Any Grad School Students?



  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    On that note, its 10:45pm and I'm working on one of my papers and planning on being in bed by midnight. All my non grad school friends are heading out to the bars haha

    Hahahaha! I had a bunch of people ask me to come out this weekend and I had the urge to create a meme. "Silly non-grad students. Weekends are for homework!" Its all I could think about yesterday... all the homework I have to finish this weekend. I am about to call it a night though...
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    Law school here! Glad to see other students :)

    Law school! Impressive. Do you have time to work or socialize? Legit question! I hear horror stories a lot.
  • I'm in my final year of law school and doing a clinic where I have actual clients this year, along with a freelance editing job on the side. I've gained weight pretty steadily since starting school. For me it's not a matter of lacking time if I'm honest with myself, but using my free time poorly since I get so mentally exhausted. I'm trying to watch TV shows on the elliptical instead of crashing on the couch!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    soon to be grad student.. I don't 'work' full time but I am a full time mom.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    On that note, its 10:45pm and I'm working on one of my papers and planning on being in bed by midnight. All my non grad school friends are heading out to the bars haha

    Hahahaha! I had a bunch of people ask me to come out this weekend and I had the urge to create a meme. "Silly non-grad students. Weekends are for homework!" Its all I could think about yesterday... all the homework I have to finish this weekend. I am about to call it a night though...

    This is actually one of my first weekends doing homework on a weekend night, I'm normally much better time managed but this semester has been really project and paper intensive right at the end, which is worse. Once I finish this test assessment and critique paper I have to crank out a group therapy treatment manual and then a case write-up (essentially a full blown psychological testing evaluation write up) and then I can officially call my semester DONE on Dec. 4th! But I'll be on to my masters paper then haha.

    However, most of my friends don't understand when I say, I can't stay out late because i need to wake up early to do homework, or when I roll out of bed at 8am on a weekend so I can knock work out. I'm just SO ready to be done its not even funny.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member

    Bahahaa. Master JennyBaby. ;)

    I haven't looked much into Developmental Programs... we don't have one near by. I should look into it though! I did a lot of Developmental Psych in my undergrad. I mean, the issue with getting my PhD is I'm limited. My husband and I are pretty settled and don't want to move. I mean, if a chance came along we could definitely move (we own a duplex, so it's easy enough to rent out our side)... but I'd rather not. My family is here and his family is close enough. *sigh* Husbands. They ruin all the plans. ;)

    Oh, boys, how they mess everything up!
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm in my final year of law school and doing a clinic where I have actual clients this year, along with a freelance editing job on the side. I've gained weight pretty steadily since starting school. For me it's not a matter of lacking time if I'm honest with myself, but using my free time poorly since I get so mentally exhausted. I'm trying to watch TV shows on the elliptical instead of crashing on the couch!

    Oh good idea! And I agree. I get free time each week, but I am so exhausted that I'd rather have Glee Night with my friends and drink wine. LOL. I am getting my Master's in counseling and I start getting a caseload of clients next semester. Scary. I already have a full caseload as a case worker right now. Then in the Summer and Fall I get a bigger caseload of counseling clients.
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member

    This is actually one of my first weekends doing homework on a weekend night, I'm normally much better time managed but this semester has been really project and paper intensive right at the end, which is worse. Once I finish this test assessment and critique paper I have to crank out a group therapy treatment manual and then a case write-up (essentially a full blown psychological testing evaluation write up) and then I can officially call my semester DONE on Dec. 4th! But I'll be on to my masters paper then haha.

    However, most of my friends don't understand when I say, I can't stay out late because i need to wake up early to do homework, or when I roll out of bed at 8am on a weekend so I can knock work out. I'm just SO ready to be done its not even funny.

    Yeah I have a lot going on with finals coming up. YUCK. What a lot! Luckily my professor canceled our last two case write-ups. I hate them. I don't want to do psychological assessments. I only have this literature review, a grand rounds presentation w/ a paper, two (open book) exams and two reflection papers.
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    soon to be grad student.. I don't 'work' full time but I am a full time mom.

    Being a full time mom is more work than working full time! Kuddos to you!
  • dr_firefly
    dr_firefly Posts: 17 Member
    I am a GRA currently and will be GTA next semester. MS in Biology with the focus on Insect taxonomy and systematics.
    Grad school life is much more intense than undergrad. Its much harder to find time for fun stuff.
  • Hi. I work full time and I am pursuing my MBA full time. It is challenging to balance work, school, homework, cooking my own food, exercising and the rest of life. Thanks for your post. Hope we can all encourage each other.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Ex grad student. I finished my PhD a few years ago. It's insane. I was working 18+ hours a day 7 days a week in the last year of grad school to get my dissertation in on time. At my university, they strictly enforced the time limits in grad school for PhD's, and if you're not submitted in 4 years, you lose eligiblity for funding and all that entails. Left very little time for exercise and eating right. Exercise was getting up from my desk, walking to the printer and then back to my desk. I think my diet largely consisted of Red Bull, chocolate and potato chips for about a year because they didn't require me to cook - I could eat them at my desk and keep working. It's a very easy habit to fall into.

    Good luck with it all!
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    I just want to say congrats on all the hard work to all my fellow Graduate Students (past and present). With that, I am heading to bed so I can finish this paper and organize my research tomorrow!
  • I work full-time as a software engineer and getting my M.S. in Computer Science Systems Engineering. Good to see other hardworking, motivated people on here!! :)
  • On that note, its 10:45pm and I'm working on one of my papers and planning on being in bed by midnight. All my non grad school friends are heading out to the bars haha

    Hahahaha! I had a bunch of people ask me to come out this weekend and I had the urge to create a meme. "Silly non-grad students. Weekends are for homework!" Its all I could think about yesterday... all the homework I have to finish this weekend. I am about to call it a night though...

    This is actually one of my first weekends doing homework on a weekend night, I'm normally much better time managed but this semester has been really project and paper intensive right at the end, which is worse. Once I finish this test assessment and critique paper I have to crank out a group therapy treatment manual and then a case write-up (essentially a full blown psychological testing evaluation write up) and then I can officially call my semester DONE on Dec. 4th! But I'll be on to my masters paper then haha.

    However, most of my friends don't understand when I say, I can't stay out late because i need to wake up early to do homework, or when I roll out of bed at 8am on a weekend so I can knock work out. I'm just SO ready to be done its not even funny.

    It is so frustrating when people don't understand! I totally know the feeling you get when people just don't understand that out of class doesn't mean you're done with the school day. For example, I have classes from 9-2 all week and usually for 4-10 shifts, and when I say I can't come in early, stay late, pick up more shifts or even GO OUT AFTER WORK with my coworkers, nobody gets it!! Even if I DON'T have a ton of work to stay up and do that night, I NEED SLEEP lol.

    I'd have to say my biggest pet peeve is when after I turn down an invitation, someone says "It's okay, I have school too". ....... I have to stare at them for a minute after they say things like that. If you want to be hungover for an exam and not have your paper done to turn in on time, have fun. I'll be the one wearing gold on graduation day while you're retaking those classes for the third time..

    I think that once we figure out how to manage time in order to take care of everything and exercise, we'll be the ones who keep up the healthy lifestyles in the long run. The fact that we ARE students who are obviously concerned about how to do it all proves that we have the right outlook. We're able to think about the future instead of 'right now', which means if need be we're able to say no to that brownie even though we want it in the moment.

    Anyway, that was a total ADD rant. Feels good to get it out though haha :)
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    It is so frustrating when people don't understand! I totally know the feeling you get when people just don't understand that out of class doesn't mean you're done with the school day. For example, I have classes from 9-2 all week and usually for 4-10 shifts, and when I say I can't come in early, stay late, pick up more shifts or even GO OUT AFTER WORK with my coworkers, nobody gets it!! Even if I DON'T have a ton of work to stay up and do that night, I NEED SLEEP lol.

    I'd have to say my biggest pet peeve is when after I turn down an invitation, someone says "It's okay, I have school too". ....... I have to stare at them for a minute after they say things like that. If you want to be hungover for an exam and not have your paper done to turn in on time, have fun. I'll be the one wearing gold on graduation day while you're retaking those classes for the third time..

    I think that once we figure out how to manage time in order to take care of everything and exercise, we'll be the ones who keep up the healthy lifestyles in the long run. The fact that we ARE students who are obviously concerned about how to do it all proves that we have the right outlook. We're able to think about the future instead of 'right now', which means if need be we're able to say no to that brownie even though we want it in the moment.

    Anyway, that was a total ADD rant. Feels good to get it out though haha :)

    Get it all out! I couldn't agree more. I messed up my Freshman year in undergrad, then turned it all around and made it out with a 3.5 GPA. Wanted a 3.8, but so far so good in Grad School! I am glad the lightbulb clicked for me.
  • jworb
    jworb Posts: 146 Member
    social work grad student - not working but have an internship/field practicum that is fairly intense on top of classes.

    for time management - I'm STRUGGLING!! my apartment is a mess lol. For those of you that are interested and haven't seen it, there's an amazing lecture on time management by Randy Pausch (author of The Last Lecture and Carnegie Mellon professor)

    It's pretty long, but worth it. The Last Lecture video is amazing too. Very inspiring
  • esl269
    esl269 Posts: 29 Member
    I start my MBA in a few months, after work. Throw in sleep and exercise, and I should have free time again in 2016...
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    I'm on the far side of grad school, and don't envy any of you.
    Granted, I was in one of the top Executive MBA programs in the nation and was basically put through 21 months of HELL...looking back I'm glad I did it, but I'm not 100% sure I would do it again.
    Oh, who am I kidding? I'm making a lot more than I was before I got my MBA. I'd do it again. :smile:
    If any of you want encouragement from someone on the far side of things that can also give coping advice, feel free to add me.

    And yes, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!