losing weight just to get pregnant



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I was like that too but I am glad I was over weight when I had my kids. When I look at the damage being pregnant had on my body I Iknow that if I was thinner my body will betotally wrecked. I don't think that losing weight for pregnancy is right. I think that you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to lose weight for you. Yeah you need to be healthier when you get pregnant but as of right now since you are not pregnant focus on you and your body. Good Luck.

    Why would your body be totally wrecked if you were thinner? Not quite sure I understand what you mean there.
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    Hey :)
    I'm here for the exact same thing.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I was like that too but I am glad I was over weight when I had my kids. When I look at the damage being pregnant had on my body I Iknow that if I was thinner my body will betotally wrecked.

    since I had a belly I didn't have much stretch mark damaged =) My friends are jealous about that! Some of them were skinny and have red thick stretch marks. So I don't ever complain about mine lol

    Being overweight or not already has nothing to do with the stretch marks -- you are gaining weight either way! I was overweight when I got pregnant... gained A LOT of weight while pg (mostly water weight though, all but 10 pounds was gone 2 weeks after delivery through no work of mine)... and still had tons of stretch marks. Whether or not you get stretch marks is determined by how rapidly you gain weight and genetics.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I was like that too but I am glad I was over weight when I had my kids. When I look at the damage being pregnant had on my body I Iknow that if I was thinner my body will betotally wrecked. I don't think that losing weight for pregnancy is right. I think that you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to lose weight for you. Yeah you need to be healthier when you get pregnant but as of right now since you are not pregnant focus on you and your body. Good Luck.

    Why would your body be totally wrecked if you were thinner? Not quite sure I understand what you mean there.

    I have really bad stretch marks and I have a "spill over" belly that I never had before. Those are things that will never go away. They don't bother me but they would have been a whole lot worse if I was thinner.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I was like that too but I am glad I was over weight when I had my kids. When I look at the damage being pregnant had on my body I Iknow that if I was thinner my body will betotally wrecked.

    since I had a belly I didn't have much stretch mark damaged =) My friends are jealous about that! Some of them were skinny and have red thick stretch marks. So I don't ever complain about mine lol

    Being overweight or not already has nothing to do with the stretch marks -- you are gaining weight either way! I was overweight when I got pregnant... gained A LOT of weight while pg (mostly water weight though, all but 10 pounds was gone 2 weeks after delivery through no work of mine)... and still had tons of stretch marks. Whether or not you get stretch marks is determined by how rapidly you gain weight and genetics.

    I agree but a lot of people use being pregnant to eat whatever. I was over weight but I had a flat belly and I was curvy. When I got pregnant my son and my so- called excuse to eat whatever really did a number on my belly. It was worth it though. I am a more modest person so I am not looking forward to wearing a bikini some day. I just want more energy to keep up with my kids and to live a longer fuller life.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's definitely one of the reasons I want to lose the weight. I plan on getting married in a couple years and I want to be ready that if we decide to have children right away or even if we do wait a couple years, I'll be in perfect baby making shape... I can continue being healthy, gain a HEALTHY amount of weight, and then have less effort to get off the post baby weight.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Please join our group! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/107503-fit-for-future-families

    me and another woman started a Pregnancy 2010 group last fall, and it took off well, so now there is another group for those looking to get fit before getting pregnant, so that once they do they can transition into the pregnancy group.

    We're almost at the end of our first week - weigh in is on Mondays, to encourage people to stay on track over the weekend.

    I look forward to seeing you all there!
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I don't think that losing weight for pregnancy is right. I think that you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to lose weight for you. Yeah you need to be healthier when you get pregnant but as of right now since you are not pregnant focus on you and your body. Good Luck.

    I have to disagree with this one. I think that losing weight to prepare for pregnancy is one of the first steps in a long line of decisions you make to give your child a good life. Isn't it, in a way, kind of selfish to purposefully get pregnant while very overweight/obese considering you're putting both your and your child's health at risk?

    I plan to get pregnant within the next 4 years and becoming a healthy person both in preparation for pregnancy and for being a mom is one of my main reasons for losing weight. I think planning ahead and making good decisions for both you and your future baby is a great way to start off your life as a mom. And for those of us who dream about being moms, I think it can be a huge positive motivator.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I don't think that losing weight for pregnancy is right. I think that you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to lose weight for you. Yeah you need to be healthier when you get pregnant but as of right now since you are not pregnant focus on you and your body. Good Luck.

    This is completely out of line with medical recommendations to achieve a healthy body weight prior to getting pregnant. While everyone's situation is different, you can't ignore medical advice and basic common sense. Pregnancy is hard on your muscles, joints, skin, hormones, and entire abdominal cavity. Being a healthy weight and in good physical condition is better, when you have a chance to control it.

    Remember, healthy mom gives baby healthy fluids and blood! Seriously, if you have high cholesterol, it travels to the baby too.
  • smalltowncutie82
    I'm kind of in the same boat. I just had my baby. When I went off birth control I gained 30 pounds before pregnancy and then gained another 35 in pregnancy. The pregnancy weight came off really quickly but it is the 30 pounds I put on before pregnancy and the weight I was carrying even before that I'm trying to get rid of. My husband and I want to try for our 2nd baby next summer and I would LOVE to be a healthy weight. I think it is healthier for both the mom and the baby and I'm hoping to feel better the next pregnancy because I'll be healthy! Good luck!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I was like that too but I am glad I was over weight when I had my kids. When I look at the damage being pregnant had on my body I Iknow that if I was thinner my body will betotally wrecked. I don't think that losing weight for pregnancy is right. I think that you are setting yourself up for failure. You need to lose weight for you. Yeah you need to be healthier when you get pregnant but as of right now since you are not pregnant focus on you and your body. Good Luck.

    Why would your body be totally wrecked if you were thinner? Not quite sure I understand what you mean there.

    I have really bad stretch marks and I have a "spill over" belly that I never had before. Those are things that will never go away. They don't bother me but they would have been a whole lot worse if I was thinner.

    Stretch marks never go away, but they do fade. My own are virtually invisible now.

    As for spill over belly, unless you have a medical problem such as stomach muscles separating etc (that happened to a good friend of mine, but it is by no means a common occurrence, in fact it was the only case I have ever heard of) then the spill over belly can definitely be sorted with good diet and exercise. It this wasn't the case, every single woman who had had a baby would also have the spillover belly.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I too am doing the same. I just have not told many people. I dont want to hear the naysayers. I am doing this for me and so that I dont gain a ton this time. My second pregnancy i lost about 25 lbs but that 25 lbs of weight I gained the first time i was pregnant that i never lost. I gained over 60 wiht my first. I dont want to do that again. OOO and about having more girls when your overwieght, I wasnt over weight when I got pregnant with my first and she was a girl but my second I was veyr much over weight but had a boy ;)

    you're very lucky! lol Most of our friends seem to be popping out boys and I seem to miss the boy trains and start the girl train LOL. I love my girls though and I always wanted my oldest daughter to have a sister. I'm just ready for some boys now!! LOL We had agreed that if we were having a boy no more kids. Guess it was meant for us to have more!! LOL

    We actually wanted another girl when I was pregnant with my son. Though I would never change him now. Hes great. I definatelt want another girl next time. Boys (atleast mine is) are insane lol crazy.
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    Just joined! My daughter is 17 months old and I currently weigh what I did when I got pregnant with her. However, this is also the heaviest I ever was pre-pregnancy. So, now that my husband and I want to try for baby #2 I would first like to loose about 30 lbs before Summer 2011 when we start trying again. I'm hoping this time around if I start eating well and exercising before I get pregnant, I will hopefully develop good habits that I will keep throughout and after my next pregnancy. Here's hoping!