

  • Mine was at 2200 for a pound a week, I went a few weeks of not losing anything then set it to 1.5 pounds a week and it reduced me to about 1700. If you can handle less calories and need better results try going down half a pound.
  • I had mine set to a pound a week and just changed it because I was allowed 2200 calories and I was eating them including my exercise calories and I have gone 3 weeks without losing anything so I figured I needed to cut some more calories so I changed it to 1.5 pounds a week and I'm hoping that will make a difference.
  • I'm kind of in the same boat. I just had my baby. When I went off birth control I gained 30 pounds before pregnancy and then gained another 35 in pregnancy. The pregnancy weight came off really quickly but it is the 30 pounds I put on before pregnancy and the weight I was carrying even before that I'm trying to get rid of.…
  • I'm there with you! It sucks! Having support really helps though and hearing that others are in the same boat makes it seem easier to stick with it and get under that 200 mark :wink:
  • Love to put in my exercise calories. It says I get 2200 calories to reach my goal of a pound a week so I try not to eat all my exercise calories but I know they are there is I 'need' them!
  • Thanks! I need some ideas to fix my sweet tooth...
  • I could never do South Beach. Weight Watchers was way easier for me, the only thing is that Weight Watchers is a lifestyle change. If you can eat in your 'points' range for the rest of your life then you'll be good. For me the eat healthy count calories diet is the way I'm going this time....that way it changes my bad…
  • Angles are everything!!! The pictures probably weren't good angles. I understand where you are coming from though, I've NEVER been so heavy in all my life. I used to be the 'hot' girl and now I'm the 'heavy' girl. It isn't fun. I'm told you eat right and exercise and eventually you will look like your old self again!
  • Hello Everyone!!! It is nice to meet people in the same boat I'm in :-)
  • My first goal is 40 but after that I have another 30 sooooo 70 total but that scares me so I'm just focusing on the 40 right now :-)
  • I was told to only gain 10 pounds during pregnancy because I'm considered obese but I ended up gaining 35. The 35 though ended up falling off within 6 weeks of having the baby. Since I was overweight to start with I'm starting from that point. The biggest mistake I made was stopping working out for fear it would hurt the…