So, I'M PREGNANT... Now what?

I've been very pleased with my success since starting MFP a few months ago. But, I just found out that I'm pregnant!!!! So now what? Obviously I know that I can't diet or try to lose wait while pregnant, but I also don't want to gain 100lbs. Should I still keep logging? and if I do, how do I figure out what my calorie goal should be? I plan to talk to over with my OB, but just wondering if anyone has any advice in the meantime. Thanks!


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    When I was pregnant a Dietitian put me on a 2200 calorie diet, however I had gestational I'm not sure what the caloric intake would have been with out that. How long before you see your OB?

    Edited because Spell Check can be crazy :ohwell:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    you need to only eat 200 calories more then what you eat now, and continue to make healthy food choices, you will have a healthy baby. Congrats! kids are amazing little selfish, reckless creatures! :laugh:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    you only need 200-300 extra calories a day when pregnant. so and apple and peanut butter should cover that!

    and in the beginning you may not get all your calories in anyway cause if you get morning sickness you wont have an appitite.

    just aim to make healthful choices during your pregnancy and try to avoid tempting junk food.

    Oh and start taking a prenatal!

    congratulations and hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months!
  • natspoiledbrat
    And continue to workout.........don't overdue it by any means, but stay active, the more active you are the easier the labor will be (from what I hear)............and by the way...........CONGRATS!!!!!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I can't help you much with your calories...but I wanted to say "CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy".....Babies are angels in disguise...
  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    YAY!!! Congratulations!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member

    If it were me I would change my goals to maintenance and then add 100-300 calories (which is the additional calories needed when pregnant/breastfeeding).

    Here is an article from WebMD.

    In the end, definately talk to your doctor to find out his/her suggestion.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I worked out with all but one of my kids and I was fine! Most of my problems with wight gain was only in small part due to pregnancies. It's mostly due to stress eating and medications.

    Idon't know what you're doing now, but definitely keep moving. Wlaking is great and some light weightlifting is good, too. But always ask your doctor first.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Oh yeah and CONGRATS!!!!!
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    I want to agree with only need 200 - 300 extra calories and you can continue to exercise. Don't overdo it, but you should stay active.

    I speak from experience that you don't want to eat too much and stay sedentary. I did that when I was pg with my son and I gained 60 lbs. I just thought...well I'm pregnant, I can eat whatever I want! I lost 30 of it (mostly water weight) right away but was stuck with an extra 30. Then I got pg again when my son was 4 months old (surprise!) and couldn't lose weight then obviously. I made much healthier choices the 2nd time around though and I only gained 26 lbs, all of which are gone all ready and my daughter is 2 months old. But now I'm still stuck with that extra 30 and I joined MFP to try and get it off.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Listen, my doctor is from England and he is appalled at how much American women gain when they are pregnant. Like most have said, you only need to up your calories by 200 and continue your exercise and healthy eating. He said in England some women don't gain anything and less then 10lbs is ideal. I nearly fell over when he said that, but it is true. The whole gain 35lbs is totally unnecessary.

    Oh btw, he says that if a woman is obese when they get pregnant, if they are eating healthy and exercising they may still loose weight.

    Again, not suggesting dieting, but continueing the healthy lifestyle.
  • GirlTenney
    GirlTenney Posts: 33
    Congrats!!!! Everyone has very good advice! Eat healthy and stay active! BUT also take advantage of this pregnancy and eat something really yummy once in a while! :)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Listen, my doctor is from England and he is appalled at how much American women gain when they are pregnant. Like most have said, you only need to up your calories by 200 and continue your exercise and healthy eating. He said in England some women don't gain anything and less then 10lbs is ideal. I nearly fell over when he said that, but it is true. The whole gain 35lbs is totally unnecessary.

    Um... LESS THAN 10 POUNDS? I had a 9 lb, 2 oz baby... that plus all of the other added things during pregnancy (increased blood flow, etc, not to mention water retention) already puts me quite a bit over 10 pounds... and everyone else who has a baby of a average size (which I'm guessing is 7 pounds or so) would be right at 10 pounds at least. Glad he's not my doctor.... I gained a ton of weight during pregnancy (not all due to good decisions... but mostly water weight too because all but 10 pounds was gone 2 weeks after delivery)

    For the original poster... I completely agree with the 100-300 extra calories a day on top of your usual maintenance calories. I have also heard it is fine to do whatever you were doing exercise-wise before pregnancy. The only exception to that is not doing exercise for the abdomen -- crunches, situps, etc. I can't remember if that is all the way through or starting a little later on (and then of course it is impossible anyway later on!) :)

  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    GirlTenny - We should eat something yummy every once in a while anyway - regardless if you are pregnant or not. This journey is a healthier life style not a diet that you lose and then go back to eating unhealthy. Anyone who has lost and maintained, did it by choosing to eat healthy for the long haul.
  • smalltowncutie82
    I was told to only gain 10 pounds during pregnancy because I'm considered obese but I ended up gaining 35. The 35 though ended up falling off within 6 weeks of having the baby. Since I was overweight to start with I'm starting from that point. The biggest mistake I made was stopping working out for fear it would hurt the baby. I just started again and he is 3 months old! I feel like I'm going to die I'm sooooo sore and out of shape. Keep working out and eating healthy and all should be fine, don't worry about putting a set number on how much you gain as long as you are making healthy choices!
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    Listen, my doctor is from England and he is appalled at how much American women gain when they are pregnant. Like most have said, you only need to up your calories by 200 and continue your exercise and healthy eating. He said in England some women don't gain anything and less then 10lbs is ideal. I nearly fell over when he said that, but it is true. The whole gain 35lbs is totally unnecessary.

    Oh btw, he says that if a woman is obese when they get pregnant, if they are eating healthy and exercising they may still loose weight.

    Again, not suggesting dieting, but continueing the healthy lifestyle.

    WOW your doctor is way off,

    I'm in England and I put on about 10kg (about 20lbs) during my pregnancy and that was considered to be at the lower end of how much some women put on and I had morning sickness right up to my due date! You shouldn't try to lose weight in pregnancy as it is NOT recommended as the baby needs nutrition and if you are not providing all the nutrients it needs via food it will be leached out of YOUR body, and this is not good for either you (can cause osteoporosis, anemia and other deficiencies) or the baby (once he/she is born they will need a strong healthy mum to cope with the little feeding/sh*****g and sleeping machine) most women who lose weight in pregnancy do so as they suffer from severe morning sickness (mine was not severe just long lasting if that makes any sense).

    The best thing to do is speak to a medical professional, either your doctor or midwife and they can guide you as too how many calories you need to add if any to your diet.

    congratulations baby's change your world.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I've been very pleased with my success since starting MFP a few months ago. But, I just found out that I'm pregnant!!!! So now what? Obviously I know that I can't diet or try to lose wait while pregnant, but I also don't want to gain 100lbs. Should I still keep logging? and if I do, how do I figure out what my calorie goal should be? I plan to talk to over with my OB, but just wondering if anyone has any advice in the meantime. Thanks!

    You don't need to be prepared to pile on hundreds of pounds, just eat sensibly, get ALL the nutrients you need, cut out any rubbish and by the time you have had your lovely baby, you will probably find you won't have much to lose at all.

    I speak from experience on the other end on this one, my first baby I put on two stone, that wasn't too bad and I lost it all afterwards, however, when pregnant with my second daughter, I adored pasta in creamy mushroom sauce! OMG I can still taste it now, I would eat it nearly every day, stuff stuff stuff, munch, stuff, stuff, stuff, munch munch. I couldn't stop!

    The end result was a 56lb gain at the end of the pregnancy - that's a bloody lot I tell you :laugh:

    So don't do anything like that, stick to sensible eating, do not go on a 1200 calorie per day diet, because the baby WILL take what it needs even if it is to your detriment and could leave you deficient in nutrients which could be dangerous for you.

    Definitely talk to your OB and explain and they will advise you accordingly.

    The very best of luck with your pregnancy, wonderful time, make the very most of it :flowerforyou:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    ...... (once he/she is born they will need a strong healthy mum to cope with the little feeding/sh*****g and sleeping machine) ..........

    :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bahahahahhahahahahah! priceless, love it BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    I can't give you advice on diet cause i've never been preggers - Congratulations btw!

    But, one of my trainer friends was preggers and worked out through the majority of her pregnancy. The only changes she made was being extra careful about monitoring her heartrate and changing up her weightlifting routine.
  • carolstrange0
    I went from 135 to 179 (44 pounds) I ate what i wanted when i wanted. I lost all the weight and back in my regular size by Christmas... June 7 to Dec 25 (6 months), BUT i did watch what i ate after! I was told DO NOT exceed 124 BPM heart rate. while working out! BUT i didnt work out AT ALL!!

    If i were to do it again... I would: Watch what i eat the WHOLE time!! Do what people say and just add 200 calories to my diet. I would DEFFINTALY.... invest in yoga DVD's... Regular/ Pregnate ones... which ever.. i would do those 5 times a week NEVER skipping a DAY that's the main key.. DO NOT skip a day !! take 1 week off before the baby's arrival

    CONGRATZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: