How to get a six pack stomach......really

Hi all

I thought I would tackle another very popular subject, the elusive six pack stomach. We all want them, we all have them, underneath that cute layer of fat. First and foremost, a six pack stomach is not by accident. The beautiful people you see with six pack stomachs are most likely going through a very disciplined lifestyle. This is an absolute must to get your abs to start showing. Not everyone wants a pure six pack stomach, I think that guys are more likely to want this than women. Women want more of the tight and toned abs that you see on celebrities. Either way, here are a few steps you will need to take to get that beautiful mid section.

Step 1 - Sort out your nutrition

The most important part of getting beautiful abs is to take a very good look at your nutrition. The biggest part of getting rid of that subcutaneous layer of fat covering your abs is to lower your body fat percentage overall. This means that you need to eat less and move more. But its not over there. The type of foods you eat matter very much here. Doing a calorie deficit to lose weight generally doesn't require so much scrutiny on the types of foods you eat, but to get that super ripped stomach does require you to eat clean foods. High percentage of lean proteins such as chicken breast, turkey breast and lean fish, healthy fibrous carbohydrates and proper fats are essential. I find that certain foods, power foods really help to blast the fat and make the stomach look super good. These foods include avocados, almonds, grapefruit and broccoli. These foods are consistently in my daily nutrition and I find that since incorporating these, I've noticed a huge difference.

Men need about 9-10% body fat and women about 9 to 15% body fat for the abdominals to start showing.

Step 2 - Work out your abs like any other body part

This is going to be a highly controversial topic because I may contradict myself here a bit. I don't think that crunches are necessary for great abs, in fact I almost say they are a waste of time. Because the most important step is your nutrition and the calorie deficit and the body fat percentage going down. However, it does not hurt to keep training them along with the other muscles in your body. Things such as the plank and leg raises are good to incorporate but remember this, you can do crunches until you are blue in the face and it still won't get rid of the layer of fat covering them. I really recommend you doing some compound exercises such as benchpress, squats, push ups and dips. I find that these exercises, I really need to engage my core to do these in proper form. As a result, I feel my abs working and I feel the soreness afterwards.

Step 3 - Incorporate intense cardio to your routine

As I mentioned before, getting rid of the layer of fat covering your abs is a must. This is not going to go away on its own. Along with the proper nutrition, you will need to do some intense cardio to help with the fat loss. The cardio should be at least 45 minutes and pretty intense, as long as your heart rate is at least 75-85% of your max heart rate, you know that you have got the proper intensity. If you want to step it up a notch, try high intensity interval training. Sprint all out for 20 seconds and recover for a minute and repeat for another 20 minutes. You can also do this on the bike or the elliptical as well. The good thing about HIIT is that you can finish the session in half the time you would with normal cardio. Just remember, don't do cardio alone, you need to also do some weight training and compound exercises with the cardio to help keep the body fat levels down.

Step 4 - Throw out the scales

As you are measuring your progress, do not pay too much attention about your weight on the scale. I see a lot of people on this site who are discouraged at what the scales tell them. And why shouldn't they? Its a number that faces them right in the face, it taunts them, it tells them how much they have NOT lost. In reality, you might be losing fat but gaining muscle. Also, what is important is to measure how many inches you have lost. I would recommend that you invest in a body fat caliper and some measuring tapes to record your progress that way. Try to only see your weight loss on the scale like once a month or even once a week. Remember to lose fat, its max 2 pounds per week. Anything more and you will be losing muscle, not what you want considering what muscle can do for your body, burn calories!

Step 5 - Drink lots and lots of water

I know a lot of you are already drinking plenty of water, but I'm shocked to find out how many can't stand drinking water and substitute juice and soda to get their daily liquids in. Water is going to have to be your best friend if you want those abs. They say 8 glasses a day, but I say one gallon a day is a must. Water really helps with your metabolism and weight loss. A huge majority of women who are overweight retain water like the pacific ocean. If you are always bloated or have that cute jiggle in your belly, its most likely water retention. Seriously, by upping your water intake you will be amazed at how much leaner your stomach will be. I know that it can be a pain because you are running to the bathroom every second, but just think that every time you pee, you are getting abs. Also, if you cannot stand the taste of the bland water, try putting some lemon in it. Not only will it taste better, but lemon can boost your metabolism by 20%!! No more soda or juice, period. Water only. If you have to have your caffeine or other diuretic liquid, make sure you drink even more water to compensate for the diuretic effects.

There you have it, the steps you will need on your way to a six pack stomach. I really hope this gives you some insight, or if this is not news to you, feel free to add to my steps!

See you at the gym.



  • Dellie22
    Dellie22 Posts: 167
    Can you send me this in a message so i can keep it :) (using my phone so can't copy and paste) thanks x
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Very good!!!! bump!
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    I agree 100%!!! Very good post & thanks for sharing!
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    You are so right on every level. Thanks for the encouragement. I have been working hard to get a toned stomach and have been doing just what you have written. It is taking some time though. I notice through taking measurements at the end of every month that my body is slowly getting smaller and more defined ( my arms, stomach ,butt and legs ).
    It is nice to know that I am going down the right path.
  • JenniferLynn77
    great post, thanks!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Can you send me this in a message so i can keep it :) (using my phone so can't copy and paste) thanks x

    You are new, so you probably don't realize that personal messages are purged from your inbox automatically after 30 days to save space--FYI
  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    Thanks. No. 1 and no.3 is very consistant with everything I've read about the nutrition and cardio aspects, and you summed it up well. Thanks for the post.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
  • txbabes1
    txbabes1 Posts: 31
    this is an older post but I want to keep it... bump. :) Thanks for the post!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump