

  • Hey! I am set at .5/lb a week. It feels more manageable than 1 lb per week (which I was doing) I am 5'9'' and have about 1500 calories a day.
  • @Thamantha- I hear you on the cheap late night food, I used to be a server and would eat whatever was mess-up and/or go to Taco Bell at 1am when my shift was over. Thank goodness those days are behind me now. Congrats on getting so much walking in and exercising restraint with the pizza. I was a mix of good and bad this…
  • Did pretty good today, was under calories by 79, hehe, there is most likely a rounding error somewhere in there but as long as I am close, that's alright. Also went for a little run/walk, used to run alot more but it has fallen out of favor in the last year or so but I am trying to get back into it. I canceled my gym…
  • @Thamantha- Good job meeting your goal, it's so hard to be good when you eat with family....My dad is visiting this weekend, which usually means a whole lot of eating out and no exercise. I need to figure out how to realign our typical activities while keeping him happy (he's not very active).
  • It is confirmed, our puppy will eat absolutely anything....just dropped a big piece of raw brocolli on the floor. Gone. Bleh! (-: On a positive note, on track to meet the calories for the day (once you consider the mowing earlier)....
  • It is confirmed, our puppy will eat absolutely anything....just dropped a big piece of raw brocolli on the floor. Gone. Bleh! (-: On a positive note, on track to meet the calories for the day (once you consider the mowing earlier)....
  • @Brittonymiller- awesome! Do they have any healthy (or healthier) options at Sonic?
  • Good morning, just finished mowing the lawn. I think boys make a big deal out of it for props and sympathy points....It's really not that bad (and you get to burn off your backside a little). I like to leave the forward autodrive off so that it works my arms more and I have to work harder for it. I was thinking about the…
  • I'm in, I have a really spotty attendance record around here and the bad habit of over indulging in my favorite foods, i.e. japanese, steaks, and pastas, and then binging on salads for a few days and around it goes.
  • I'm up for it! I really need to be pushed to do any strength this would be good for me
  • Hey! Congrats on taking the steps! So I looked at your food diary and did notice a lot processed foods (frozen dinners, chips, etc) and proteins that aren't very lean (sausages, 75% ground chuck) If you need frozen dinners, maybe consider getting the healthy choice or other lean frozen dinners and for the chips, you could…
  • No Pudge brownies....really yummy....the whole box makes 12 brownies at 110 per brownie but you can make a single brownie at a time in a min in the microwave....the whole box runs around 3-4 dollars.
  • I love to slice whole wheat pita bread into triangles and then put it under a broiler to crisp and then serve with the hummus sprinkled with paprika. YUMMM! I have to stop myself from eating the whole thing.
  • elaborating on the cheese idea...low-fat string cheese...the one I've found is 70 calories per stick.