Eureka175 Member


  • Let me rephrase that a bit, I think I am more questioning if she is actually following this plan, which is why I asked for clarification - it seems odd to me that a meal plan would have several different types of breads (toast + naan or toast + tortilla) in one meal - not that there is anything wrong with that, I've just…
  • Let me rephrase that a bit, I think I am more questioning if she is actually following this plan, which is why I asked for clarification - it seems odd to me that a meal plan would have several different types of breads (toast + naan or toast + tortilla) in one meal - not that there is anything wrong with that, I've just…
  • Out of curiosity, are you following this meal plan? I took a peek at your diary and if it is following the meal plan then I would question this plan? Also, to me at least, it seems your calorie burns for light walking and light biking are high, personally I would not eat back all of those exercise calories.
  • Since he enjoys baseball, keep at it. My son (9) hates running but loves sports and is very competitive, he enjoys soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, etc. Although he doesn;t enjoy running, he will "practice running" at home in order to be better at his sports. He also loves going for family bike rides, and…
  • In addition to saturated fat, reducing sugar & processed foods can also be beneficial. I only looked at a few days in your diary, but I would be hungry too. My suggestion would be to add some more protein - salmon is great for cholesterol, chicken can be cooked in a variety of interesting ways, how about eggs for…
  • If this truly is the "Hall chart website" op was referring to, then I was unable to find any actual studies cited and was unable to figure out how op came to her conclusions.
  • Op, after clicking on the red links of the halls charts website (as you suggested a few pages back), I found the below. Is this the "research" you are referring to? Just curious. Thanks. "The most common reason that people use these charts is to find out if they, or someone they love, is overweight. While it is…
  • Op, is this the halls website you are referring to?
  • This. IF you have a thyroid problem, raw spinach (among other things) is advisable to avoid. If you lightly steam it, or cook it whichever way you prefer, it is not an issue. Again, this is only for people who do have a thyroid problem. So if you do not have a thyroid problem, you do not need to worry.
  • Here is a recipe for a "crab & go" breakfast: (from chocolatecoveredkatie) Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes to Go (makes 24 cupcakes) 5 cups rolled oats (400g) 2.5 cups over-ripe mashed banana (600g) 1 tsp salt 5 Tbsp maple syrup Optional: ½ - 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips 2 1/3 cups water ¼ cup plus 1 Tbsp coconut oil 2 ½ tsp…
  • Bump - thank you!
  • This is interesting. There was a study a few years ago that concluded aspatame can cause seizures in kids - can't remember where I saw the study, so do not know re: amounts, etc., just found this interesting.
  • Actually you can - its kind of amazing what you can do with them when you really get into them and learn how to use them in the traditional way-
  • It depends on what type of kettlebell training you wish to do - The traditional Russian kettlebells lowest weigth is 8kg (ca 17lbs) and range upward to 70 lbs. I personally use mostly a 25-30lb bell, but for swinging will use a 35 or even a 50lb (I am female by the way) When buying one, I would suggest looking for one…
  • I didn't read your other post, but I get being down and having a rough time - my last few weeks have been rough as well.... That being said, quitting on yourself is counterproductive... the comments you are referring to are from complete strangers on the internet - that is not worth quitting on yourself - it will only hurt…
  • Keep going! You're doing awesome... going to the gym myself now.
  • Yep, mine did that for a few weeks, and then the battery died.
  • Just curious to see if there is a reason for the incredible high amount of fish oil capsules you take daily? Most doctors / dieticians, etc. I am aware of, recommend 1-3 capsules a day max.
  • Sounds to me like she is talking about the treadmill ( or something like that) where she is increasing the incline and holding on with hands, and when decreasing incline, letting go of the the rails.... OOps - meant to quote "johnsonboysg" response.
  • Great story - thanks for sharing! Have you read "Anyway - The Paradoxical Commandments By Kent M. Keith" - if not, you might want to look it up - you might enjoy it:)
  • This pose also gets used in kettlebells - hands are on top of 2 heavy kettlebells (i.e. 50lbs) I can do it for about a second - but would never look as good as you - so no pic:)
  • Hi there I peeked at your profile and pics, and you look like a real fun person to be around! Although I can fully understand your feelings of physical inadequacy, I'm sure you know there is more to a person than their weight. You've already lost 66lbs - way to go! As you loose more and become healthier, I am sure you will…
  • There are some great protein pancake recipees posted in recipee board today. Also, sounds like she might be high in the processed type of carbs - soda pop; fruit juice; 100 calorie packs; breakfast cereal - replacing these with healthier options might help. Good luck!
  • About once a month I like to make a huge pot of marinara sauce (I puree veggies into it as well for kids) - I take some and freeze in small portions for things like pizza (can make on whole wheat english muffins, pita bread, etc.) - brown meat (ground turkey if you'd like) and add the rest of the sauce - freeze some for…
  • I for one thank you for reposting - as I managed to miss this one - so thank you!
  • I second the previous posters suggestion of discussing your feelings with your OB - as for feeling so depressed about the weight gain, it could be normal as you worked hard for it - but it could also be a sign to watch out for Post Partum Depression - this does sometimes show during pregnancy, not just after. My biggest…
  • I find traditional weight lifting boring and a chore - but love kettlebells.
  • I love spin class - I add it into my routine once a week to change it up - love the motivation of other people, and lots of variation. As for the sore bum thing - after a few classes you bum "adjusts" and you no longer feel it.