Virginia90 Member


  • Right now I have pretty bad diarrhea (that I have since 3 days after I was accidentally glutened). The constipation has been an issue before Easter and has been here for a few months now, and I drink a TON of water, eat a lot of fiber, and have no reason (other than a food allergy issue) to be constipated. I drink over 100…
  • I think I've realized the culprit of this last spike at least - inflammation from an accidental glutening on Sunday. =( the rest of the symptoms showed up yesterday.
  • I may look into a new scale, and very consciously watch my salt...and make sure I get enough water. And I think after I weigh in Friday, I'm going to be giving my scale to my neighbor again during the week to keep me from weighing daily...I let it ruin my whole day even when I know better.
  • Yes it is....would it still give my 40lb 4 year old accurate results though? Or would hers stay accurate because she weighs less and the scale doesn't work as hard? lol I could try replacing them either way...
  • My scale stays in the same place...and I usually make my 4 year old stand on it to make sure it's accurate in case it was moved. I'm gonna have to start forcing myself to not weigh daily I does stress me out too much. Is there anyone here who weighs less than once a week? Would that me smart or dumb to do? I…
  • I've been weighing daily for 4 years and haven't seen 10lbs fluctuations before. 3-4lbs, yes. But this has been different...and doesn't go back down within days like it normally does - it goes up and down. I'm asking if this is normal because I'm closer to my goal weight, or is there possibly something else going on? Even…
  • Currently I turn on Pandora onto my "LMAFO"'s not always clean (I use headphones so my kids can't hear), but some of the "worst" songs are my favourite to run or elliptical to...Like "Shots" by it just makes me wanna go faster to match the beat.
  • I am 5'1" and started at 222lbs, and an now at 148. I'm still a work in progress, with another 20-30lbs left to lose. This was when I was at 150 (but about a year ago. I just had a baby 6 months ago and finally back at pre-pregnancy weight of 148 after gaining 50lbs with my pregnancy!!!)
  • Oh wow, I'm not sure how accurate calipers are, but that seems kinda low for LBM. Unless mine is freakishly high. Lol I have no idea what a "normal" amount of LBM is for a woman my size or your size. I just assumed I was in the normal range, and I'm in no way muscular or do any strength training right now. I had a…
  • I'm pro-egg choice. Lol I eat whole eggs in many many forms, and I also buy the liquid egg whites. Most mornings I make myself 2-3 whole eggs with 1-2 servings of liquid egg whites for extra bulk. I miss my chickens though, had to sell them when we moved...I go through a lot of eggs. lol I would never throw out yolks…
  • I'm gonna be honest, it may not be possible for you to get down to that number at your height. I'm 5'1" and my lean body mass is 112lbs. 115 would be impossible for me (even thought it's within the healthy range) because that would be an insanely low body fat percentage (or I would lose lean body mass, which would be bad).…
  • Dang, and here I thought the trick to losing a pound a day is to burn 2000 calories through cardio and not eat. I've been doing it wrong.
  • Yes! I used to have BAD acid reflux! It was so horrible! I would take acid reducers, acid controllers, and long-term term things like Prilosect, and nothing ever worked for me. When I went GF, it disappeared! Now I only get acid reflux if I have too much chocolate or eat fried foods (or accidentally get glutened).
  • Well, my journey is sort of unique. I started in January of 2012. I decided it was time for a change and as cliche as it was, it was a new year and it was my year to do great things. I set myself to eat 1300 calories, plus 200 because my then almost 2 year old was still breastfeeding. I also had spike days about once a…
  • Just tracking calories like everyone else!
  • Thanks everyone! I feel great! I'm smaller than I've ever been! Even in high school I was bigger than I am now! :-D
  • My health has kept me motivated - I want to be healthy and set a healthy example for my family. :) I've been both eating better, and exercising when I'm able to (I've begun exercising more this past week since I'm now more than 8 weeks past my c-section). I started my journey last January, got pregnant that March (but lost…
  • I know! I look like I'm 16 again. LOL I'm only 22 though, so that's not *too* bad I guess.
  • Try making coffee with a french press. Seriously. It'll taste so much better, and you won't have to doctor it up as much. Coffee isn't supposed to be bitter and nasty, and when it's made properly, it's wonderful. I drink mine black with just 2 tsp raw sugar in it. Even my mom is able to drink coffee black with just a…
  • LOL...That made me giggle, but it makes sense why I should be strength would things like wearing a heavy backpack (or my toddler) while walking be considered strength training, or would it be considered cardio, because it gets my heart rate up? Also, what about things like the Jillian Michaels videos? Are…
  • Been through a lot this year. Lost my Grandmother in October, and we lost our second daughter in November 6.5 hours after she was born to a fatal birth defect called anencephaly...despite all I've gone through, I've managed to keep my health on track. I gained a healthy amount of weight throughout my pregnancy, and I'm…
  • Thank you ladies I might just use the 15cal/oz then for my pumped milk, then 200 for what my toddler nurses during the day...I am finding I can't pump as regularly as I'd like with my husband gone back to work, so yesterday I only pumped 3 times for 24 ounces, whereas on a weekend I might get 5-8 pumps in...I just don't…
  • You look amazing!! I lost 42lbs and don't see THAT big a difference in myself at all! Way to go! =)
  • Not to hide things, but I do when I'm when I made s'mores. I calculated that a square open-faced s'more with 3 sections of a Hershey and 1 of those flat marshmellows is 100 calories, but I have been too lazy to add the recipe to my thing, so I have a bunch of random "300 calories" or "200 calories" added in. Lol
  • I'm a "young" mom. I'm 21 with a 15 month old, one due in December, and a 12 year old step-daughter. lol You can add me if you want! =)
  • Thanks! I still have a long way to go once baby is here, but now I'm confident I'll lose the weight!
  • I don't know how to mirror the image so they both face the same way for easier comparison.
  • I wouldn't put the hemp against baby's skin unless you don't mind that it isn't stay-dry like most inners (like BG has a microsuade inside so it's dry against baby's skin), My daughter had really sensitive skin, so we needed the stay-dry in the newb stage. But with fitteds, I find putting the extra insert laid in the cover…
  • Water Your Body is also a good one for andriod - it tells you how much water you need as well based on your weight.
  • Hmm...The last time I wore makeup was my wedding (almost 4 years ago), and it wasn't very much. I just never could be bothered with it much. I've been thinking about buying makeup, but honestly I think I'd forget to put it on. Lol