KajunDC Member


  • Don't go too low on your calories for the day. You want to be in a deficit, but too low a deficit will cause you to burn more muscle than fat, which will slow overall metabolism. Definitely never go below 1200 calories - it does really bad things to the metabolism. (One day once in a blue moon is fine, but don't make it a…
  • Well, I think everyone has covered how bad your calorie deficit diet is for your health and metabolism. I would recommend adding a few protein shakes throughout the day to bring your numbers up - very easy and portable and many are quite healthy for you.
  • I've been using P90X/Beachbody DVD's since 12/08 and they are absolutely phenomenal! I used to workout in the gym and got the P90X DVD's to use during a 2 week Christmas trip to Canada where I knew I would not have access to a gym. My plan then was to use them for the 2 weeks and head back to my gym once I returned home.…
    in p90x Comment by KajunDC March 2010
  • I've been using Beachbody DVD's for over 15 months now - P90X, P90X+, Tony Horton's One on One Series and INSANITY by Shaun T. They are absolutely fantastic! Been a coach for them the entire time myself. http://www.beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/kajundc The great thing about Beachbody is that their products actually…
  • Mine is below in my signature
    in Facebook Comment by KajunDC March 2010
  • In a word - no. What little calories they contain are nothing more than empty carbs. You need nutrient dense foods that are lower in calories, not glorified Styrofoam that will spike your blood sugar. Try fibrous veggies for a snack.
    in Rice Cakes Comment by KajunDC March 2010
  • Don't worry about the water. You need to drop fat - the water is inconsequential in the grand scheme.
  • Try calorie cycling, i.e. 3-5 days at a lower calorie range followed by 1-2 days at a higher calorie range. This can help break plateaus. Also try changing up the times of day you eat. Don't eat any closer than 2 hours before going to sleep at night. 3+ if it is a larger meal.
  • Get yourself a quality kitchen scale. I measure using pre-cooked weight.
  • When I was losing the weight 6 years ago I would weigh first thing every morning... but only took the scale seriously one day a week. Weight can fluctuate greatly day to day. (And with your being a female, hormonal cycles will really cause weight fluctuations.) But I knew that if I was going to step on the scale every…
  • My advice would be to start shifting now into a more maintenance mode for a while. Continue to exercise and evaluate how you feel and look in a couple of months. If at that time you feel like your weight is not where you want, then you could always shift back into weight loss at that time. By continuing to exercise though…
  • agree with Taylorgirl. The last 10-20 lbs is always the most stubborn and progress gets very slow! Calorie cycling can help, which is 3-5 low calorie days followed by 1-2 days of high calorie days. That keeps your body from adapting. And you need to eat very clean, no garbage.
  • I shoot for 40/20/40 - Carbs/Fats/Protein. Usually Carbs turn out closer to 50 and Protein closer to 30, which is fine with me.
  • Kajun because I live in Louisiana (It is actually Cajun, of course, but I wanted to make sure it would always be available at any board I went to) and DC because I am a Doctor of Chiropractic.