could not do this (#1 I think its a waste of money and #2 going out to eat increases the temptation to eat poorly and over caloric alloted amount for that meal). I felt "left out" a lot because i did not participate in these lunches. I allowed myself to go once a month..only if they were going to a place where I could have a healthy choice. You will definitely have "snide remarks" but I think if you are persistent..others will follow your lead and bring healthier options on that day as well...soon you will have a few people on board and you will not only feel supported...but have healthier options from the ones making an effort! And to deal with the snide remarks..I would just say "I am trying to make healthier choices for my life right now, so I would appreciate your support and not to be teased about my efforts."
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    Why not bring your own food and then simply enjoy eating WITH your coworkers....but not eating what they are eating? Or eat a smaller portion and fill the rest of your plate with veggies or fruit that you brought? Or plan lower calorie meals for the rest of the day so you have a larger calorie budget for Friday lunch?

    ^^^ THIS ^^^

    I also second the suggestion to remove the cheese from sandwiches, using no mayo/fatty condiments, etc. You can cut some calories back that way, and then just make sure that your workout that day is a planned large calorie burn, like cardio. I've learned the hard way that it's a lot more fun and less stressful to just try to make things work for you instead of against you. It's all in the little details. After you practice those principles for awhile, they become second nature.
    I work at a hospital, that is always chanting healthy eating and exercise. However, they are constantly having bake sales, popcorn sales, chili dog sales, etc...etc...etc... They don't seem to know what healthy eating consists of. I haven't participated in these sales in a long time, though.

    I work for an insurance company that is all about giving us incentives to eat well and exercise, and then the same thing happens. Someone is always bringing in bagels, donuts, pie, sweets, etc. Oye. I was glad today that when the big bowl of Halloween candy came out, there were a couple of mini Special Darks for me. :)
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    It's not easy! Especially when the other employees take it personally that you're not eating the food they picked out for everyone. Sometimes it's possible just to have a little. Like on Greek day I had a little salad with feta and tomatoes, or on hot dog day, ONE hot dog is okay (but I have to take it super easy on snacks the rest of the day and watch my intake closer, because it's not filling).

    I second bringing your own food and if they ask questions or seem annoyed, just politely say, well, this is what I CAN eat, and I'd like to eat WITH you, so this will just have to do. If you're asking for how to say no to the fatty foods, well... I have trouble with that myself and have very little good advice, besides just not looking at it and saying no.
  • cznutz
    cznutz Posts: 30 Member
    Obviously the best solution is to bring your own food. But if you didn't, try looking up the calories and fat of what you are wanting to eat before you eat it. I do that sometimes when I'm tempted to get something quick from a fast food joint. When you see that the snack or sweets are 500 cals or above, you might not be as tempted to eat it.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    Or plan lower calorie meals for the rest of the day so you have a larger calorie budget for Friday lunch?

    I would go for this. Plan lower calorie meals for the day before / after / for the rest of that day, so you have a larger calorie budget on Friday.
    Also, would you be able to increase your exercise around those days?

    This is pretty much the best way to cope without upsetting anybody.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I have dietary restrictions (Celiac) so I always bring my own food and eat with the group, They try to accommodate me and I refuse every time. Same with diet. Bring your own and socialize. Let them know that it looks wonderful but you would rather just hang out.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Can you give us some examples of what is typically served?
  • rambi1
    rambi1 Posts: 3 Member
    There are already some great suggestions posted. I recommend setting your boundaries/an eating goal and sticking with it. Have an alternative with you in case you can't stick to your plan with what is provided. Bring a salad to have firat and then a smaller portion of the entree. Advocate for yourself and suggest some healthier options for the group. This quote helps me a lot:
    In times of doubt, close your eyes and imagine ourself a year from now. Then get back to work