

  • I am totally in! Any weight loss is good weight loss and this totally seems like a healthy goal! :happy:
  • Dairy Queen has quite a few ice cream ideas with low calories!!! Stars & Stripes™ StarKiss® Bar 80 cal Cherry StarKiss Bar 80 cal DQ Vanilla Orange Bar, no sugar added 60 cal DQ Fudge Bar, no sugar added 50 cal I have tried the fudge bar and its actually pretty good!!!! :wink:
  • I couldn't afford a gym membership either, but I was able to go to my local rec center and sign up with them! You can pay monthly or by the year (it was only $25 for the year)! They have a work out room and offer some classes (Zumba, Taebo and belly dancing for $3 a class or $12 a month) That might be the cheeper way to…
  • My daughter I was sooooooo sick and with my son, nothing! :)
  • I am here for ya!!! If you need any ideas beyond P90x let me know! I am doing weight watchers and loving it! I just started a month ago and have lost 13 lbs! This is a really neat site you will learn to love it and there is so much encouragement on here its great!!! Good luck on your journey! Friend request on the way!!!…
  • I am also doing my own version of Weight Watchers and this site! I am glad to find other people doing it as well! I have lost 13 lbs in about 4 weeks! WHOO HOOO!!! Any healthy weight loss is a good thing! I have access to several sites for Weight Watchers that are super helpful to me! If you would like a list let me…
  • I too am a very picky eater!!!! I have started doing my own version of weight watchers and have found several sites that are super helpful and give you everything you need to know!!! I have lost about 13 lbs so far (1 month) and although I watch what I eat, I have not taken a lot of the foods I love out of the equasion…
  • Friend Request on the way! Hopefully you will find all the encouragement you need! This site is really helpful and its great to read the blogs! They are really helpful!!! I too welcome encouragement!
  • I just read a post on AOL a couple of moments ago about plateaus!!! Maybe this will help some....its probably things you have heard about, but still its worth the read!!!…
  • At 16 years old I was diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries and then PCOS diagnosed 7 years ago!!! I have a 10 year old daughter and a 6 year old son!!! It is very possible for kids!!!
  • :wink: PCOS here!!!! Glad to know I am not the only person in the world!!!! I have so many questions about it, but have never asked cause the 2 drs I got the diagnosis from didn't do a lot of answering when I did ask! :ohwell: But I never contributed that to my inability to lose weight! I know when I drop even the…
    in PCOS Comment by MandykinsK1980 July 2010
  • Depending on where you live, Dairy Queen has a Fudge Bar that works wonders! Swiss Miss also makes a lowfat chocolate ice cream bar that is great too! The Dairy Queen bar is super low calorie (like 50 or 60) and only like 1 point on Weight Watchers. For that matter in your grocers freezer the Weight watchers brand deserts…
  • I am not much of a blogger, but the way i am doing it seems to be working! I am trying a couple of different things! Weight watchers combined with this! I have noticed that if I intake the proper amount of points weight watchers recommends, it almost exactly meets my calorie limit! If I work out or anything else, I add…