Px90 or something else

I"ve hearP90X is good workout...how good not sure.Wondering if this is the way to go or does someone have something else that they would recommend?


  • racin65
    racin65 Posts: 21
    P90X is an awesome workout, it's definitely tough but once you start it, you will begin to see results even in the 1st few weeks. I am into the 12th week and I've definitely had very positive results. I am also a coach for Beach Body and you can purchase P90X from me. BeachBody also has a lot of other fitness programs as well, along with many nutritional products. If you are interested go to, http://www.beachbodycoach.com/yesterdayschild. :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • largemocha
    I did the P90X workout for 90 days and then I did another 90 days followed by adding in the P90X Plus workouts.
    I loved it! I lost at least 15 lbs in the first few weeks and following the meal plan can be at times hard, but it will help you stay on course.
    Some of the workouts are tough, but are rewarding. I am still doing the workouts, but have added the Plus workouts to the classic version, for more variety.
    If you do the P90X workout you do need to be able to put aside at least 1 hour a day for the workouts - Good luck!
  • voogoo
    voogoo Posts: 1
    I a in my 4th week of P90X right now and I love it, it is melting fat and I am kicking butt through workouts that seemed impossible just 3wks ago! You really should have some level of fitness before you start though or I think you risk injury going in cold (sedintary). One thing though, you have to commit 6 days a week, 1-1.5hrs a day, you have to be ready to do this or you will never make it. I was skeptical at first but after the first workout I was hooked! I am up at 5am every morning ready to bring it! Don't be intimidated by the push-ups and pull-ups, there is a modification for everything! Good luck...
  • KajunDC
    KajunDC Posts: 14 Member
    I've been using Beachbody DVD's for over 15 months now - P90X, P90X+, Tony Horton's One on One Series and INSANITY by Shaun T. They are absolutely fantastic! Been a coach for them the entire time myself.


    The great thing about Beachbody is that their products actually deliver what they promise (provided you use them) and they have a programs that are great for everyone. I also provide weight loss and nutritional counseling at no charge for those who purchase products through me (this is something I charge my patients for at my healthcare clinic)